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Seasoned Administrator
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Everything posted by Byte

  1. Byte

    Unban appeal

    You have been around this server for a while, you have been in trouble for RDM many times. The ban time for this is extremely generous giving your history. You should also actually take this time to learn about active and idle threats and what escalation is. Neither were followed in this situation and it would appear you have never learned them based on your POs. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  2. At least I made the staff list I guess
  3. Byte

    Im sorry Byte

    We all have bad days. No reason to take it out on others just trying to enjoy their night. Take this time to cool off and come back with a clear head. Let's not start just shooting people randomly from a rooftop again!
  4. You clearly attempted to kill multiple people. Logs show a sporadic shooting of three different people, not a single targeted firing. Just too bad to get the third. Then immediately alt f4d to leave the server and try to hide, not because you were done playing. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  5. While there may not be perfectly solid evidence with a clip, there is enough evidence to build a pretty clear image of what had happened especially with you already having multiple past offenses for this. You know the rules regarding vehicles and you chose to break them again. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  6. Byte

    Gelato's Ban Appeal

    You were given several chances to involve yourself with the RP before staff was forced to take action and you chose at multiple points to not engage in it. You are a more veteran player, you know you must partake in the legal RP if you find yourself in these situations. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  7. Byte

    Ban Appeal

    It is pretty clear you only experienced lag after you had found out you would be punished for your actions. As stated above your actions have consequences and in this case those consequences will be serving the remainder of your ban time. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  8. There’s already mods that support it as well. It’s called Talk Modes. Don’t know it’s still supported or had any updates recently.
  9. Byte

    bolts staff app

    -1 Appreciative that you also wish to help this community, but you don't have the playtime to actually understand and be able to help the community. The application also shows no true effort to give that want to help any real feet to stand on, it feels hollow. Also, you are just way too young.
  10. Byte

    Ban appeal

    Hi, banning admin here! So your ban was actually meant to be extended to permanent but I'll cover why I had banned you to begin with. It was actually, I, that you kept randomly accusing of being a pedophile. Another player had made a report of you threatening to find their IP and dox them. I had taken their ticket and realized you were the same person that had been falsely claiming I was a pedophile on repeat. A member of UA came to the sit after I had requested them to since it then became my sit as well, and told you to knock off the pretty shitty false claims, to stop claiming a person well over 18 was 12, and to stop threatening to grab people's IP addresses. About five minutes later, you were then caught trying to pay someone to go and make the same claims for you, and to shoot up and mass RDM a property. The clip was forwarded to said member of UA and I was instructed to ban you for 30 days and that they would be extending it. For Further context here is both the clip of you threatening to IP trace someone and the clip of you then trying to pay a random white shirt to do it for you. First reported clip Second clip after the sit
  11. That's a hell of a name, +1
  12. -1 we already have the resident mass mugging factions. Don't need a MRDM and mugging one too. Also, gypsies.
  13. Byte

    Pet flag Appeal

    In your own clip, you show in the first frame all the reasons this last violation was why I took your flags. You are clearly in the airlock, behind the locked door as the officer was opening it to come out to you. You can also see behind the officer where you had previously posted your text screen, where you could not reach, and was trying to again. Again, yes, if you do the proper /me's you very well can spray graffiti on any surface with text screens. But in this clip, and shortly after when you tried to do it again, you attempted to do the Rp and paste the screens in a place you would never possibly be able to reach from where you were.
  14. Byte

    Palma's staff app.

    +1 a fellow late night degen to help with tickets that also knows the rules of the server and cares about the server would be great
  15. Another PK'ing admin here. This char was banned for mugging char. All you have down since your unban was get banned for fail raid, and RDM (twice) and then create new characters for more mugs and raids after the last one gets PK'd. In this situation, after you had made an RDM ticket while you were raiding, again, I decided to check your logs. Your logs show a clear, and quite blatant, abuse of faction vendors to obtain guns for raiding and mugging and drugs to use as bait for more muggings. After going through all of your logs for character creation and deletion, PK's, lockpick use, tying, and vendors used - I came to the reasonable explanation this was yet again just another mugging char, hence you being killed. Just since 7/25 to now you have mugged 8 people that you successfully tied, raided at least 12 timed for your lockpick uses, that's not counting the times you tried to just push your way into open doors, and have made 5 different chars that follow the pattern I had already listed before. (Join faction, get gun, get drugs for bait, buy lockpicks and restraints, go mugging and raiding). If you are going to go on a public forum and try to call others a troll or "on some bullshit" prepared to have your very dirty laundry aired out. Only reason you're not fully banned, again, was because another member of staff chose for me to show you mercy this time.
  16. Byte

