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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/24 in all areas

  1. My favourite moments on diverge is when I would metagame:)
    3 points
  2. Have you ever thought to yourself "Man, getting this shipment off the barge isn't providing me nearly enough time with my thoughts, and opportunities to self reflect!" Well worry no more! It's my strong belief that we should on the new map change take the normal distance to the barge, and essentially just double it. What would that look like, you ask? Well I've created a rough design for the new changes! This, is the original map for the new map: What it would look like with some *minor* alterations is:
    3 points
  3. in-Game Name(s): Cheng lee, Sergent James O`Cray, James Jameson Steam Name:Morty_Sigma Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199231189197/ Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:635461734 Discord Username:morty0364 Age:17 When did you first join the server: Around a year and a half ago Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 3mo 1d 14h 44m Time Zone: est How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 3-4 hours a day Have you read the rules?: yes Do you have a working microphone?: yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): yes Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: no Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: yes ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: * The Reason I'd like to apply is because of the fact most staff don't take tickets after they meet the quota. Many people including myself have experienced long wait times when there are clearly staff on to take tickets. There were many times I was RDM'd and I would make tickets having to wait 30+ minutes or even at times not getting my ticket answered. I personally don't want people having that sort of experience anymore. So my motivation is to change the speed tickets are taken or at least at the rate they are taken. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: * I believe that I should be considered over other candidates because of the fact I'm on so much. Sure there are many people who have lots of game time but I'm actually interacting with people when online. I provide a great experience and interact well with any person I come across, even those I don't really get along with I deal with in a very reasonable way. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): No I do not but I'm willing to learn and try my best to become a great staff member. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: yes, twice for metagame and twice for rdm, I dont have a excuse for my bans I was doing dumb things it has been a few months close to a year since my last ban and I try my best to follow the rules Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: * Yes I am a well-known guy in our community. Many people would say I'm a funny guy and others would say I'm somewhat of a bully. But at the end of the day, I'm always helping out my peers. And I would even say people like being around me. What is your favorite moment on Diverge so far?: The Christmas event were santa gave drugs and class 4s Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Boomroasted, caboose, h4xx3z,toast,Mangos,darkfire,fox ------------------------------------------------- Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: if someone were to get RDM'd while I was off-duty and I wasn't involved with it I would ask/wait for them to make a ticket. And deal with it in a professional way. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: What I would do is gather as much evidence as possible and report them for abuse. And if I didn't get evidence of it I would alert the higher staff team to be on the lookout for that person A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: I would not be biased towards a situation like this, I would let another staff member take the ticket to avoid any chances of the situation being seen as biased and if no-one was available I would then take the ticket and try my best to deal with the situation and gather all available evidence and make a decision from there
    2 points
  4. +1 fucking hitler goes hard jokes aside great person he would be a good fit
    2 points
  5. This guy gets no hoes at all, +1
    2 points
  6. I never thought I’d see the day… Witerally there’s sigma in his name must I say more? +1 nah but fr although he’s done some questionable things like I have in the past, he admits fault to them and he hasn’t really done anything dumb for a while since he became FL again
    2 points
  7. @Toastconfirm, did he just do a /me? or is this guy fronting and he was having nasty ass frothy sex rp with a dude?
    2 points
  8. Huge +1. Priors aside, I've had many RP instances with him and have never seen him act on OOC information. Only negative thing I've seen on this app is a mention of the Christmas incident, please don't bring it up again. All jokes aside, Morty would be a great candidate for staff.
    2 points
  9. This community is silly at times but nevertheless I like it. Just wanted to say that I appreciate most all of you and that this is the first community I’ve really been a part of, and I’m pretty happy with the friends I’ve made. This is mainly to commemorate one year of me being staff. Not great with words but even so I’ll like to express my gratitude. Anyone have any favorite in game memories they’d like to share?
