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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/30/24 in all areas

  1. Banning admin here, 15 notes and 13 bans over 2 years. 3 Permanent bans, need I say more? Actually I will. You and your friend both admit to it. When I first tp your friend to the sit, he calls you your friend. You're wearing the same exact outfit. You then get tped to the sit saying you've never seen this man in your life. 'Going to the PD to test our guns'. Yea.... Alright.... Are you in the NYPD faction? No, so you're just cop baiting then, because when you got banned, you were on 'Mark Scheck'. Weird how he doesn't have a gun license, but you're a lawyer, and love to roleplay legal rp so much. Cool, so thats the second lie detected. You are a plague that simply has no cure, you cause nothing but pain for everything around you. You get other people implicated without them even knowing about it, not only did you get re-perma banned, but your friend caught a week ban. While Izumi, also caught a 3 day ban for supplying this mass rdm. Oh also, forgot to mention, in the sit you said and I quote word for word 'I never shot anyone'. Then we pull up the logs, and.... you did.... Ontop of that, literally just having your friend do the RDMing for you, doesn't mean you get off scott free. I really would say the classic line of 'you know better', but you genuinely do not and never will, you cannot play by the rules, nor can you follow simple instructions to not crash-out at every second you have. You got un-permad on the 14th. You did not make it more than two weeks without breaking a rule or mass rdming. Congratulations? I don't even know what your goal is at this point. As much I'd love to say I dislike you for being you Hamburgler, its not even about you anymore, its about the fact that you never learn and I hold nothing against you, but you simply are not fit to play the server whatsoever. Hate me if you must, but you brought this upon yourself.
    7 points
  2. The sit I took was for someone that infact, did not do any damage to you. Yes, the person at the meat shop pistol whipped you, that gives you reason to kill him. Not to attempt to mow down the entire group. You're not John Wick, we have ROE rules for specific people and specific circumstances to avoid this kind of gameplay. You were antagonizing them consistently looking for any reason to open fire on them which tells me you have no value for your character's life at all, and were clearly looking for trouble. You had the right to kill the person who pistol whipped you, or not, you know walking away and not getting yourself into this mess would've been a solution, but modern gamers ya know..... https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jnX9ro911V0l_nr9s/CXmrdzPzKQ4f?invite=cr-MSxJcjAsMjE3NjcwNjI4LA You also have prior RDM notes including one or two that involve "RDM - lieing to staff" which tells me this isn't the first time you've gone out looking to push the envelope, and then try to get out of it with BS. If you don't want to get into these situations, don't escalate them, if a crowd of people are telling you to get out of their sight and stop shit talking them, the best option is to leave the area, not look for any reason to open fire on them in the middle of the street not caring about repercussions at all.
    1 point
  3. My breakdown of this... He was pistol whipped, he escalated by killing the perpetrator. The perpetrator's friends defended by shooting at Charmander, in which a shootout began. Charmander killed one of the people working at the meat market who was shooting at him. He then ran around the corner in which a guy peeked the corner (in an active shootout your going to think that the person who comes around the corner will be the same person who had the gun). Charmander then killed the (innocent) person, which he was reported for RDM I'm assuming. Overall +/- Neutral, this definitely was not intentional RDM. However I have no prior knowledge on how this whole situation began
    1 point
  4. Little bro wanted this so bad
    1 point
  5. You’re a joke, is what I was getting at. A laughing stock that people enjoy for a whopping 5 minutes everytime you come back, you provide nothing for the server.
    0 points
  6. https://streamable.com/pkrz6x start at 30th second. neutral you shouldn't have crashed out.
    0 points
  7. Name of Character: Salvatore De Bastani SteamID: STEAM_0:1:427294189 Your Discord ID#: 707277017778880625 / Jmoorsey Date of PK: 12/15/24 Reason for PK: Breaking FearRP during a mugging Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: Possible mugging characters. I was mugged by a group of people that may or may not have used mugging characters. I would like to point out that most if not all people involved with my mugging and PK have gotten in trouble for failmugs, mass muggings and things along those lines. One of the people involved in my mugging and PK was named "Phreakyahs Niga" or "Freaky Ass Nigga" an obvious failname, and mugging character. Another reason I believe the people involved are using mugging characters, is the simple fact that one of them is a high ranking member in La Familia De Leon, and decided to target me on another character. I am not expecting an un-pk, I would greatly appreciate if higher administration would review this. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: None.
    -1 points
  8. The rule contradicts itself in the images shown, I got confused and it got me banned
    -1 points
  9. Your Character or Steam Name: hambugler Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561199062987199 Your Discord ID#: bibodanahindoniji Reason for ban: RDM Length of ban: forever Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Why should you be unbanned? So this all started when I left my Bar Hearing on my lawyer char, I was bar blacklisted for reasons not stated but the report was on misconduct (not quite relevant but thought its good to include) i then left the hearing with my friend (who was also banned) and we decided to go purchase some machine guns from my transgender friend who runs the diamond syndicate crime organization, after purchasing the guns; we decided to go to the PD to go test them out at the NYPD shooting range, to my shock, the judge who blacklisted me was still there so I decided to say hello and try to dispute my blacklist. To my shock, my friend opened fire shooting and killing officer owen davis and ayden kuna. Shortly after this I tried to run outside of the PD and then ADA Henry Collins started opening fire; so I responded fire and shot and killed him, I then thought about leaving the PD but im not much of a quitter so I went back in and saw that Isaac Niedermayer pumped my friend in the head and then shot me too. This is a misunderstanding; we did not intend to use the guns, we just wanted to test them out. but my friend was quick to open fire. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): heres a few clips of this interaction courtesy of Owen Davis https://streamable.com/pkrz6x | https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jmMXFdr9B-ZgSwANT?invite=cr-MSxzR3EsMTkwMzUzMzUwLA (as you can see in this clip I was very cooperative..)
    -1 points
  10. Your Character or Steam Name: Charmander Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:574656352 Your Discord ID#: Chxnge8515 Reason for ban: RDM Length of ban: 3D Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute Why should you be unbanned? I think I should be unbanned because the kill on the guy was not intentional as there were like 3 guys trying to shoot me. The guys that I was trying to defend myself from had ran behind a wall and since I was from a distance and I didn't have a clear view from the guy who was shooting at me and there was a guy who at jumped from the side of the wall who I thought was the original guy shooting me ended up being killed by me since I thought it was the guy shooting me since I was panicking. It was not my intention to kill the guy but there was a lot of people who tried to shoot me and I was just trying to protect myself from who was. I didn't get to explain this in my sit since falcon did not let me, I did shoot first I had just got confused since I thought falcon was trying to say I killed someone for no reason but I was actually pistol whipped then defended myself which is why i had to shoot first. I apologize for killing the guy but it was not intentional which is why I think it would be fair to unban me. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jnX9ro911V0l_nr9s?invite=cr-MSxJcjAsMjE3NjcwNjI4LA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jnX2SRmEWbesrNzuG?invite=cr-MSxzT1csMjY4MDUxMjQyLA
    -1 points
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