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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/14/25 in all areas

  1. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1BxWwXYstJi-ml?invite=cr-MSxjRTUsMTkyNDY2Njcs
    2 points
  2. Back when world corp was a thing, I was walking down the street and some guy asked me about something. Mid conversation a cassette player fell out of the sky from the top of world corp (apparently a dupe was deleted), hit the guy, and he shot me thinking that I had someway managed to hurt him by just standing there. I have the clip somewhere if I find it I'll post it
    2 points
  3. ??? Am I not allowed to have my brothers on my friends list?
    1 point
  4. No this is actually not realistic nor darkrp. Hold on lemme just flip my car irl and press e so it unflips. This feature will only be abused by roleplayers and it'll cause alot of controversy around trying to escape police in chases
    1 point
  5. "serious roleplay environment" ?????????
    1 point
  6. Among us wires task
    1 point
  7. The avoid being arrested roleplay pill.
    1 point
  8. Your Name: Rizano SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198367369589/ Staff Member involved: Anzati What flags were blacklisted from you?: pet flags Reason for blacklist (cant remember exactly was high as fuck Why should they be returned?: I aknowledge that i fucked up what i did was put a ramp in the road at like 3am and i was so high i completeley forgot about it causing my flags to be removed ive now felt what its like to be one of the non donators and i do not like it my faction have been asking me to put dupes down and when i tell em ion got pet flags it is really depressing. i just miss it i know i have an extensive history of wrong doing but i just want to help out my faction and maybe make some new dupes < 3 love rizo
    1 point
  9. Your Character or Steam Name: I don't remember it's been years since I've played. Your SteamID : Yatonokami Your Discord ID#: kingtonybatts Reason for ban: Alt Account Length of ban: perm Hi there, so I decided to try and log into the server after a large amount of time and apparently I'm banned for being a Alt Account. This doesn't make any sense to me as I am not a Alt account of anyone else, nor do I have any other steam account. I would like to get to the bottom of this. Thank you and Best Regards, KingTonyBatts
    0 points
  10. Hey shittor just a quick reminder your still a wannabe nazi faggot who sucks at his job quit -1ing real niggas just because you hate your sexuality that’s caused by your intense mental issues
    0 points
  11. I can see the intent behind it but, although people hate them, the police play a massive part of the server and this would just remove a huge portion of RP for them.
    0 points
  12. Your Name: ix_crazy_xi SteamID: STEAM_0:0:747322032 Staff Member involved: Anzati1 What flags were blacklisted from you?: PET FLAGS Reason for blacklist (if given): Prop Minge, POx2 Why should they be returned?: it has been a while since I had my props the second time I understood what I was doing was mingy and I was trying to have fun. after this time if I do get my props back I promise to never abuse with props all I would be using them for is placing down dupes and to build. I understand I have had multiple chances and I understand if it gets denied but I just hope you could give me one final chance.
    -1 points
  13. -1 you still did wrong i dont think it excuses that
    -1 points
  14. -1 alt accout evaison no good
    -1 points
  15. -1 You didn't apologize for breaking the rules in this post.
    -2 points
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