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  1. Your Character or Steam Name: Winchester Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:203852801 Your Discord ID#: Dutch Reason for ban: LTARP Length of ban: 2 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Both to be honest. Why should you be unbanned? I do admit to the LTARP because I intentionally pressed escape and then disconnect from the server so I was expecting to be banned for LTARP for sure. However, the way the whole situation unfolded was not fair. To begin with, I was doing a car trunk deal with a friend and we were always careful to not do the trade deal in front of any cops, we never spoke about drugs out loud, not even whispering about it, we never used codewords for the drugs and we never used the drugs full name. On top of this, we never gave a reason for cops to arrest us nor to act the way they acted. I believe this was a baiting situation from the part of the two cops involved in the situation. They somehow knew me and my friend were trading cocaine bricks even though the word "bricks" was never mentioned to begin with, and then they knew about the trade at all. One of them was also inside the car for some reason and me and my friend were unaware of this and surprised and even shocked because my friend when he realized the cop was inside the car he kicked them out. I spoke with my friend on discord about the situation and with a second friend and both said the situation was unfair and uncalled for. I understand cops have their icly duties, etc but trying to bait people to break rules by breaking rules themselves is not fair play nor should be allowed which is why I am making this ban appeal. The staff member who banned me was Shards and he told my friend that the cops would not be punished in any way which I find really unfair taking into consideration how the situation unfolded. I also believe the cop in question (don´t remember their name but I knew it was them) had an argument (let´s say) with me earlier in the day (like 30 minutes earlier) where he completely ignored people getting punched by a civilian and did not make any attempt to arrest the civilian who killed me after punching me like 5 or 7 times (I even had to call a staff sit for the situation to be dealt with and the staff member found out the civilian was already arrested). It seems to me that this cop chooses when to do his job whenever he wants and has acted in bad faith as a way of revenge or as a way to try to bait people into getting pked or banned. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I do not have any video evidence of the situation. Also I do not ask for a full unban as I know I broke a server rule but I ask consideration for at least a reduction if you see this ban appeal worth of it. I also admit to use the words "metagame" and "fail rp" in voice chat which would constitute NITRP from my part but it was not included in the ban reason but yeah. I would also like to say thank you to Shards for not pk my character as he was fair and kind in that aspect and I really appreciate it. If this ban appeal gets denied, I hold no hard feelings, I am just trying to get my point across and if there is any information that I am not aware of and that it is my fault then feel free to deny this ban appeal.
    3 points
  2. letters got a bit melted from the heat of the actual cake
    2 points
  3. Your Character or Steam Name: limb Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:600055967 Your Discord ID#: limb03 Reason for ban: NITRP, Minge, POs Length of ban: 2 weeks Reason for appeal: This ban feels lazy and unprofessional, and I believe I was banned without a valid reason. I can't think of anything I did that violated the server rules. I was roleplaying appropriately and not affecting anyone else's experience negatively. For context, I'll explain what I was doing in character before the ban. I was at Blue Lobster the Diner near hardware, roleplaying as a man from the Middle East. After being served a chicken wrap, I screamed that it wasn't halal and demanded halal food. Following this dispute, I was given permission to enter the kitchen and bless the stove being used to prepare my food, which I did with an Arabic prayer. I felt this was a humorous skit and got along well with the waitress and the worker present. After being served my halal food, I ate it and then ran away without paying, leading the worker to chase me out. Probably 30 seconds after this event, I got banned without any prior sit. My first thought was, "Is dine-and-dashing against server rules?" because no other reason was provided for my ban. I exited the game a minute later and realized I forgot to clip the whole interaction. I have a bind on Medal that clips the last 5 minutes of my game, but when you exit, it doesn't allow you to clip anymore. If my actions negatively impacted anyone, please let me know so I can improve. As of now, I'm not aware of any rule violations. Why should you be unbanned?: In the clip I provided, you'll see what happened before I was banned, which was all an in-character (IC) issue. I was being chased by the cops after stealing a car, and to evade them, I drove into the water. Afterward, we entered a dock building to buy illegal firearms from a guy who then killed my friend. To escape, I jumped into the water. In a previous ban that was appealed (Duke Prince's Ban Appeal), I was banned for the same reasons: "Minge" and "No Intent to Role Play" (NITRP). The admin Caboose mentioned in the appeal comments that this ban was unjust and an IC issue. He said, "Due to the circumstances, this issue should have been resolved via a sit before any punishment. All I saw in the clips was simple harassment and could have been handled IC." This current ban, which is 10 days longer, should be treated the same way. Caboose stated that the issue regarding Duke Prince my other char should have been resolved via a sit before punishment. I believe this could have been fairly resolved via a sit. This is how I often roleplay, and I enjoy it. I provided the clip to show how I roleplayed on this character. If there is something that was "mingy" or NITRP, please let me know, and I will change my ways. If this type of roleplay isn't allowed, I am willing to delete the character and continue playing on my Wayne Wong character, who is a very successful suit salesman and cassette retailer. Please consider this appeal, as this is the only server on GMOD that I play, and I have a lot of fun doing so. If my actions negatively impacted anyone, please let me know so I can improve. As of now, I'm not aware of any rule violations. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):) CLIP: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ikqONFhVJPSDzRb7T/d1337u8Hag8L?invite=cr-MSw0M3YsMjM0NjM5NzQzLA
    1 point
  4. I have no idea about the beginning of your arrest, but I witnessed it. The reason why I banned you was a clear case of LTARP. He kept chasing you for a while, and only when he managed to tase you did you disconnect from the server. I took that as such. I only gave you 2 days since it's your first time, considering the other things that could have happened. Edit: Considering how the situation began, I would like to reduce the ban by 1 day. However, it's important to understand that you can't just alt f4 out of these situations. If there was no evidence to justify your arrest initially, you could pursue legal action. Please keep in mind the importance of staying in character
    0 points
  5. Banned for Mass RDM, indiscriminate. MonkeyMullet Tony Ban Slyke STEAM_0:1:209919627 [ADVERTISEMENT] Tony Ban Slyke: Whole server is my opp rn LMAO if i ever killed you i had a justified and RP reason to do so
    0 points
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