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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/10/24 in all areas

  1. Make a buyable Cyanide Pill that when taken will kick in after 5 Minutes and PK your character. Would suggest like putting it on Sewer NPC for like $100,000
    2 points
  2. Your Character or Steam Name: Martin Rix Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561199077522663 Your Discord ID#: money.blue Reason for ban: Power game & Mugging Character Length of ban: 1 week Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute Why should you be unbanned? To start things off, I didn't know that dragging someone into an alley to mug them is against the rules, as if in a real life situation if you are unconscious someone can easily drag you into a private area and rob you of your items. I also thought it wasn't against the rules since the guy I dragged into an alley was standing in the middle of the road and got ran over. A mugging is never stated in the rule below, which is why I feel like the staff should be a little more lenient since a mugging is forcing someone against their will anyway and since its not listed in the things as followed "attempting to force players to do something outside of the server, etc..." Powergaming is described as forcing a scenario or roleplay onto someone against their will, usually in violation of the rules. Using other game mechanics to powergame can include, attempting to force players to do things outside of the server, forcing players to commit suicide, forcing players to commit crimes, forcing players to RP or /me's against their will, forcing players to give their f3, etc etc, Now, the mugging character was completely unfair. First, Jmoorsey or "jmeowsey" or whatever the hell his name is took a ticket for a fellow staff member by the name of "Bullets". I'm not saying he's in the wrong for this but I asked for a higher-up staff member to come and help with the sit, as they are both italian mains and I felt that the sit was going to be bias from the start. But anyways back to the mugging character dispute, I have only mugged TWICE since I have gotten hired, I've sold firearms, oil, had drug processors, a decent amount of cash, meth, literally anything to show that my character was not only for mugging. I am not active on any of my other characters except my police character which I clearly cannot mug on. Now not only did Jmoorsey just ban me, he also PK'd my character before he banned me for absolutely no reason. To my knowledge I have no priors for powergaming so I feel this ban and PK was unjust. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jfl3ZTI035UyV-ADH?invite=cr-MSxTdjcsMzMwODc5MDYs
    1 point
  3. Your Character or Steam Name: Bob Rayno Your SteamID (Click to retrieve) 76561199109578432 Your Discord ID#: chxnge8515 Reason for ban: Power game and Mugging Char Length of ban: 1 week Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute Why should you be unbanned? Jmoorsey Pked my character and banned me for mugging character im not going to argue the power game because its a bit of a confusing topic to me and i had no priors for it. My character is the only character ive been active on and he even stated it himself during the sit in the clip provided below. I also feel it was unfair that he took a sit for his friend and when we asked for a higher up he said he didnt need to which i didnt think was being fair to me or anyone else hes possibly done that to. I take responsibility for the power game since i didnt fully understand it but my character shouldnt have been pked because this is the only other character i have. He said it himself that i was last active on my other character was 11/12 which was almost a month ago. I understand the consequences of mugging and im ready to face them if that comes which is why i feel like the mugging character was unfair. I will take my power game punishment but i would just like to ask for my character back and to take away the mugging character ban, since jmoorsey pked my character, took away the items i got from the mugging, AND banned me also the last thing i wanna add is he didnt even tell me my character was gonna get pked he just did it. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jfl3YS3t1VzOw4l9t?invite=cr-MSxGV2ssMjY4MDUxMjQyLA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jfkPTDbxrDFcvA0n5?invite=cr-MSxiVlUsMzMwODc5MDYs
    1 point
  4. i understand that theres a history of that but i have a whole new character that ive had for almost a month and been doing a lot of other things other than mugging. i dont see how you can just pk a character with no proof of it being a mugging character other then ive had old previous offenses i would understand if there was valid proof of it but there is none.
    1 point
  5. I'm not worried about the power game, I take full responsibility for that and it won't happen again, however the mugging character ban was completely unfair. And, what makes you think all I do is mug, pvp, and minge? Its obvious your bias against me, you still have a bitchy attitude for no reason its pretty obvious especially with the "dumb" reaction. Its unprofessional for you to be acting like this especially when you are representing diverge networks as a staff member and banning people just because you don't like them.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. thats why you lost your court case
    1 point
  8. Hey this is a roleplay server, have people figure this out on their own and maybe not post a forums suggestion.
    1 point
  9. Just a small thing, but can add to roleplay and decoration to pubs, and adds a small game to play with friends. I think there's a mod for it called MBillards, if I'm not mistaken.
    0 points
  10. The avoid being arrested roleplay pill.
    0 points
  11. This is a great Suggestion For may reasons 1. can pk yourself without needing staff 2. could make it so you can take it in cuffs so if you want to kill yourself when arrested you can also do that 3. would add interesting RP around it
    0 points
  12. Before saying he has "no proof" you need to understand that he was stating that you have numerous offenses doing this is all. Kind of hard to try and be a "good" character when you have a history of doing things not by the book.
    0 points
  13. Hey, I'm the one who issued the orders on your character Dave Norton. As stated above, the orders were issued on you for leaving my faction without permission after ghosting us a while back. After I had noticed you on your character no longer under my whitelist and working for the Lucchese Crime Family, I had issued Don's orders for leaving the faction without permission along with ghosting the faction. Despite you disappearing a good amount of time back, as stated above you left the faction last night making these orders within 2 weeks of you leaving and valid. You having "left the family months ago over discord DMs" as Kurt stated isn't relevant as it means nothing in character, and was something that, if it did occur, was unknown to me or any of my command.
    0 points
  14. Hello, I was the admin that PKd you. You were obviously PKd like i stated in the sit for leaving the faction. When you join a criminal faction you agree to the terms and agree to the message that pops up on your screen and essentially hand your life over to the faction when you agree to the statement. You left Colombos last night, 12/7 and joined Lucchese and in which the Colombos put a hit on you and had you killed for leaving the faction. Leaving the family over discord DMs means nothing in character. You may have left the discord months ago but you left the in game faction yesterday.
    0 points
  15. My favorite property in Southside has to be Little Italy The location is perfect because it provides easy access to key parts of the map making movement and business operations smooth The vibe is unmatched it feels like stepping into a classic Mafia setting where respect and power rule the streets What I like most is the sense of safety You don’t have to worry about random muggings or kidnappings only your own guys might mess with you just joking lol "not really" lol but thats part of the life right ? Its also great for recruitment since the area naturally attracts people looking for wealth and they get drawn to the flashy cars and suits and strong presence from all the shops maintain The roleplay there is top notch making it the perfect spot for both business and family matters. but hey what do you guys think is a good location for roleplay ?
    0 points
  16. meh, oh well, figured it was a long shot anyways, woulda been nice to keep those rpgs tho lol
    -1 points
  17. Hi, banning admin here. Just because you are "unaware" that what you did is against the rules doesn't justify you breaking said rule. Powergame is ALSO described as forcing someone into an RP situation, in your case, you dragged someone into an alleyway and instantly put them under FearRP. This is considered Powergame because he did not willingfully go into the alleyway with you, you FORCED him into the alleyway. Just because i do not like you does not mean that i will be bias, you two obviously have no intent to actually roleplay by any means, all you two do is mug, PvP, and minge. Hope this helps
    -1 points
  18. Hi, banning admin. I banned you for the exact same reason as your friend. The Powergame is simple, you forced the guy into the alleyway, when he was unconscious, leading to you guys forcefully mugging him. I charbanned you because you both had many previous past offenses for Mugging Characters, for this reason I PK'd you. Hope this helps.
    -1 points
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