    2 points
  10. Name of Faction: Brown & Sons Co. Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 7+ Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Legal Oil Company Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): American background; though all races/ethnicities will be hired. Name of Character running the faction: John Brown Jr II Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): baselsamarah Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:708116014 Your Server playtime: 3mo 6 day 23h 1m Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): My top priority will be ensuring the sale of oil daily, and creating a legal faction/company completely neutral and uninvolved with any faction conflict/politics. Members of every faction is welcome and encouraged to join/participate. I hope to also shine a light on Law Firms and Security Firms, giving them an actual platform, a form of compensation, allowing for RP and hopefully bridging a gap between the legal and illegal aspects of RP. Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): Hella oil sales, events related to Gambling such as game shows, Sports-betting and Paintball matches available to the entire server to participate, that will take place on various faction owned properties (with permission) to gain mutual positive attention, Introducing a mega-company that would induce IC RP with lawyers, government personal, members of PD, members of illegal factions regardless of "conflict/politics". Another big plus is the extensive yet simple discord server, that will be extremely supportive for newbies to Faction Leaders. The wind blows a brochure into your face… (only works on pc) Long Backstory
    1 point
  11. Name: Carpenter SteamID: STEAM_0:1:567863431 Discord ID: carpenterxo Reason for Ban: Pendred put “Retard.” Length of Ban: Permanent Reason for Appeal: I don’t know the precise reason why I was banned. I would have asked but I was instantly banned from all the Discord servers as well so I could not make a ticket. I assume it was because I killed Susan Medici, but to my knowledge, it was a fair PK. Pendred did touch a bit on the reasons why I was banned under Susan Medici’s PK appeal. He notes “Circumstances leading up to this situation are irrelevant, I'm not going to allow someone who is an extremely dedicated, active member of the community have their experience impacted by someone who has demonstrated to be neither of those things, who doesn't contribute to the community or roleplay and just wants to inflict harm, for no other reason than being a spiteful dog. He can be banned alongside this.” This would not be a problem if it was true, but it isn’t. First, I don’t see how the circumstances are irrelevant. That’s how a situation should be judged. Second, he says I was not an active member or dedicated. Because I do not know Pendred personally, I assume he just thought that I was another minge and was trying to ruin the server. But I had been a player on Diverge for quite a while and most definitely engaged with others. From being part of Luchesse at first, to Bonnanos, the Police Department, and then my most prominent character Paul Cerrito was pretty well-known throughout the Colombo Crime Family. I also created the Maple Street Crips with some friends and that stayed around for a while. I was also a member of staff for a short time. With all that said, I was definitely active within the community. I don’t think a possible mistake I made should regard me as a “spiteful dog” and calls for a permanent ban. If I did legitimately break any rules, I apologize, but I think a lot of this could have been a misunderstanding and doesn’t warrant a permanent ban. Why Should You Be Unbanned: I’ve been banned for a little over half a year and many friends have tried to get me back on. Now that it’s summer, I’d like to play again because I did genuinely enjoy the server. For any rules I did break, I apologize, and I feel that the 6 months+ I’ve been banned has probably covered it.
    1 point
  12. +1 would be a great addition to the staff team
    1 point
  13. +1 Its about time he put in a staff app. Ive known Morty for awhile on Diverge, he is a good friend and player. I can picture him being a good candidate for staff.
    1 point
  14. I have seen two clips of you killing 3 to 4 officers in that one room. You tried one died then came back and shot the Captain of IA with a shotgun.
    1 point
  15. "Why is there barely a reward dor passive legal money?" BECAUSE, like i said there is no RISK to that play style. Why do illegal shit if legal is profitable? You took a year break? Your first join date is May 5th, 2024. You came back on a different steam account?
