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Everything posted by Seansx

  1. Seansx

    rules command

    im aware lol but again most people are gonna try /rules first and theres even a fill in for it, i cant imagine its hard to grab the code for !rules and copy paste that to /rules
  2. Seansx

    rules command

    /rules doesnt work in game, not a major issue but a couple people brought it up to me during a staff sit and could help reduce the number of people breaking rules also, in f1 the help section folders for rules still leads to old forums so new players might struggle finding the rules if they are illiterate with google/newer to gmod servers and dont know about forums
  3. Seansx

    Monte's Ban appeal

    this is pathetic
  4. +1 I've known this guy since he first joined the server. He is an excellent RPer, knows the rules well and is honestly a good guy over all. I've seen and encouraged him to try things other then criminal like law, cop, and more and I've watched him excel at all of them. I think staff is a great step he could take where he could learn a lot and be a very effective staff member. Goodluck!
  5. i love diverge networks, totally not for the badge

    1. Canadian-bacon


      Yes you do baby boy

    2. Seansx


      @Canadian-baconis a good fucking guy

  6. Seansx

    Ban appeal

    what faction
  7. Seansx

    Ban appeal

    what did u do to get banned cake is making me lean to a +1 butttt tampering with server sounds pretty major lmfao
  8. +1 I think that this new step as a Mexican triad will be very influential to the server, I hope to see notorious characters like Pablo Escobar and maybe the notorious lady boy racket implemented!
  9. Never met you but seems like you cross all the boxes, wish you luck +1
  10. Although I’ve had a rocky past with Basel, I think that it’s important to be able to move past a situation and look towards something new. A legal corporation like this could be great for legal/civ rp, and with the people involved I think there’s a fair shot at it being genuinely neutral. Some of the listed legal endeavors that the faction plans on taking sound really cool and well thought out, may I suggest considering a minor baseball league. Jokes aside, Basel is a good guy with the experience to do this, I wish you luck and I know that if Brown & Sons is accepted it will bring a lot to the citizen field.
  11. im genuinely confused what your blabbering about like no joke when have we been robbed by 14k and when did CCNG rob us I also cannot recall a single time in murder inc's most recent return to the city where they actually did a hit for us of importance lol, and its almost like a faction based of an irl hitman business would do hits for people
  12. +1 I think that you have a lot of experience over the normal applicant and seem to honestly want to do staff for the right reasons. Good luck
  13. @ToastI see that you disagreed with the post and the opinion that too many Italians is a bad take. Care to explain your reasons so they can be fixed or disproven?
  14. yet we stayed active for 3 years since before MP times, and then we continued to stay active doing other things once we were removed?
  15. I thought your suggestions were already bad enough but this has hit a new low
  16. Hello! I really have no clue what @niko is talking about as I am the only Cassano who has commented on this post, and I have not immediately -1ed or +1ed and instead asked you questions and tried to figure out if you are fit to running a faction. The only true negative 1s are from niko ( not sure which faction he is apart of ), and charles and drainer who are not Cassanos. That being said, I have come to the conclusion that you are not ready to lead a faction yet, I think once you amass a bit more play time and more then one solid high command member you will be ready, but at the moment I see a potential of this being one of those factions that dies a week after it gets dropped because the friend group leading it gets bored.
  17. The discrepancies are a bit alarming, even though you haven’t done anything bad the lying and cheating already raises concerns for you being staff
  18. the only decent one is number 2 and it really wouldn’t be worth the effort, also would take a while to setup I’d rather other things
  19. Way too dark rp, cars instantly respawn pretty much anyways, it’ll just create mass car muggings of people being annoying
  20. no addon needed, James, you are an okay guy!
  21. +1 Thomas and the people he has chosen for leadership would do great for a faction. Finally an irish faction with opportunity to make it past a day in the server ( ehmceltic club, ciaron seamrog ) I cannot wait.
  22. Not sure how I feel about it, on the one hand it would be a cool and fun way to make money but it starts to show major dark rp vibes to me. If there was more rp involved in I think I would change my mind but for now I’m sorta 50/50
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