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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/23/24 in all areas

  1. Your Character or Steam Name: Demarious "Black Power" Black Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:552404997 Your Discord ID#: alabaster_1 Reason for ban: RDM Length of ban: 5 Days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I believe this RDM is just a misunderstanding. Leading Up to the RDM I was being contently Harassed and Threatened by the man in the Black and White mask (Monaclu). From my Point of view I was Killing the man in order to keep my respect and Integrity. Looking on it now I can see how this can be seen as RDM but I see it as a threat and a cause for action. The Officer kill can be seen as RDM as-well but I'm just trying to Kill someone with out a cop arresting me right after and holding me at gun point. It would be the most logical thing for a crime to kill the cop then his enemy. I'd like to note that this started from the Hood disliking/hating James and Monaclus Dupe leading to the hood trying to kick them out Additional Information, When making tickets about the Dupe they said "You can burn it with a molotov" Why should you be unbanned? Going forward i will follow Killing rule 2 on Escalation more closely and believe this to be Staff baiting/Trolling Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Clip Showing the Dupe https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i7HdInPFllZOSRAB/d1337MZA9tdG?invite=cr-MSxkckksMjM0ODczMDkzLA Clip Showing the Incident https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i7IaU9lL9NRwoxuox/d1337KBoED2P?invite=cr-MSxldHAsMTY2NzgwODMxLA
    1 point
  2. Why do you do this to me pendred!!! I think im the only person on this server to actually USE the rope constraints tool for RP / Art purposes. Why you do this to me pendred.... :C RIP all my beautiful creations:
    1 point
  3. this shit is the biggest self report ive seen
    1 point
  4. Thank you for applying to the Diverge Networks staff team. Unfortunately, your application has been denied. You may apply again in 30 days. You may apply sooner if you receive permission from a Head Administrator or higher.
    1 point
  5. It has to do with the Tec-9 Automatic attachment, unequip, and re-equip it, I've found that it fixes it for me.
    1 point
  6. Hello, banning admin here While the situation had many factors to the event leading up to where you ended up shooting the people that you did the fact of the matter is not following escalation rules and just flat out shooting someone whos only fault was saying words to you is still constituted as RDM no matter the reason. As you say you felt you were being targeted/harassed by a staff member ICLY that is a matter you have to take into a staff report ticket, if he was actively going out of his way to damage you or any other members of your group it would be more understandable as to why you shot him but all he ever directed towards you was generally just words. Even if you wanted to keep your integrity or dignity intact from the dissing he was doing towards your group general disrespect STILL is not a valid reason to kill someone. If escalation rules were followed, you gave him a real active physical threat and he did not follow your commands to leave after these threats, THEN you would have had valid reason to shoot him, anything outside that weather your side wins or loses is fair game. Yes its annoying to have someone pursue and harass your group but as i said until the situation makes some sort of escalation from either side then the situation shouldn't escalate to just shooting them on sight with no warning, factions follow these same rules and there have been many situations where factions have gone face to face constantly disrespecting each other, planting flags/graffiti in each others territories, but never just flat out execution for these transgressions unless some sort of escalation was had, which i didn't find here. even if the cop would have shot/arrested you right then and there if you had followed escalation and threatened him with violence it still doesn't justify outright shooting both the cop and him to avoid being shot yourself, in my eyes you could have waited until the cop left to press him or just carry on about your regular business inside the ghetto until the situation died down with the dupe outside as neither party would have been able to escalate with one another without the cop's intervention. As i said i have no say on any external factors from this such as any staff abuse/baiting and you have the full right to make a staff report for it but the facts still constitute RDM and i handled them as i would any other RDM sit and believe the punishment was justified