    1 point
  16. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1TAFRg-M9zBhdg/d1337Van3VDK?invite=cr-MSxJdVgsMTA3ODcwODM1LA
    1 point
  17. Sort of bad faith arguments but i'll defend the points regardless. 1. We do but the Majority of whiners bring issues we've already addressed; arguments we've dismantled hundreds of times, or just straight up bad ideas/suggestions with no thought or consideration to basic gameplay balance. 2. While the justice system is sometimes slow and can possibly be improved in the future, it still currently works fine, as I am writing this there are ~10 open DA tickets and 8 open criminal cases (overlap). This actually isn't that high as it used to be as a majority of charges will result in plea deals (as is what happens in real life) and you have to consider that a lot of cases remain open because the defendants effectively refuse to co-operate or take the legal RP seriously, they view it as a dark rp type arrest where they get put in jail for 2 minutes and are then instantly released. This is a different gamemode with a more functional real world justice system. Don't want to waste the time? Don't do the crime, or just accept the plea. Majority of them are under 45 years anyways. Get a lawyer, you're probably an idiot on your own. That being said, as @MxR mentioned, getting caught is sort of a skill issue and if they have enough evidence to charge you with 45+ years then it's really a 'don't get caught' problem. People get pk'ed this is the reality of Mafia RP and your first PK is likely always something stupid or avoidable, none of that FiveM 'consensual PK' bullshit. Actions have consequences. 3. There's already a good amount of legal ways to make money, such as; taxi services, delivery trucks, working jobs for factions and their events, collecting oil, collecting scrap from trash cans and any other LEGAL hustle you can invent in your brain (it is an RP server after all, you have to be inventive). Adding more profitable venues to legal RP does nothing to enhance the RP of a MAFIA RP server, as mentioned by @Demigod the game will always reward high risk actions like gun running or drug selling since you can be arrested for it. It simply sounds like all you have done is wait on shipments instead of using the tools we've given you to produce your own RP. It's not only about money ! 4. This is something we've already considered as a concept, mind you slightly altered, and are looking into it. Time will tell. As for the last paragraph you wrote: I consider this to be a bad faith argument. Saying only the old heads are sticking around is just wrong. The nature of a game server is that people filter in and out and usually you mark a 10 to 20% retention rate when popular. New players that enjoy the game stick around, like yourself, you joined for the first time in early May and more than 3 weeks later you're still around. Diverge has been open since December of 2020, that is more than three years of straight operation. Players will play for a few months, disappear for a year, then come back again. This 'glory' has lasted that long and will continue to last as long as we put the effort and time into it. Basically, your paragraph implies that us not immediately accepting your suggestions as pure truth of reality would lead to the server dying, which obviously isn't the case.
    1 point
  18. +1, I've known Carpenter since when we both started in Colombos, I will vouch that his RP is on point and that he shouldn't be removed from the community/server for the incident. I think the times been long enough and that he should be given another chance on the server.
    1 point
  19. https://divergenetworks.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=6850 (I was the upper management in 14K she was referring to that denied hiring you- then you slimed a way in by lying to a new recruit and a staff member lol) how are you gonna lie and get caught like that lmfao. I’m now damn sure you are the guy and I am 100% right lol. I do remember seeing the screenshots of you saying you wanted to target them in Hylics discord lmfao. the reason why your ban reason is retard is because you are one of the Hylics retards that couldn’t cope with diverge lol
    1 point
  20. I’ve already explained everything I am aware of above. I was permanently banned after I had killed Susan Medici. The admin who took the sit agreed it abided by the rules, and I personally am not aware of specifically any rules I had broken. If I did break any rules I do apologize. But I still don’t think it calls for a permanent ban on my end. From what it seems I was judged as someone who came on to just ruin someone’s experience and was not part of the community, but as I described: I think that is a big misunderstanding and intend to ruin no one’s gameplay. When I was able, I played the server pretty much everyday and got along just fine with others. I am unaware as to which faction I was in when the situation took place, it was over six months ago. And no, I was not planning to PK Susan, I don't even play FiveM. At the time I actually didn't even know it WAS Susan until it was revealed OOC. In no way was I targetting Medici.
    1 point
  21. -1, same reasons listed above. Suggestion - change the name of your character to your staff one, considering you're always character locked to it. May make things easier. Have a good rest of your weekend, I look forward to your response!
