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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/24 in all areas

  1. buddy was suspect, what can we say.
    0 points
  2. Just getting hired and then pkd the same day is crazy
    0 points
  3. Yes, I should have told a brand new employee that I am the Don of a Irish Mafia and that we love to sell Methaqualudes. God I am such an idiot!
    -1 points
  4. Your Character or Steam Name: Gregorio "Slank" Rizano Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561199070610912 Your Discord ID#: 552619350167650346 Reason for ban: METAGAMING Length of ban: 6 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Wrongfully Banned as a dipute Why should you be unbanned? I was pulled into a sit with Logang and was told that I would be given a warning for what had happened. I left to take a break and grab a snack but when i came back I saw that I was disconnected for a 2 day ban for metagaming. I was never pulled it to a sit to address the ban before being disconnected and never had a chance to defend myself. A few minutes later I retried connecting and saw that my ban was extended to 6 days, but was never told that my ban was extended or why. I saw that my friend was getting arrested and wanted to help get him out of it. I then took matters into my own hands by taking my car over to my friend and the cop to stop the situation. I first attempted to simply bump the cop to disable her and get my friend away to safety, however i missed and manged to hit nothing. After the failure I reversed and looped around the corner to try again, then i began to speed to the cop to run her over and disable her from the arrest. When i ran the officer over they were standing in the street next to the curb. upon being hit their body got caught between the elevated curb, car, and road and began ramming the car until it exploded killing the surrounding people. I never had any intention of harming anyone, I only ever wanted to incapacitate the officer arresting my associate. This was my first offense on this server and it been blow way out of proportion. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): PLEASE REACH OUT TO ME ON DISCORD FOR THE VIDEOS. I COULDN'T GET THEM TO UPLOAD.
    -1 points
  5. Your Character or Steam Name: TheCamelSix Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561198323287977 Your Discord ID#:kkgettingqueso1 Reason for ban: alt account Length of ban: permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I use to Share a pc with my cousin and i guess he did something he wasn’t supposed to and got banned. I used to play on the surver it was fun and i wanted to play again . i just got a new pc and was trying to get unbanned so i can see what has changed on the surver and wanted to play again
    -1 points
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