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Everything posted by Seansx

  1. Hate to be that guy but aren't you both districted under Takashai-Kai?
  2. Me when Mafia RP faction application compliant is too many Italians
  3. -1, not enough experience for a faction not a ban idea, I suggest you join a faction, grind it out to a HC spot and then next time faction applications are open put ur shot in at it
  4. +1 don’t think I’ve interacted with u much as ur not an Italian but u seem to be smart and a lot of the community is backing your app. Looking forward to you joining the team.
  5. What if it served as an alternative to having a drug racket? If it was comparable in money to drugs I would probably prefer that. I’ve always found it a bit silly that on diverge mobsters are running around selling hard drugs, but ig we are slightly around that time period now.
  6. For starters, you asked some pretty dumb questions in staff general, that show that A. You are out of the loop on things, I mean if you dont have the time to read the very short map FAQ announcement then your cooked if you become a faction leader. ( when is map coming??? ) B. You’re not able to answer basic questions without consulting for help. ( can I be German and asking what an organization backstory means, Like come on man ) C. That you think you get special privileges because your staff ( asking if you can get a building assuming you’re going to get accepted ). Furthermore your essay has the reading and writing level of a 4-6th grader and you have done the bare minimum of 255 words for your backstory without even making a document. You have 1 week on the server, not enough time to run a faction at all, I’m fairly confident you have no high command experience, but feel free to share if I’m wrong. Over all, you seem to not be super knowledgeable on the servers current state as well as just general things. You lack experience and time, have put in low effort to this application, and you are a furry. Have a good rest of your weekend, I look forward to your response!
  7. Honestly, don’t know the guy too well but myself and @adam were chatting with him in game and he was talking about how he may apply and I encouraged him to as he seemed like a pretty respectful dude that isn’t a moron. A week of playtime without any notes or bans is a good sign in my eyes. +1
  8. Seansx

    Tommy "Tones"

    PKing admin here. You were pked due to your characters use for purely scamming, making it a scamming character. After consulting with UA they agreed that you could be PKed for that. Reason: assisting his friend in mass scamming, swapping chars to whitelist his friend, metagaming for the scams Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2d0XvR7Mtl7wzk/d13376QgsrRj?invite=cr-MSxpbVIsMTg4NDE1MjQs Your lucky that I pked your alt character and not your first one that was helping which is your main character. its UAs discretion if they want to unPK you as their ruling on your unban wasn’t a straight removal just a slight shortage. Awaiting their decision, but this is my reasoning as to why you should stay PKed
  9. There needs to be a level of professionalism and the fact your misspelling out the ass even if in replies when already told that’s bad is just a big red flag. -1
  10. I think that this is a solid idea, but my concern is since this is heavily orientated towards being a legal faction for the benefit of the entire server, it will be harmed by its close association to a certain group. My suggestion is if you plan to go through with a faction like this, it needs to be separate from commission and high table and needs to be a very neutral legal business that everybody can get involved with that doesn't have a bias from birth. I think your ideas are solid, and I think you are someone that has a chance at leading a faction, but I fear that you have connected a legal business too close to illegal groups. Its not too late to change this though and I wish you good luck on it. Neutral +/-
  11. +1 I think as a staff member davis can actually do really well, he has no bans, a SHIT ton of experience, and is easy to talk to and staff sits would go smoothly. because he has done the elephant walk I also think that this will help as he will never be scared off a situation
  12. Seansx