    1 point
  22. For starters, you asked some pretty dumb questions in staff general, that show that A. You are out of the loop on things, I mean if you dont have the time to read the very short map FAQ announcement then your cooked if you become a faction leader. ( when is map coming??? ) B. You’re not able to answer basic questions without consulting for help. ( can I be German and asking what an organization backstory means, Like come on man ) C. That you think you get special privileges because your staff ( asking if you can get a building assuming you’re going to get accepted ). Furthermore your essay has the reading and writing level of a 4-6th grader and you have done the bare minimum of 255 words for your backstory without even making a document. You have 1 week on the server, not enough time to run a faction at all, I’m fairly confident you have no high command experience, but feel free to share if I’m wrong. Over all, you seem to not be super knowledgeable on the servers current state as well as just general things. You lack experience and time, have put in low effort to this application, and you are a furry. Have a good rest of your weekend, I look forward to your response!
    1 point
  23. -1, lazy backstory doesnt even reach word minimum , doesn’t really add anything to the server, fellas not fit to be a faction leader. sorry!
    1 point
  24. Thank you to everyone who +1'd this faction application on the old Forum, Brown & Sons Co. (old forum)
    1 point
  25. To be a new player and go 3 days in grinding the way the game was intended to be played then be severely punished and wait a month to fight the charges in court is ruining the experience.. I understand the realism in it and "being smart with how you move" is a trait in itself but people fight to keep what they worked hard for while the system is immune to its exacerbate issue it brings to the whole population itself.. Truthfully I think there could be change at a higher level with this that could bring balance and I don't know what that change is but here are a few suggestions.. 1. Actually listen to the testaments and protests of people (and im not talking just cops but the highest power of the game as well) fully understand where the server issues that make people stay away.. 2. Revamping the Justice system to fairly allow players to keep their character because they will naturally get pk'd (less realistic approach to help players keep going) 3. Approach to more legal ways for anyone to make money besides spending countless hard earned irl dollars. Player events just aren't gonna be enough people should be able to make food deliveries for hired businesses or collect rubbish around a shipyard that can be sold to a npc. (basically more npc and task related jobs that can benefit players at anytime INSTEAD OF WAITING 10 minutes per shipment) Waaaaaay more engaging for players who like to be fidgety maybe even a custom chess and checkers betting table against players or calibrated AI 4. Separate Storage outside of ATMs that would allow players to store items personally without ATM because all the cops wanna do is get inside that. (Maybe like a illegal bank account you can upgrade with money) These are my suggestions that should be carefully considered for the future of this game.. cause only the old heads are sticking around, once the new guy gets severely punished one time its usually donezo for them say bye bye forever. Approve Disapprove whatever man no idea should be wasted just put them all together and see what it all points to cause lets be honest how long will this glory last or till its another relic in the past.
    0 points
  26. 0 points
  27. the risk is beyond the reward. if yall could careless most people leave so long as if the one guy who bought a custom suit and custom car could always get it back on a new character. i dont have to be a expert to tell you that someone who is conscious would have been pk'd through rp wouldve been like "welp this was a good run ima go do something better with my time now." this the end of the topic for me im talking to know it alls links of most recent suggestions and im sure you have tons more like them.. its not just me thinking this way but a majority that would benefit for that better future.. The reasoning you guys bring is all the same heard stuff and all i'm bringing to light is what its being pointed at that doesnt seem to get enough attention. This was never about me but for you @Canadian-bacon @Pendred @whoevercares
    0 points
  28. -1 (idk you really, I’ve never met you before personally so I’m judging you just based off the application, you having staff recommendations is a good sign though as well) you have two priors for metagaming. Not 1, but 2. This to me seems as a massive red flag, as well as having 2 priors for RDM as well, that’s not a great mixture looking at it. Also feels like not too much effort was put into the answers for a few of the questions. oh also you’re opening statement badmouthing staffs ticket numbers is a red flag for me. There’s better ways to word things like that. Also certain tickets like RDM and Metagaming tickets take considerably longer than a whitelist or PK ticket, there’s several factions into why tickets take long sometimes, hence why one of my reasons to apply was to try and mitigate that problem, giving more players another staff member to take their ticket being online all the time also IMO isn’t a separating quality to consider someone, it just shows you have a lot of time on your hands, but that’s about it.
