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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/24 in all areas

  1. Your Character or Steam Name: Rizo Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198367369589/ Your Discord ID#: .rizo Reason for ban: RDM X2 Length of ban: 2 Days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I believe one of the murders was warranted and I was lied to by a staff member so that he could ban me. What happened? so I was minding my own business just trying to get a vehicle to drive around in well once I pulled my vehicle out and started to turn around to pull out of the parking lot this man comes out of nowhere and stands right in front of my car perfectly blocking me. in I even beeped the horn at him so I try slowly driving around him and he walks into my vehicle. I get out roleplaying the situation out and when the man I ran over stands up he has his fists out and as I am apologizing he pulls a pistol out and points it at my face . frightened I move away and some other guy ran him and his buddy over I knew it was his buddy because I asked who gave this nice young man a gun and this man had a huge shotgun on his back so if I retaliated in any way I would surely be murdered. so in my strike of genius while they were on the ground I took out my scorpion and pumped em full of lead. Why should you be unbanned? the guy did point a gun at me get pulled to a sit after this getting told the guys gun was out when he got up witch is untrue via the pictures I have provided Additional Information (images, videos, etc.): rules that support me: In regards to how a user is allowed to react to threats. There are two types of threats, an 'Active Threat' and a 'Idle threat'. Users may kill for an active threat but they may not kill for an idle a threat. The difference between the two is situational but will always pertain to if the person making the threats has a weapon in their hand. For example, someone pointing a gun at you. clip of the encounter :https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i1wxkaUurzKIImI-I/d1337FqRej46?invite=cr-MSw3S3osMTg2MTA5OTcwLA clip of a moderator lying to me to get me banned: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i1wEzNwKj3QVfRrKS/d1337jOC6oWB?invite=cr-MSx2Z1UsMTg2MTA5OTcwLA
    2 points
  2. -1 a bunch of minge losers; you don't even want to RP in the faction you're in now. Ur, all just a bunch of dickheads. You also would rather RP as literal clowns, minging than on ur main chars, like I'll solo ur entire faction. Should replace your consig iris Kostas/transitioned is not a good one
    1 point
  3. If your discord got banned from the main diverge discord then I would maybe edit your appeal to appeal your discord ban, or try and make contact with Pendred and talk to him.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. +1 The owner is a dinosaur in the Diverge server. He's a classic, good rp and we even get an Irish faction.
    1 point
  6. I honestly take my -1 back, got to know the Don of this Upcoming Faction and he's an amazing person that's more than capable of running a faction. Sorry.
    1 point
  7. +1 more legal factions would be cool and Basel knows how to run a faction. Great RP.
    1 point
  8. There's no way you're this retarded You signed up to the forums using your original account Dumb fuck
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. If it says "Make a ticket on discord.gg/diverge" or whatever it says, it doesn't mean you're banned. It means you need to make a ticket on our discord to be manually whitelisted.
    0 points
  11. +1 this was good rp. In a criminal situation this would be warranted and accepted and it followed the rules. Maybe not the guy with the shotgun, but i do believe the ban should be repealed for good rp. Threatening situation handled appropriately well done!
    0 points
  12. So I'm gonna describe what I see from a second opinion here, he walks in from of your car and stops you beep the horn and not a second late drive I to him (he didn't move into your car) you get out, he gets up pulls out a gun because when you are ran over it resets your ammo and takes it off safety, doesn't threaten other than maybe pointing at you however he puts the gun away and doesn't engage with you. He gets ran over and do does the shotgun guy you wait for them to get up killing the guy you ran over and the shotgun guy who never threatened you or even took his gun off his back. I do not see a real reason to kill especially the guy with the shotgun as he didn't even threaten you at all.
    0 points
  13. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
    0 points
  14. so that's why you make a new discord account for your new steam account, "why can't I join!!" god some people are just utterly braindead
    0 points
  15. If the person with the weapon puts it away or turns his line of sight (Meaning the user has turned completely away and is not even slightly facing you. Usually an angle of larger than 90 degrees), fearRP becomes null and you may take the window of opportunity to retaliate with little to no risk. (Does not apply if multiple weapons are pointed at you) i took my oppurtunity to retaliate also very disrespectful to point a gun in someones face
    0 points
  16. -1 16 hours is not even time to run a faction
    -1 points
  17. -1 There's a lot you could put in 6 paragraphs, but I feel as though reading the backstory was boring. Your idea of keeping people interested is basically just religious events and boxing matches. Meetings, giving people money to hire, and crew deals aren't anything special, that's just the basics of running a faction. As that section states, "Reference your unique RP from the question above." and the only thing I really get out of that from this is church ceremonies and boxing matches. Religious type events aren't really something that would keep people engaged by the time you get to the third one. People would get tired of standing in a self storage unit pretty quick. Regarding boxing events, I'm pretty sure people already do those. Once again, that would just get boring after the third one. It's really just punching people in the end. While the pictures you included aren't too bad from a photography standpoint, I'm a little confused. First, is this a syndicate or crime family, and why is the Italian flag present in your picture? Regarding the boxing matches, your dupe looks cool, but boxing isn't new or particularly interesting in the long run. I do believe that the playtime could be a little higher aswell. 3 weeks is a lot of time, but learning everything you need to be a successful boss takes time and I don't think you could have really acquired the experience needed for this. Gonna be a -1 from me chat.
    -1 points
  18. yea I wanted to know why I got banned on my account I literally havnt joined in 3 years
    -1 points
  19. my account got hacked
    -1 points
  20. Your Name: Timothy Address Staff Member involved: Toast SteamID STEAM_0:1:807272116 What flags were blacklisted from you?: props Reason for blacklist (if given): prop abuse Why should they be returned?: I just want to start this off with letting you know again, I am deeply sorry for my actions, but I thought when appealing and getting accepted that my perma-ban and my pet perms would be reinstated because I was already punished for my actions, there was really no point in un banning me if you were going to strip me of the features that makes the game good. I rather would have just been banned, than have them taken away and ruining the re-playability of the game.
    -1 points
  21. I will state, that you knowingly ran him over and the gun was pulled out automatically after he got up, and he automatically put it away. This is a very "grey area" ban though, and I will let this be submitted to a higher authority for decision.
    -2 points
  22. Your Character or Steam Name: Renzo Corleone Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): VOID4532 Your Discord ID#: jethro6109 Reason for ban: I dont remember Length of ban: I'm guessing permanent. unless the discord ban is timed which would suprise me. Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I apologize if I said anything. I tried opening a ticket on discord yesterday and someone closed it and banned me from the discord. Why should you be unbanned? I don't think I was justifiably banned. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
    -2 points
  23. Your Character or Steam Name: Dont have one Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561199316309951 Your Discord ID#: thedoggie194 Reason for ban: I dont know I tried joining and it said for me to make a ticket. Than pendred said I need to make an appeal. He also called me a f*g. Length of ban: I dont know. Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): If someone can tell me why I was banned or for why because pendres sent a screenshot of multiple bans I dont know what they were for. Why should you be unbanned? no clue why I was banned. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
    -3 points
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