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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/24 in all areas

  1. you guys out here putting +1 and -1 like it does something lol
    2 points
  2. Man who is currently banned makes disconnected suggestion, more at 11.
    2 points
  3. you are aware theres a new map coming VERY soon? a custom edit of south side. also same typa vibe as this post:
    2 points
  4. We quite literally never "ran a faction" together. We teamed up our gangs, brother. It's about time you get over PoliceRP days that were over two years ago. You claim you "gave me trust?" I don't even know what that is supposed to indicate. I'm sorry you feel that way, but be real, you haven't liked me since I killed my Luchesse character.
    2 points
  5. I don’t like being a Debby Downer, but Drainer does bring up fairly good points. If you’re dealing with drugs, you’re an illegal faction. You may attempt to appear as legal as possible, though at the end of the day you are a Crime Organization. There is no such thing as no violence, no illegal attention, and the biggest point that Drainer brought up is being involved in faction politics. Whether you are attempting to district under a certain side, or going an even more dangerous neutral unallied route; all it takes is a small insignificant issue to really fuck up your faction entirely.
    2 points
  6. +1 finally something bring back classic RP
    2 points
  7. +1 Solid core of roleplayers who have the dedication and creativity to improve the servers RP experience
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. +1 Mr. Kostas is the only reason that I am still plus one this app.
    2 points
  10. How many times do you guys think this will happen? Who counted how many times last year?
    1 point
  11. Name of Faction: The Ruain Collective Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 8 active, 41+ interested Type Of Faction: Crime Family Ethnic Background: Irish Catholic Name of Character running the faction: Atlas "Genesis" Crowe Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): lorekeeperprodigy Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:808934409 Your Server playtime: 2w 2d 9h 53m Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page?: Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us?: Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction: The usual crime would still occur. Due to the thoughts of diplomacy in the faction, we will be encouraging weekly trades of drugs, firearms and other services we can possibly provide such as people for security, event organization and creating catalogs for items in other factions. Through the front business, Emerald Isle Entertainment, we aim to stimulate casual citizen roleplay that both regular citizens and hardened criminals can have fun with. This includes, but is not limited to: an established boxing circuit with a real time ranking system, a public paintball league with Kill/Death tracking for showing off to your friends, game shows like Family Feud and Deal or No Deal, etc. Due to the background of our group, we will also engage slightly with rituals, promotions and punishments that could be viewed in a cult-like manner. Aside from our front business, during the night we will host feasts and music nights. Due to our Emerald Isle Entertainment connections with boxing, we will also have public fighters for our entertainment while we wine and dine. Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): Emerald Isle Entertainment A boxing circuit with a ranking system based on wins and losses, persisting based on character A paintball league with a Kill - Death ratio for showing off to others Game shows like Family Feud / Deal or No Deal The Ruain Collective: Traditions Punishments that include partial crucifixion for wrongdoings in the street. Promotions that are similar to Christian tradition with the use of blood and oil. The Ruain Collective: Day & Night Socializing Nighttime feasts and music to create connections and make merriment with friends and allies alike Working as a group to move to other events made by other people in order to make them feel truly alive https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2fl66ubDy5GsgO/d1337tesxBDy?invite=cr-MSxrZ0QsMjIwNTI4Mjc1LA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/29U6HowoI6-wyy/d1337SNkxuMD?invite=cr-MSxCQnYsMTYwMjI2OTEs https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/29U5FXvVZM-Aj-/d1337jDpZaz5?invite=cr-MSxMTG8sMTYwMjI2OTEs https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/29U5EdLS0VJv_Z/d1337obre747?invite=cr-MSxrMUcsMTMwMTAxMTI1LA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/29U0Q9mV2Ri1by/vYqX9tMHDufo?invite=cr-MSx2VjIsMTYwMjI2OTEs?mobilebypass=true Organization Backstory https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Mfq7...1gJ9Q/edit If you're interested, DM me (lorekeeperprodigy) for the Discord link and I'll happily bring you in as a friend until we're launched! Events Currently Run: 03/30/2024 - Emerald Isle Fight Night #1 04/06/2024 - Emerald Isle Fight Night #2 04/13/2024 - Emerald Isle Fight Night #3: The Gloves Are Off 04/20/2024 - Emerald Isle Fight Night #4: Burning Aura 04/24/2024 - Emerald Isle Paintball Night #1 04/27/2024 - Emerald Isle Fight Night #5: Night Alive 05/01/2024 - Emerald Isle Destruction Derby #1: Training Wheels 05/04/2024 - Emerald Isle Fight Night #6: League of Luxury 05/11/2024 - Emerald Isle Destruction Derby #2: Metal Mayhem 05/19/2024 - Emerald Isle Destruction Derby #3: Clash of Cars 05/24/2024 - Emerald Isle Paintball Night #2 05/25/2024 - Emerald Isle Fight Night #7: Crown of Southside 05/27/2024 - Emerald Isle Paintball Night #3 06/01/2024 - Emerald Isle Paintball Night #4: Reloaded
