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Shittor last won the day on March 10

Shittor had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Shittor

  • Birthday 03/08/2007

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Loyle Capo

Loyle Capo (6/14)

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  1. What about drive-ins instead of drive-bys?
  2. Look who comes crawling back
  3. Shittor

    buff fishing

    real please let me pay my kickups in fishing racket proceedings like maybe a 1% or 0.0001 percent to pull a fish worth like 100k lmao
  4. Go ahead and send me that Glock-18 | Dragon Tattoo (Factory New) and those music kits for an unban.
  5. It was going so well, and AIRBALL!!!!
  6. If you cannot accept constructive feedback without becoming overly emotional, maybe making suggestions isn't for you.
  7. Guys lets add fivem community service it would be so good instead of afking in a cell serving a sentence
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