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Everything posted by Byte

  1. Byte

    Mikey Ban Appeal

    Hi there! Banning moderator here. The reason for the ban was two fold, first you already had three prior notes for RDM in the span of just two weeks. Secondly, I deemed it to be RDM after I had spoken with you during the sit and you said the gentleman had tried to mug you. I proceeded to ask for more information and you said you and your buddy had gone to the motel to meet him. He invited you into his room, you and your friend got suspicious so you left. Never did he actively put you under fearRP or did he say he was going to mug you, you just had a suspicion that he was going to and you admitted this. Here is the clip of the kill itself.
  2. Byte

    Ban Appeal

    Hi there! Banning moderator here. There is a lot to unpack with this situation so I'll take it apart piece by piece. First, the context leading up to before I had even brought you. This was just before map change while I was already in another sit as the only staff online. There was three tickets made against you for MRDM for the situation with the car by the clown, the gentleman in the plain button up, and your intended target AND a ticket made against you for when you shot up the restaurant. As I did not have time to finish the current sit and investigate their four tickets, I quickly brought them, checked logs for kills and combat damage. In logs as I told you, you had multiple kills in rapid succession with no damage done to you. With this information I was able to reasonably comp them so map change didn't wipe it and informed them to remake their tickets after map change. A screenshot of the kill logs will be shared. This does not properly represent the two other players, a clown and another random third party, that was killed when you blew up the car. In your own clip for this first situation, you can see you begin by shooting at your original target, showing you have an intended, rightful target as this gentleman had tried to mug you. You then choose to peak the corner again, see someone that you already knew wasn't your target as they were wearing dark clothing, not the white jacket, and shoot them blatantly. You then aim at the clown, watch him run towards the car, at which point you decide to shoot up the car and blow it up. That car then kills two others not involved in the conflict at all. To add even more context to this I asked you directly that in a situation with four people you killed three of the four and the only one you didn't kill was your actual targeted and you admitted it. Admission This is already addressed in the first section adding context to the situation. This other incident was included as it was directly, within minutes, after the first situation. The last player you killed, you directly admitted you only shot him as he was in the restaurant with your second kill in logs. I asked you if he had a weapon, you said no, I asked you if he ever claimed or said anything about also working at the property, you said no. You clearly understood and recognized he was not an active threat, just another person in the area at the time of the justified shooting. So adding it all up you had four unjustified kills, one justified kill, and one justified attempted kill in the span of seven minutes. You killed double the amount of the people you justifiably could and that is what lead me to giving you a ban for MRDM.
  3. In-Game Name(s): Arturo Velardi, Richard Long, Thomas Zaloa, Quintavius Octavius Dickman Steam Name: Byte Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/paperbite/ Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:59970810 Discord Username: paperbyte Age: 26 When did you first join the server: 4/16/2024 Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 4w 21h 10m Time Zone: EST How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 20-30 hours weekly Have you read the rules?: Yes Do you have a working microphone?: Yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: Yes Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: With the hours I am able to put in I far too often have seen slower server times where there is just no staff available to assist. I want to be able to ensure the community is still able to be assisted and flow smoothly in these times. Even during peak times with multiple staff, tickets still often get backed up and I want to assist in those times to make sure RP can be upkept. Also, to further get involved in the community and be apart of it's continued growth, especially with the influx of new and returning players coming with the map change. I have also enjoyed my time as staff for another community, and with now leaving that community I want to get involved in the same way again here. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: The biggest reasons i can bring forth to be considered over other candidates are both my extensive history with being staff for another community as well as my maturity that comes with being older than most members of the community. I have immeasurable experience with different types of players, sits, and investigations. This experience makes it very easy for me to handle the roughest of sits, angriest of players, and still ensure people are able to calm down enough to listen and I know when to just do what i have to if a situation has no way to be calmed down before staff action is needed. With me being older than most people in this community, and still playing this game I also am just able to keep a level head better than most. This nature allows me to handle the more complex situations with grace and makes the smaller tickets that much quicker to be taken care of. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): Moderator to Elite Admin on and off over the course of seven years across multiple Icefuse Networks servers, Admin and Super Admin positions on smaller TTT communities too long ago to remember their names Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: No Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: I want to push to get more well known outside of my faction and our allies, and I believe this would be a possible route to do so. I would think I carry the reputation as someone that is motivated and consistent from my time that I put into my main character. I believe others would think of me as too serious at times but fair and generous as well. What is your favorite moment on Diverge so far?: As recent as it is, it would of been the night of map change. The city felt so alive, Rp was flourishing in every part of the city, and everyone just felt in higher spirits. You had cops doing RP with the governor around the mansion, sitting up road blocks and tours. You had Italians making Little Italy feel like an actual block in NYC with how busy it was and loud and just going out and speaking with each other. In China town you players opening a sushi shop, a beautiful underground restaurant. Even the ghetto was creating it's gangs and hierarchy. Everywhere you went, there was a funny or interesting bit of RP you could get involved with or to watch play out. Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Daviss, Greenghost, JJ and adam ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: As someone that witnessed the situation I would first make a ticket and have a clip ready to provide evidence for another staff member to take it. If no other staff is available to take it after sometime, then I would go on duty and handle the situation myself. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: I would try to collect evidence first. Once collected, i would make the staff report or follow the proper chain of command to have it handled properly. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: I would not take the ticket as it would be a conflict of interest and there would definitely be a chance for bias involved.
  4. Byte

    The Marchiano Gang

    For the stupidest reason too showing their lack of maturity, -1
  5. -1 no, just no. The clowns made more sense than this.
  6. +1 under the same idea
  7. Neutral +/- I think the concept is cool paper but I don't think you have the experience to run it yet
  8. Byte

    Gang Application

    -1, banned
  9. +1, i think it would be cool to see Irish back in the city
  10. Byte

    Legacy Enterprise

    -1 , get more experience before trying to take on the monumental task of running a brand new faction
  11. Not spamming, frenzy reacting!

  12. Byte

    Ban Appeal

    You should watch the clip so you realize how deft you sound. You admit in that clip you were there when your buddy got killed. You were there when he scammed me. I am directly involved this situation but keep dodging that your playing dumb act is hilariously bad.
  13. Byte

    Ban Appeal

    As the one that got your buddy PK'd and was there for him to be sent away, you definitely did not offer to give the money back. The actual exact situation was he tried to get Sean to "give him five minutes to say goodbye."(terrible attempt at item transferring) This was after he tried to deny anything happened and tried to play dumb. Let's not forget you were using these chars to scam people in your own chars faction. Enjoy the vacation!
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