    Gang Beef

    After consulting with my good friend ChatGPT and instructing him to translate Ebonics/Hood Slang to proper English I translated Mr. Lubabas unban reason to this Here's the passage translated into standard English: "Why should I be unbanned? Because I’m #007 and I advertise and announce that it's important to respect #007. I don't want to see anyone disrespecting or claiming my set. Six people raided my house. I didn't die, but I watched them break in and steal my plants. They claimed #008 and #009. They kept begging me and following me even after I warned them to go away. As the gang leader, I knew the guy following me had a gun because he claimed #009 and was following me. Getting hit by crossfire is another matter. In the alleyway, members of another rival set who are cool with us didn't report it because they enjoy beefing with me. But a civilian got in the way and followed me into the alleyway with some affiliated members. Knowing I was about to be killed, I drew my firearm and fired shots at the seven men who were trying to do something to me after I told them to go away." In case anybody was confused this should help out.
  13. do you have a license to dick ride , show it at once
  14. my top picks are https://divergenetworks.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=6943 - Shelby company limited https://divergenetworks.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=7072 - zombieland era theme park https://divergenetworks.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=7326 - German scientists https://divergenetworks.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=7101 - idk what to title this one but his backstory was funny - posted a day after new map was announced - need I say more Post your favorite forum posts I only did the ones I remember from the last 6 months or so and I’m sure there’s some other gems I’ve forgotten about
  15. I am really excited! I think my favorite part of your time on the server is that you never give up! Instantly putting ban appeals and faction appeals back up after rejection is totally the way to go!
  16. I cannot wait for this faction application to be accepted!!!!!!! I am really excited for the mugging you mentioned, however I noticed you made two ban appeals in the span of 24 hours after this ban. Can you film a follow up video similar to the format of the last one were you explain how you will avoid breaking the rules? I think it would be best if this one was longer and maybe with camera on for easier dialogue options.
  17. best shit post of the year im assuming this is ironic right
  18. Seansx

    Ban Appeal

    Because he is your friend, you got banned together, so clearly he is trying to help you out and get you a lesser ban. It was incredibly obvious you were the getaway.
  19. Seansx

    Ban Appeal

    The other clip has already been posted to staff and they have seen it, I believe it is bullshit that you didn’t know about the second scam since you literally watched him get out of the car, I believe say something along the lines of go quick I’ll be waiting here, then pull up, your friend got in the car, and you immediately sped away at max speed even cutting through city hall before I dragged you to a sit. You were the getaway driver and you are your friend are attempting to lie that you didn’t know.
  20. Seansx

    Ban Appeal

    You still don’t understand that robbing and scamming people is allowed but not in the capacity that you guys were doing. instantly scamming one person after another, immediately making a new character and whitelisting it on a faction to use rumor to find new scamming targets, consistently doing this adds nothing to the overall roleplay experience of the server, and is just you trying to abuse gameplay mechanics to get money.
  21. Seansx

    Ban Appeal

    As I explained to you formerly, you were the getaway drivers in both situation which you became through metagame, you admitted to being it in the first scam and it was very obvious you were in the second scam as well.
  22. Seansx

    Ban Appeal

    The translation of the Bible into English in the original King James Version in 1611 contained 788,280 words. The King James Bible we use today has 783,137 words. The New American Standard Version has 782,815 words, while the English Standard Version has 757,439 words. Ah yes, the diverge ruleset is comparable to this length. I mean come on dude, you assisted in both scams that were both fail and done immediately after each other ( on your friends character which was brand new, immediately put in a whitelist by one of your other characters, and then you swapped back to the original character from the first scam and started scamming with this guy ), the metagame is off the charts.
  23. Seansx

    Ban Appeal

    Your priors alone completely disprove you saying you had no idea what you were doing was wrong. After this many notes and bans the fact you haven't even glanced at the rules is honestly a huge red flag. I spent almost 30 minutes explaining to you the situation and yet you still don't seem to understand how what you did was wrong. It was very clear through your mixed and convoluted stories that you were aware your friend was scamming and although you bullshitted that you didnt it wasnt hard to see you were lying. Your mixed story that doesn't align with logs or make sense just proves your statements to be false. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2d0XvR7Mtl7wzk/d1337Uw4SlHK?invite=cr-MSxBeEYsMTg4NDE1MjQs Here is you trying to set people up through rumour for scams. Below is your buddy trying to sell drugs that he didnt have while being in the car with you. I'll add another post to this thread in a bit with more proof, respond to this for now with your rebuttals.
  24. Seansx

    rules command

    glad to hear it contrary to what fat ass big Jew and schizo have to say it’ll help
  25. Seansx

    rules command

    give me a good reason why not have both work? and also fix the f1 help thing
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