    0 points
  29. We quite literally never "ran a faction" together. We teamed up our gangs, brother. It's about time you get over PoliceRP days that were over two years ago. You claim you "gave me trust?" I don't even know what that is supposed to indicate. I'm sorry you feel that way, but be real, you haven't liked me since I killed my Luchesse character.
    0 points
  30. -1 i knew this guy from another server where me and him used to run a faction together and i am totally against his unban as i gave him trust and he broke it so i believe if you give him the trust and he comes back he will do the same thing the second a new server comes to compete with diverge.
    0 points
  31. I do think that this one will be better though.
    0 points
  32. You were in Hylics Discord talking shit about Diverge and talking about your PK on Susan. You are one of the many little rats who thought Hylics would take off, and now you're trying to crawl your way back. You lied to a member of staff to get a faction whitelist to a faction you hadn't been hired into and used that to mug Susan, you also metagamed the fuck out of the mugging. You're chatting so much shit on your appeal it's kinda funny. You knew it was Susan and you were gloating about it until Pendred reversed it and banned you. Susan had the Elizabeth from BioShock Infinite model, everyone on the server knew it. Don't try and weasel your way out of it by making up absolute lies because your autism prevents you from remembering the circumstances that got you banned in the first place.
    0 points
  33. +1 I think he should get another chance he may have done a few retarded stuff but maybe he could learn from it
    0 points
  34. Me not knowing what faction I was in does not contradict anything? I never targetted Susan, and didn’t know it was her until after the mugging. So that’s a lie, not once did I go out of my way to kill Susan Medici. This also has nothing to do with Hylics, how am I “one of them?” I had been a member of Diverge long before and literally do not care about the competition between the two.
    0 points
    0 points
  36. -1 seems like it would take up room for other things
    -1 points
  37. If I remember correctly, this may be the dude that joined 14K, and used their room in imperial to lure Susan in with her guard down (taking advantage of being in an allied faction) and then attempted to mug her to which resulted in her pk- but at the same time I swear there were screenshots found; he was in a different gmod or fivem discord server talking shit about Susan and making plans to do the very thing that he did. Idk if this is 100% the guy but it seems very familiar to the case I’m talking about
    -1 points
  38. It’s the song that’s played every time I join a discord call
    -1 points
  39. I am aware of things I said in a public Discord server. I have already covered this. I had been getting DMs and pings from many, many people hating on me. I responded in a careless and cutthroat manner - it was a heated night. I shouldn’t have done it. I’ve stated numerous times now, I am not looking to justify all of my actions and things I said. That is not what I’m arguing at all, simply that I apologize, think the 6 months have been just, and I’d like to play Diverge again with my friends.