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. in-Game Name(s): Cheng lee, Sergent James O`Cray, James Jameson Steam Name:Morty_Sigma Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199231189197/ Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:635461734 Discord Username:morty0364 Age:17 When did you first join the server: Around a year and a half ago Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 3mo 1d 14h 44m Time Zone: est How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 3-4 hours a day Have you read the rules?: yes Do you have a working microphone?: yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): yes Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: no Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: yes ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: * The Reason I'd like to apply is because of the fact most staff don't take tickets after they meet the quota. Many people including myself have experienced long wait times when there are clearly staff on to take tickets. There were many times I was RDM'd and I would make tickets having to wait 30+ minutes or even at times not getting my ticket answered. I personally don't want people having that sort of experience anymore. So my motivation is to change the speed tickets are taken or at least at the rate they are taken. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: * I believe that I should be considered over other candidates because of the fact I'm on so much. Sure there are many people who have lots of game time but I'm actually interacting with people when online. I provide a great experience and interact well with any person I come across, even those I don't really get along with I deal with in a very reasonable way. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): No I do not but I'm willing to learn and try my best to become a great staff member. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: yes, twice for metagame and twice for rdm, I dont have a excuse for my bans I was doing dumb things it has been a few months close to a year since my last ban and I try my best to follow the rules Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: * Yes I am a well-known guy in our community. Many people would say I'm a funny guy and others would say I'm somewhat of a bully. But at the end of the day, I'm always helping out my peers. And I would even say people like being around me. What is your favorite moment on Diverge so far?: The Christmas event were santa gave drugs and class 4s Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Boomroasted, caboose, h4xx3z,toast,Mangos,darkfire,fox ------------------------------------------------- Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: if someone were to get RDM'd while I was off-duty and I wasn't involved with it I would ask/wait for them to make a ticket. And deal with it in a professional way. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: What I would do is gather as much evidence as possible and report them for abuse. And if I didn't get evidence of it I would alert the higher staff team to be on the lookout for that person A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: I would not be biased towards a situation like this, I would let another staff member take the ticket to avoid any chances of the situation being seen as biased and if no-one was available I would then take the ticket and try my best to deal with the situation and gather all available evidence and make a decision from there
    1 point
  14. Name: Carpenter SteamID: STEAM_0:1:567863431 Discord ID: carpenterxo Reason for Ban: Pendred put “Retard.” Length of Ban: Permanent Reason for Appeal: I don’t know the precise reason why I was banned. I would have asked but I was instantly banned from all the Discord servers as well so I could not make a ticket. I assume it was because I killed Susan Medici, but to my knowledge, it was a fair PK. Pendred did touch a bit on the reasons why I was banned under Susan Medici’s PK appeal. He notes “Circumstances leading up to this situation are irrelevant, I'm not going to allow someone who is an extremely dedicated, active member of the community have their experience impacted by someone who has demonstrated to be neither of those things, who doesn't contribute to the community or roleplay and just wants to inflict harm, for no other reason than being a spiteful dog. He can be banned alongside this.” This would not be a problem if it was true, but it isn’t. First, I don’t see how the circumstances are irrelevant. That’s how a situation should be judged. Second, he says I was not an active member or dedicated. Because I do not know Pendred personally, I assume he just thought that I was another minge and was trying to ruin the server. But I had been a player on Diverge for quite a while and most definitely engaged with others. From being part of Luchesse at first, to Bonnanos, the Police Department, and then my most prominent character Paul Cerrito was pretty well-known throughout the Colombo Crime Family. I also created the Maple Street Crips with some friends and that stayed around for a while. I was also a member of staff for a short time. With all that said, I was definitely active within the community. I don’t think a possible mistake I made should regard me as a “spiteful dog” and calls for a permanent ban. If I did legitimately break any rules, I apologize, but I think a lot of this could have been a misunderstanding and doesn’t warrant a permanent ban. Why Should You Be Unbanned: I’ve been banned for a little over half a year and many friends have tried to get me back on. Now that it’s summer, I’d like to play again because I did genuinely enjoy the server. For any rules I did break, I apologize, and I feel that the 6 months+ I’ve been banned has probably covered it.
