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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/24 in all areas

  1. Your Character or Steam Name: Reece Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:173324654 Your Discord ID#: tertia.optio Reason for ban: Staff Abuse Length of ban: Permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology Why should you be unbanned? I am writing to humbly appeal my ban from the server. My ban was entirely justified, as I childishly resorted to using staff as a means to target other factions. Reflecting on my actions, I am filled with regret for the immaturity of these actions, which were unfair not only to those I targeted but also to those in my own faction, as this poorly reflected on them. What I did was disrespectful to the staff, who gave me the chance to contribute to the server, which I exploited with my thoughtless actions, impacting the entire community. I genuinely regret what I did, as I now see that it ruined the enjoyment for many people. I understand that what I did was a complete disregard for what, as a staff member, I'm meant to represent. I'd like to use this time to apologize to those who were negatively impacted by these actions and beg your forgiveness. I ask for the opportunity to prove that I have reflected on these wrongdoings and to try to make them right. I hope to turn over a new leaf, but I understand that this opportunity may take more time. Sincerely, Reece.
    3 points
  2. 1 point
  3. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The ban will be reduced to 10 days. Scamming at the rate you two were going was mass scale, but due to your notes/logs this should have been a firm warning. Due to you admitting the metagaming I will reduce the ban, consider this a final warning on both infractions. Please use the time left to review the rules here: https://divergenet.works/forum/8-rules/
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Name of Faction: Kostas Crime Syndicate Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 13 known members Type Of Faction: Greek Crime Syndicate Ethnic Background : Greek Name of Character running the faction: Cyril Kostas Your Discord # dopeasroe Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:116617909 Your Server playtime: 1mo 3d 18h 30m Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnP2quqpawY Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): We are a group of hardcore larp/impov players. Our members can always count on us to set up missions to go on, and story lines to be apart of. One example would be that when we are going promote a member to Senior Associate we set up a bait car without their knowledge. We would set up a mock up stealth mission in which they have to steal the car to prove their loyalty to us, as well as observe their problem solving skills. Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mYvEHVCE60ATLmR643-OGWwiBMc581X0eZ2MS4ZuwVs/edit
    0 points
  6. Your messages to me yesterday were confusing which is why I had originally ignored them. I completely forgot about this until I went back to look at the chats from the ban date. From what I can see, you and friends of yours, I assume yall were IRL friends, were playing on the server and had developed some sort of beef with the at the time Genovese faction. I vaguely remember a coup ticket being made against @Seansx and it was denied. From this beef, you had applied to staff for the sole intent and purpose of gaining meta/staff abused information against them in an attempt to have them all arrested / killed off. From your own words you only joined staff in order to 'get back at those who wronged you'. In essence, once we discovered the use of a private discord that had been used with the intent to metagame we gathered enough proof to justify your ban and the ban of anyone else involved. I then confronted you about it over DMs / VC, whatever it was. In there I told you it would be a permanent ban unless you were forthcoming and simply co-operated with us, to which you denied the involvement of anyone else and later proudly proclaimed "I aint snitching!" Like that reputation matters on a Garry's mod server. Note that your refusal to co-operate was in the end irrelevant since we still banned the other guilty parties. Obviously staff abuse is a brain dead short term move and a severe violation of trust, you also clearly didn't care about the consequences of what you did quote "I don't mind not getting unbanned." In our conversation I offered you a more than fair opportunity to reduce the perma, considering the offence and you refused. In the conversation I also expressed my disappointment in your actions and you expressed both your love for staffing and love for the server, but you made the conscious decision to remain permabanned for effectively no reason or cause. I'm curious, despite you originally accepting the perma and doing nothing to help yourself, why do you feel appealing now is any different? You brushed away the one chance afforded to you to still exist as a member of this community. Why in god's green earth should we exercise any good faith when you couldn't exercise self-control nor the most basic level of decency when caught?
    0 points
  7. /rumour Fed ^ (I should make a suggestion to use the American spelling "/rumor", what the fuck is a kilometer?!?!?! RAHH )
    0 points
  8. It might not matter much anymore since there will only be one gas station in the new map, but seeing a return of fuel consumption from the mafia servers-of-old would be nice. Not only does it add immersion into the roleplay but it could also be a passive money sink for the economy in the range of three to four figures. Consumption could be influenced by the speed and luxuriousness of the car as well (fast and modern 2010s cars cost more to maintain than poor people cars!) Not quite sure what it would take for this to be added though. Just a thought!
    0 points
  9. -1 i love driving and my car running out of gas and i cant refill it because i cant move it!!
    0 points
  10. "Poor people cars" lol +1
    -1 points
  11. This would make my soundboard sound for filling up a gas tank actually useful. Maybe not four figure gas prices, pretty please +1
    -1 points
  12. do u want a cookie for being a don?
    -1 points
  13. good shit your relevant for spending 1000$ on custom items
    -1 points
  14. Character or Steam Name: earl shitfart server name: earl smithfart SteamID: 76561198085382439 Your Discord ID#: earlshitfart Reason for ban: RDM X3 Length of ban: 1 week Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I ran into an IRL friend on the server and we had told each other that if we ever ran into each other that we would shoot each other on sight and after doing so I accidentally killed another person. I understand the ban but 1 week seems a little excessive, I am a first time offender and it was an honest mistake. If the ban length could be shortened that would be amazing. ( i dont know if the X3 in the ban reason means ive RDM'd 3 times but that is just untrue, this is my only instance of RDMing anyone) Why should you be unbanned? I was having a lot of fun on the server and during my time on I was cooperating and roleplaying correctly outside of this unfortunate mistake. Like I said before, I understand the ban because I RDM'd but it was truthfully a mistake the guy caught the bullet in the crossfire of me and my friend. I can get my friend to vouch that this is true, he is in the clip that was given to the admin. A shortened ban would make me happy, I hope to hop back on ASAP :)
    -1 points
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