    -1 points
  40. firstly you are awesome for having took great consideration to this argument. Like I said, the system does work there isn't something going on in my belief that would be the cause for it to just die not for a long time atleast but that players who do leave, leave with a bad taste in their mouth and i was one of those guys who left for a year due to hardwork lost and irl reasons to comeback and try again but still get caught up. But I could argue there is a time gap for everything here.. countless hours spent on the grind for it to be diminished too easily. That is a system that can be worked on not something that should hold forever. And there are many creative ways to approach this and i pointed out a few but many other people point to too.. As for the RP that is something that doesnt need to be changed entirely either, everyone really enjoys it. But does everyone enjoy being in a family and only waiting for products to come in shipments? Are the alternatives really built for the misfortunate playstyle? Maybe thats what becoming a cop is for. Maybe there can be new rp towards legal tedious jobs that require some keywork instead like people fighting over campbells soup they were supposed to give jimmy the npc.. That could also get into a different approach to how people rp as well. This is a great game and will always still go down as one of the greatest rp styles of games which is why i care to put this out. The players engagement with other players is required with most of the game is a great move, but what if players dont wanna do that? Then you got fishing or truck driving shipments or if you are a passive player in a family watching youtube videos while that 10 min shipment comes in.. Its just a start. Why is there barely a reward over time for people who are just passive? The slow game is a good game to play but not for everyone is this point here although this kind of change wouldnt be the get rich quick scheme it damn sure should keep a player busy playing instead of waiting or gambling. I will admit that this argument for a step in the direction of new systems is for the benefit of a long term passive playstyle and player longevity that would be new to everyone is scary but if the player is gonna take risks why not take a risk is this idea too. These are all simple tweaks for a implied long term demand for population.
    -1 points
  41. Your Character or Steam Name: Pax-A-Puncher Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561198354591659 Your Discord ID#: mrsludge Reason for ban: mrdm/nitrp Length of ban: 3 days Reason for appeal apology : im sorry for blasting garry newman with fucking birdshot it was a complete misclick on my part also frostys a fucking faggot Why should you be unbanned? : sorry mouse slips up sometimes you know? 937aed227de5c2e6d3321bdb2b2acff3f9c8ba0abbd3be0b4b6ea1c6ffb9f6da_1.mp4
    -1 points
  42. @morty_sigma don’t let this bring you down cause again I’ve never met you in game or over a discord call, and if the other experienced staff members are vouching for you I’ll take their word, this response is PURELY from just reading the application. If they say you’re a good guy and would make a good fit then I’ll trust them.
    -1 points
  43. Your Character or Steam Name: Axcurs Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:459224290 Your Discord ID#: axcurs Reason for ban: Ban Evading Length of ban: Permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I tried to login with another steam account and got banned could i get unbanned by any chance? Its been 6 months it was a stupid idea of me to try that. Why should you be unbanned? I think that everyone deserves a second chance. I am sorry for my stupidity Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
    -1 points
  44. -2 points
  45. Name of Faction: The Mountain (Der Berg) Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 6 members including me Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Family Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): German Name of Character running the faction: Emma J. Marie Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): furryhxe69 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:545082407 Your Server playtime: 1w 1d 1h 17m Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): I was thinking we own a Pawn Shop where we buy and sell goods. Guns, Clothing, gear, etc whatever you got we will buy it. We will provide the server with a Pawn Shop to sell what they don't want anymore in exchange for money or something we have in stock as long as it matches with the thing they gave us in price. And on the side we will sell Cocaine. Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): Well with our Pawn Shop I would love to have like Black Friday events that will have things on sell for half of their price. And on those days my employees that did their job all week would get something for free for a award. Like clothing or even extra money we may also do some party night on Saturday evenings with gambling, food, etc. Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): Emma was just a young girl born from a German mother and an American dad in California. One day she saw a cool looking hat in a pawn shop called Joe's Pawn and Rug but her parents did not like pawn shops and thought they were a scam for the poor. But Emma thought differently; she thought they were an opportunity for the poor to help them get things that are too expensive for them. So Emma dreamed of making a pawn shop of her own one day and by the time she hit the age of 18 she set out to do so. Meeting after meeting with banks and other business people she finally got that at the age of 20 years of age she had everything she needed to start up a pawn shop and she named it The Mountain or in German Der Berg. Emma was happy she was proud of herself but she may have all the money and the building she needs for the pawn shop but not the employees she she contact friends, family and random people if they want a job it was hard but she found a couple of souls that was willing to take that job and help Emma get a working pawn shop. It was a hard journey but Emma managed to do it all from meetings to getting people to work here. That is how Emma J. Marie made her dream to own a pawn shop a reality and she was proud of it.
    -2 points
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