    1 point
  15. +1 I do agree with some of the comments made about his lack of experience however a lot of people don't have prior staff experience if this is all they play on GMOD. Personally I think Morty would be great for staff. He is a very disciplined person and would put legitimate effort into this role. I like the fact that he has stated he would be committed to answering tickets as he does make a valid point about current staff after hitting their quota. Looking at all of the recommendations its clear he has made an impact on this server and this would only allow him to make an even larger impact. This man has my full support - the real Greg
    1 point
  16. Long time no see Kewl, thanks for the +1
    1 point
  17. +1 I think the Ruain Collective has so much potential as a faction. I have witnessed how much work and effort has gone into this faction and how much they connect with everyone on the server, they are passionate, fun, and always put roleplay first. The faction as a plan is extremely well thought out, Prodigy answers questions about the proposed faction with diligence and accuracy. Their events are fun and energetic and have brought so many different people together and I think that is crucial to a successful faction.
    1 point
  18. Yes, the chances are that this will be denied are higher then the age of my great grandparents but hear me out. The NYC Map (tap to take a look) is the same map currently used but there is a city addition with many shops buildings and much more places to role play. So if you would like to step up the role play even more then it already is then try this map. I am willing to donate money if there is a price to add stuff to the server like more space and I would hope that others that wanted to donate could as well. Over time role play may get boring being in the same area, and if you add this it will not only enhance the role play but it will also bring more players and you know what that means more players, more money, more fun. I think that if you add this the server will be full and there will be many more people joining and having an good experience. So if your looking for something to revamp definitely look at this. I did overhear a year or so ago about how staff tried this but it did not work properly but hopefully it can be fixed and money can be raised for the server to get more space so staff can get this map in and uploaded. (If you don't feel comfortable clicking the underlined link than you can use this one https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2925489145)
    1 point
  19. +1 Mortyith would be great at being a skygod. He's experienced, unbiased, and would seek help should he ever need it. I've witnessed great rp on his other chars, predict the same as an admin. fuck you morty DIE
    1 point
  20. more criminal options? in my mafia rp??? do I look like a charity case... get to grinding or get outta here
    1 point
  21. This community is silly at times but nevertheless I like it. Just wanted to say that I appreciate most all of you and that this is the first community I’ve really been a part of, and I’m pretty happy with the friends I’ve made. This is mainly to commemorate one year of me being staff. Not great with words but even so I’ll like to express my gratitude. Anyone have any favorite in game memories they’d like to share?
    1 point
  22. I guess I don’t really understand this whole Hylics thing. You say it as if I’ve committed treason. Literally, everyone has checked it out, including you. I don’t see that as abnormal because it was the only other competing server gaining any traction, we were all curious. That doesn’t mean I was or am praying on Diverge’s downfall. Nor does it mean that for anyone else who was curious, again, including you. I loved Diverge and played it every day and had lots of fun playing alongside my friends. On that note, talking about the PK on Susan Medici was inevitable considering the word spread like a wildfire and I was getting messages left and right. Since I was banned on Diverge, people who did not have me added naturally pinged me in other servers. Including Boom himself (who was Don at the time, unsure if he still is). The large majority of them came at me angrily, so I apologize if I showed any aggression back? It was a heated night. I would not be surprised if I said things that were out of pocket. And again, I literally and genuinely did not know it was Susan. I don’t know else how to prove or get that across. I did not go out of my way to mess with Susan Medici whom I didn’t even know personally and still have nothing against. If Susan was the only one with access to that player model, I was certainly unaware. It was only found out after the situation had been initiated in the sit where Medici was first PKed. I am not saying I am blameless and completely in the right, that I made no mistakes. It is not my intention to seek and justify all of my actions, if any. I just don’t think my offense warranted the permanent ban and feel the six months have been fair game. I am not some minge that you are perceiving me as who came on to ruin the game. I was a very active player who made a mistake.
    1 point
  23. +1, I've known Carpenter since when we both started in Colombos, I will vouch that his RP is on point and that he shouldn't be removed from the community/server for the incident. I think the times been long enough and that he should be given another chance on the server.
    1 point
  24. were you bein a retard?
    1 point
  25. -1 its got no idea what its doing never heard of him outside of being a mod, even then all I've heard is bad things about how he has no clue what its doing.
    1 point
  26. who do you guys think is the toppest shotta on diverge? make sure you have proof! I think its this guy!!
    1 point
  27. you certainly are one of a kind
    1 point
  28. After being banned half the server already forgotten me they forgot about #007 and even my in game name they forgot what i brought and what i did for the community i do too much for this community like my time and streamer support no one congratsulate me not even thanks me. Day 2 of being banned im stuck in the dark with my thoughts thinking about things i wish i forgot something i cant explain on the internet losing my insanity the constant voice and thinking in my head of many things this game helped those thoughts because i liked the server i liked the people but someone had to mess it up for me and get me banned person who got me banned even quit the server after i got banned @RemHope you feel very good about yourself for leaving me with my never ending thoughts in my head that this server clamed down.