    Pet flag Appeal

    Your final strike was not simply for putting the text screens up. If you properly roleplay it out that is completely fine. Your flags were removed for where you were trying to improperly place the text screens. You were located in the main reception area of the PD. You then proceeded to spawn a text screen on the other side of the airlock via the hole used for people to hand their ID's to officers. The took your physgun and were trying to use it to post the text screen above the elevator clearly on the entire other side of the room. In this situation, there is no way at all for you to properly roleplay that out. So this, plus me already warning you tonight, and your PO for prop kill, I elected to remove your flags as you have repeatedly shown you can't be trusted to use them properly
  17. You really went for the full fake recommendations huh
  18. This was over a month ago, that recommendation definitely doesn't carry over to this now third application and that isn't even an actual recommendation.
  19. Want a serious answer? Definitely still no. Why? Just since your last application you've already been warned three more times, and I know almost banned for at least one of those because I was the staff member that chose to show mercy and not give you another ban for RDM. We ban for people to learn, not to punish, and you just don't learn.
  20. Byte

    Franz Ban

    Hi! Banning admin here. I banned you for killing two people with your vehicle due to your history of Mass VDM already. In the clip you clearly knew they were there, after driving past them to even enter the alley. You then gassed it backwards out of the alley over them and continued driving over them till they died. The clip is here.
  21. Byte

    Pk Appeal

    PK'ing admin here. As I told you in game when you also asked, you were PK'd from Don's Orders. When you join a criminal faction you get a prompt explaining to you that you that they can PK at anytime they deem fit. In this case you had done something to bring unwanted attention to the faction so they deemed you a burden and chose to kill you.
  22. Hi! Banning staff member here. Here is the clip for context. In the clip you can see, yes, the officer is attempting to detain a citizen to question him about the hot dog stand as he was ignoring the officer. At this time there is no guarantee that there will be a felony arrest, actually quite unlikely as it would be a state felony. There is no felony under the city penal code for running an unlicensed hot dog stand. If the officer had full intent to arrest them for a felony charge I could see your case. But in this situation with it being a detainment as the individual was actively ignoring the officer, it only being a citizen and not a part of your faction, and you having notes for RDM I saw this as the best fit form of rehabilitation with you also acknowledging you were not fully aware of the rules around shooting an arresting officer. Seeing as you have now gone and studied the rules on shooting an officer, I would not mind your ban being lifted or lessened in this case as you have learned from the situation.
  23. Hi! Banning moderator here. So you were originally only going to be warned as a result of that character being PK'd from this same situation. To clarify you had two tickets against you, one for the MVDM which I took and a PK ticket which another staff member took. I was going to be nice and give you the benefit of the doubt about your lag situation. However, another staff member noticed something in the clip of your MVDM which made me have to throw that whole idea for a stern warning out the window. You can notice in the beginning of this clip two things. First you tried to state another vehicle was trying to push you, and there clearly is no other vehicle but your own. Secondly, you are verbally saying sorry as you are driving over people and continue to turn your vehicle and keep driving over people. After noticing this, I gave you another chance to amend your statement before I decided on your ban time. You chose not to and decided to hold firm that it was all accidental, hence you getting banned for MVDM and lying to staff.
  24. Byte

    Ban Appeal

    Hi! Banning staff member here. I will go through your initial ban and why it was updated to be longer. So the first ban was due to NITRP and Punch Minge. This was due to me having to many times this same evening already having speak to you about these situations. The clip brought forward to me during the original sit can be found here. Now, the reason your ban was extended, was due to you having another waiting RDM ticket against while I was actively working with you in sit. In the same evening where I had already spoken to you about your minging, I had to give you a note for RDM from a previous sit. Once I had just finished the original sit with you that lead to original ban, I took another RDM ticket, and you were the person in question during that sit as well. You had put them under fearRP to speak with them, they complied, and you proceeded to still punch them to death. The user that made this ticket accidentally deleted the clip, we were able to find a working version so please excuse the scuffed screen record and reupload I had to do here to ensure you had full context to this situation. This clip does not just show RDM, but your again use of punch minging which you already had a history of before.
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