    1 point
  7. Your making that comment as your prop Minging Colombo Flags in the Ghetto?
    1 point
    1 point
  9. this is a great idea i love BTS
    1 point
  10. You’re actually a loser
    1 point
  11. Poor logic, you need to spend some time without your flags to appreciate their value more.
    1 point
  12. Actually, I'll bite on this one. I see what you're getting at, I think. We do not have drug shipments that function similarly to oil. With oil, there is no processing, it takes more inventory space, it makes less money but it's a legal and carefree way to accumulate wealth. That is the tradeoff - it's cumbersome, it's less profitable but you aren't going to get in trouble. Drugs do not have an alternative like this to their normal flow. You get a shipment of one brick and you can either trade it for one you can properly process or you sell it off to a buyer. It's lucrative, takes half the space but if you get caught with it, you're fucked. So what's the medium answer to this? It's a racket you can't process. Less time taken overall, maybe it takes more space than traditional drugs. Maybe each shipment has 6 forged checks inside of it (6 spaces, a brick and a half, happy medium between oil and drugs). No processing required and there's only need for one NPC: the Black Market dealer on the Barge. It makes it cumbersome. You can't sell the checks outright, you'll need to trade with someone or buy theirs in order to sell it to the NPC on the Barge. The balancing act is the labor cost vs the profit. Oil: Low time spent (no processing and can sell directly to an oil faction) Low money made Low risk factor (legal, no one can arrest you) High cumbersome rating (8 / 40 spaces) Drug Rackets: High time spent (10 minutes to grab the shipment, have to trade and possibly process, so 5 more minutes all on one brick at even value) High money made High risk factor (getting caught = jail) Low cumbersome rating (4 / 40 spaces) Forgery Rackets: Medium time spent (10 minutes to grab the shipment, have to trade for player interaction, but no processing) Medium money made High risk factor (getting caught = jail) Medium cumbersome rating (6 / 40 spaces) A flurry of rackets that were dedicated to not being processed and saving you time on that front but also being not as profitable makes sense to me if you put it that way. If this was actually something devs would consider, I'd go further into the balancing act but I'm not about to crunch hard numbers on a hypothetical.
    1 point
  13. Name of Faction: Black P stones (BPS) Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 30 Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Black Street Gang Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): African American Name of Character running the faction: A-Rab Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): ioulios Your SteamID: 76561198237463474 Your Server playtime: 2 mo 4 w 15 d Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): At the moment there a lot of people pushing for gang rp within the server primarily with the new ghetto. Our aim is to make that more straightforward, and hopefully try to cut out a lot of the minginess with having an actual whitelisted group running the area. We have already converted a lot of random black minge characters to being part of BPS, and with that they are listening more and actually doing RP instead of walking into Little Italy and gunning up people for no reason. Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): As said above our unique RP is just that we would be a one of kind as the only black gang on the server. There hasnt been any full blown gangs like this in a long time so this would be fresh rp for a lot of people, getting jumped in, doing bbqs with our group, running bare knuckle fights with our guys, playing basketball, over all just hanging out in the ghetto. Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a3sc47oKoVBF6jyoRtHvOVzzrqxV-f2HHghMUZPz2lk/edit
    0 points
  14. -1 Mfs make a ghetto now people wanna +1 street gangs smh, we coulda been had many of them YES Im sour
    0 points
  15. +1 great addition to the server, ghetto rp!
    0 points
  16. -1 points
  17. -1 just people that sit at the ghetto and cause chaos to alert the police and shoot them whenever they try to do anything. I’ve not had any actual rp with this “gang”
    -1 points
  18. I edited my message.
    -1 points
  19. -1 points
  20. someone’s mad that the ghetto was gentrified, long live ccng!
    -1 points
  21. Your Character or Steam Name: Your SteamID : STEAM_0:0:657319237 Your Discord ID#: cartsanddabs209 Reason for ban: Cheating Length of ban: 1 month Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Idk how yall think im cheating i dont even know how to use pc's like that Why should you be unbanned? because im not cheating wtf Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i85D0G27eJqo1VZhD/d1337mdQdKo5?invite=cr-MSxVSG4sMjQ1MjM3ODMyLA
    -1 points
  22. I want to apologize. I just hate black people and when I saw this post I crashed out
    -2 points
  23. -1 just a minge faction that rdm baits at the ghetto
    -3 points
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