    1 point
  29. Average Diverge Citizen wanting all the money and power but doesn't want to work for it or get involved with anything
    1 point
  30. + 900,250 How do I get in contact with the "Big Boss"
    1 point
  31. 2 roblox avatars thats crazy
    1 point
  32. your getting a forums warning
    1 point
  33. +1 worked with them a little they're pretty quality roleplayers
    1 point
  34. +1 change the name, apart from that seems cool!
    1 point
  35. +1 great backstory and produces good rp, overall good people and has a lot of potential for the server.
    1 point
  36. -1 Backstory is very short, and doesn’t really make you different. I agree with Canadian to just be Greek and not focus on the Canadian aspect of it, and to completely scrap the Philly part. Maybe an Upstate New York Greek Crew that grows in with Italians and breaks off to be its own thing??? (Edit) Faction prides itself on poaching members and is just another subfaction of another subfaction. They do not understand roleplay, or the server’s politics for that matter, or how to run and operate a faction.
    1 point
  37. +1 I think a cult faction sounds like it'd create good rp experiences on the server. The only issue is if drugs, crime and gambling are sinful what racket would you be aiming for? I see in your comments you mention it would act like a normal gang, but does having a drug racket fit into the whole no sin lifestyle of a cult?
    1 point
  38. Great people full of insane Roleplayers +1
    1 point
  39. more stuff to do with drugs like why darkRP got better drug mechanics
    1 point
  40. +1 I really love the concept of going on missions that are made by leaders for the people. That kind of dedication to roleplay is difficult to find. It'll be really lovely to be able to just go in and have a set goal for the time you're on, going through objectives and having a good ass time. I love that idea a lot. I think you've got a real chance here. Keep up the good work and good luck with your faction!
    1 point
  41. This is the name of a real crime family. Google the name for more information this isn't minge.
    1 point
  42. Thank you to everyone who +1'd this faction application on the old Forum, Brown & Sons Co. (old forum)
    1 point
  43. +1 greeks are kinda gay but canadians seem cool
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. +1 - It's an incredibly creative idea that seems like it would really spice up the servers RP; the application itself is very well made, the lore included
    1 point
  47. This website looking good
    1 point
  48. Global Rules *Violating any of the rules below will result in a Global Ban across all Diverge platforms. 1. Exploitation/Third Party Software: You may not utilise any feature or functionality on any platform that is not intended to exist. You are also forbidden from using any form of third party modification. This includes using cheating software, injectors, etc.   2. Harassment: Whilst we advocate for Freedom of Speech and have very little limitation on what can and cannot be said, Repeated verbal or text abuse to a player of any kind after being made aware is causing them discomfort is considered harassment, know where to draw the line.   3. Privacy: You are forbidden from publicizing any information that is considered private. This includes the information of you personally and that of others.   4. Advertisement: You may not directly advertise services or communities that are unrelated to ours. Discussion is permitted however.   5. External Trading: The only way you can use real currency to purchase additional perks is through our donation store. Any form of external trading, gaining perks such as ranks, in-game currency, items, etc, in return for real life money is forbidden. Both parties will be issued bans across all Diverge platforms.   6. Impersonation: You may not directly impersonate another individual. Attempting to imitate someone regardless of intention is strictly forbidden.   7. Punishment Evasion: If you have received a punishment on any of our platforms, under no circumstances are you to try and evade. If it prevents you from accessing a platform, submit an appeal on our forums or wait it out if it's timed.   8. Spamming: Any form of spamming on any platform is forbidden. 9. Tampering/Vandalism: Tampering, destroying or faking images/videos/documents of any kind to gain some sort of advantage in our community or server over other players or as a means of destroying roleplay is prohibited.   10. Donation Fraud: Attempting to revert any donations you have made to Diverge Networks will not only result in a Global Ban, but in some instances can result in real world legal consequences given that this is classed as scamming which is against the law. Ensure you are aware of our Terms of Service. If you have any problems with donating, contact a member of management.   11. Boycotting: Players may petition for a change to be made, however, OOC unions are not permitted in any circumstances. Any group threatening to boycott if certain demands are not met may be banned indefinitely.   12. Sexual Misconduct: Any players posting images or acting in Sexually inappropriate ways, in violation of our rules, Facepunch Terms of Service or Discord terms of service can and will be banned indefinitely. 13. Extreme Threats: Players can be banned for uttering any extreme threats against the Server, other players or themselves. This includes but is not limited to; Ddos threats, Dox threats, threats of SWATTING or extreme violence, threats of self-harm, etc. 14. Conspiracy: Any conspiracy to break or subvert server rules, cause harm to the server or community, staff/management and/or the spirit of the game can result in a permanent ban from all platforms.
    1 point
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