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Everything posted by Seansx

  1. Not sure how I feel about it, on the one hand it would be a cool and fun way to make money but it starts to show major dark rp vibes to me. If there was more rp involved in I think I would change my mind but for now I’m sorta 50/50
  2. although I think anzati has a history of warnings and bans he has been here for a long time so it’s to be somewhat expected. I believe that given the chance he can become a great staff member +1
  3. I'm gonna be honest, just watched your boxing event in game and it was very... uh... boring. What else do you have to showcase?
  4. fuck polish ( this message will make me reach enforcer )
  5. why not just have them make factions? I'd argue theres much more rp with that.
  6. uhhh probably... probably loyle capo
  7. [INT. ITALIAN RESTAURANT - NIGHT] TONY: (leaning in, whispering) You gotta remember, kid. Loyalty is everything in this life. CHRISTOPHER: (nods solemnly) I know, T. I'll never forget where I come from. TONY: (smirks) Good. Now let's toast to the family. [They raise their glasses, clinking them together.] CHRISTOPHER: To the family. TONY: (eyes Christopher) And remember, loyalty means more than anything. Loyalty to your capo, to your brothers... loyalty to the very core of who we are. CHRISTOPHER: (resolute) I must be loyle to my capo. [The scene fades out as they continue their conversation, the weight of loyalty heavy in the air.] [INT. CHRISTOPHER'S HOUSE - LATER] [Christopher sits at his desk, typing furiously. He pauses, staring at the screen, then continues to type.] CHRISTOPHER (V.O.): Loyalty. It's the thread that binds us all. But what happens when loyalty conflicts with ambition? When the family you love demands sacrifices you're not sure you can make? [Christopher leans back in his chair, contemplating, as the screen fades to black.] [END OF SCENE]
  8. this guy lucid is fucking forum posting to rank up and its annoying
  9. i have a crazy idea..... maybe... just maybe... make a legal faction application https://divergenet.works/forum/18-factions-applications/
  10. Seems like you have a good bit of experience through different ethnicities, what about your highest rank? A lot of people want to be the don, the boss, but it's a lot of work and a lot of people aren't ready for it, even those that have been consig or underboss for a year prior to that so I'm curious what you have managed. Also, why Wonkaland and Willy Wonka as faction leader names/business names, sounds a bit mingy and I'd suggest reworking that tbh. Also doesnt fit with irish cult narrative.
  11. pick a different name this sounds mingy -1
  12. Honestly, this is a solid application. Your time is a little low, but I’m curious to hear what your experience on the server is.
  13. Who is going to pay for appointments? Are you suggesting that people will pay 25k for rp healing? Who will donate suits, and why? And how and what market do you plan to open it to for investing. You have sorta just said statements but not explained how that works in reality.
  14. Drop the weberposting already he hasn’t been on the server in a long time and is mentally unwell let the guy rest
  15. won’t be accepted never has been never will
  16. +1 Cassanos was formerly on this server and its predecessors for over 3 years. In that time we amassed a large community many of which now want to come back and play diverge again. The upcoming update just builds on that. We will strive to provide solid rp and a positive impact as we formerly did.
  17. wow this website is so great it loads so quick and is so beautiful looking rip the good memories of the previous one old one accessible here btw https://divergenetworks.com/
  18. Seansx


    cassano crime family best family
  19. maybe a theme park with zombie virus… Mr shelby
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