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Everything posted by xDutchCat

  1. Bro didn't even put me in the quiz, Can't even be bothered on doing it!
  2. +1. I know Mingy from Odessa and he has been trying to be the best for himself and for others within the RP Experience on Diverge. I've been around Mingy for a while now and all I see from him is one of the funniest roleplayers around I've interacted with. The day when he flooded rumour snd got his first ban everyone was laughing because of the message he flooded and he immediately tried to stop the laughing due to his mature selfreflection and he direclty admitted he was wrong and yes everyone had their moment when they don't do everything by the rulebook but Mingy always has been trying to do everything right after that what he did. I've seen him around even when he is in a vehicle with friends or faction members when they are fucking around; He has always tried to keep them out of trouble and has always kept himself out of trouble. He has always been standing out as a hard and dedicated worker and roleplayer even if he is flying under the radar and even if he isnt known by alot of others. He is a great fit to the staff team
  3. The Reason why people do less and less deals via rumour is that there was the increase of undercover cops. Every faction (i hope) has clearly warned their associates in IC channels. People gain and lose their connections over and over again and it's a cycle. They share their connections because a dealer would do this in real life aswell. Why would you go on the darkweb and call a random number you don't know, when your local guy takes a bit of time but he is a trustable source. And yes the pager system doesnt really work or is not even used at all. But it's on the users who share their discords to keep everything on discord OOC and in the server via Radio's and Phones / VC/Chat in character.
  4. Eventhough you have low playtime you're super friendly and trying to help out everyone around. Keep it up. Good roleplaying asset and you've picked up very fast.
  5. Why would they announce they're going to kill you? You wouldn't tell the person you want dead you've sent a hitman after them
  6. When there is a Dons order they don't need proof for inside their faction. Even if they assume you're the guy your death could be ordered anytime.
  7. Hello PKing Administrator here, You were PK'd for Dons Orders by your faction after you refused to follow orders from a mademan. You'll get a prompt before you join a criminal faction that your death could be ordered anytime whenever the Don feels like you're no longer a use
  8. I was in the sit and later talked to Caboose a bit about the metagaming situation and It's vague for me. Yes you're not talking on the clips regarding discord, but it could've been cut out and yes, Audit logs could've shown the proof. The whole situation in general was complete chaos in my opinion since I was trying to figure things out regarding you on your cop character being involved voiding the whole pk. I joined your VC Only because, that I saw caboose in there and I asked if he could join staff channel, someone who ever tried to be funny imitated his voice, i thought it was babytron hence what I said on the picture below. Where you got a total different impression off I guess? I'm not bias at all, I'm trying to help everyone with equal treatment. "Bobo" asked for a higherup and I immediately reached out to Anzati.
  9. I was in the sit with you and I wasn't so sure about the metagaming ngl. Anzati has taken over since you asked for a higherup because to me this was a difficult situation. He'll probably explain why he saw it as metagame.
  10. I literally banned you for One day since you RDM Baited someone before and you got a note from that and not even 10 minutes later you RDM the same person. And now your "wife" joins the server and you're perma banned by the automatic system. (Bro couldnt live with no diverge for 15 minutes) It was only a day my dude. How ironic actually, the whole time when you were on yesterday you were clearly minging around and trolling people around by trying to enter their properties so they would melee you so you could "kill" them.
  11. Idk man. Sounds like a skill issue. Seen cops who run around in circles failing to tase citizens. Adrenaline shots will be OP
  12. Running people over intentionally on the sidewalk is against the server rules, it's not just "crime" I'm not going further in debate with you about this.
  13. Banning Moderator here, I've indeed told you you were going to be banned for a day for that clip alone for THAT intentional VDM. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ixygDZDmLIEZkjVMb/d1337CM27fOs?invite=cr-MSxTbG0sMjMwMjExOTE2LA (this was the clip where I went off banning you for a day) You eventually have explained to me in the dms that this wasnt intentional when this was clearly intentional to me. If you can't control a vehicle, then just don't drive that fast. However I had numerous reports before hand of your exact player model, description and vehicle who exactly matched back to you who was constantly vdmming this one Probationary Officer. (Also after by watching those clips carefully (by slowing them down) I can clearly see you sit in that car driving) After I reviewed that clip, I was in the meantime chatting with Jaecob in the admin chat about the following clips below and he also saw this was you and he has adviced me to ban you for a week since you were lying and about all those vdms. I didn't ban you at all because of this "Attitude" or any intention to "Abuse my powers" I banned you on evidence given by users. If you're being reported your story needs to be backed up by evidence, your word or the logs can't always fully proof you're innocent. You couldn't provide your side without giving me video evidence but your story about you losing the control of your car by going super fast. (which is clearly your problem if you vdm that many people) (screenshot below) (https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ixvgrVSMNpYFP8NGA/d13375ZIq0Qt?invite=cr-MSx2M1QsMTU3NDgyMTI5LA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ixvmSsHoUaiKljKq1/d1337wMKxHe3?invite=cr-MSxpSXEsMTU3NDgyMTI5LA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ixvyNCaPRSxswlTrR/d1337XbLMuL1?invite=cr-MSxzRzYsMTU3NDgyMTI5LA these are the clips from the probationary officer)
  14. thats why there is staff around bro
  15. -1 I'd think its better to gain more Experience first, I don't really believe you're ready to face being a don of a faction. 3 weeks is just not enough playtime imo
  16. I edited my +1 message and I'm changing it to a -1. Downvoting someones application for basically no reason. What do you think with doing that? That your faction has more chance to get accepted? Shows how Immature you guys actually are and very desperate to be accepted. Maybe stick it by running a crew at most but thats basically how far you guys gonna get with this type of attitude Tobins has way more experience than you guys and he is a solid dude. If his faction would get denied this faction should be automatically denied for spitting bullshit
  17. "Hey my name is:"
  18. I mean if you constantly switch dons your faction isnt stable at all. Why would your don give his name or his orders to someone who isnt trustworthy? As don you already need to be careful
  19. -1. 3 days of Playtime and you're to young imo. Low effort application
  20. -1 No playtime. Idk who you are and how you RP, had no interaction with you at all. Your app looks alright
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