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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/24 in all areas

  1. I like to store my proccesed stuff in ATM's so I can just do one big sell at once but the whole drag and move thing getting a lil annoying so I think a good way to save time and conveniance is to be able to sellect a group of single unit items and then move that all at once
    1 point
  2. Name of Character: Sean "Zion" Berenbaum SteamID: STEAM_0:0:802232006 Your Discord ID#: drvnkthrutheday Date of PK: 5/5/2024 Reason for PK: we were dealing with a situation were we had a guy under fear RP, so we brought him to the fish house on the docks, while we have him there gun shots start going off, and i walk out the room to see my friend dead and the door open, so i walked out the door and 4 random guys with no F3 to anyone in the boat house came and shot and killed me, i respawned at hospital and went to bank then went afk while sitting down and came back to a PK notification Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?:The guys who killed us didnt know any of us, no F3's or nothing they acted off of nothing for them, they attacked us with no reason. we had a man locked in the ladder room and they just opened up and started shooting us for no reason. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: PK'd along Antonio Scarface Viado in the exact same situation,Mod Adam will have the same clips of the situation
    1 point
  3. Bro take the gun out press c and scroll down to weapon skins. This is not a tool gun issue it’s a you’re retarded issue
    1 point
  4. +1 Same Shit That Happened To Antonio "Scarface" Viado. Exact same scene, Other side just tryna take out the competition, (Adam Metagame definitely)
    1 point
  5. +1 moving multiple items at once will help
    1 point
  6. With the new update I propose to change the system currently in place with Citizens and those that want to play a criminal character without aligning to a existing faction. I propose for there to be an NPC at barge or wherever the black market is to get transferred to a criminal whitelist like New York Taxis except with access to rumour. Here are some changes to the rules I could see with this addition. 1. Citizens can no longer mug no matter what 2. Those in the criminal whitelist can have Dons orders from any family on them from a faction provided they initiate a conflict with that faction (since they have no protection they are subject a higher chance of dying) 3. Groups of people in the criminal whitelist can group up and form gangs Why should being an independent criminal whitelist exist on a mafia RP server? 1. It already exists you can see gangs of bloods and crips and other citizen gangs that already live a non law abiding life why not formalize the current state of RP 2. Creates opportunities for factions to form naturally and exist in a sort of limbo state before becoming official. 3. Creates more of a divide between the lawless and law abiding citizens in the city. Allows those who do not want to conform to a faction to still roleplay as a criminal and engage in the drug trade.
    1 point
  7. No go to dark rp if you want futuristic shit
    1 point
  8. Suggestion from the cat fucker is denied.
    0 points
  9. Hello there, pking admin here, the reason you were pked was because you died during mugging someone. The person you mugged retaliated the mug and managed to kill you both. In the sit, and in the appeal, you talk about power gaming yet talked about your friend being a rule junkie. (Don't mean it offensively, just that he should know the rules too) This rule here, clearly states that you as the muggers need to bring your own equipment to continue a mugging to retrieve the belongings. I explained to your during the sit that the reason it is not power gaming, is because of game mechanics. Mugging is a serious thing in the server and has many consequences. You and your friend, not only did not have any restraints, but did not figure out game mechanics before trying it. This is where mugging rule 6 b) is in play (shown above). https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2bRhH2qvhgwdQB/mjQ6HIhoEflC?invite=cr-MSxYV0UsMjA1Njc4NDg3LA Here is the clip if you're curious or want to re-watch. 3rd guy was uninvolved because the second the muggee killed both of you, the fearrp dropped because the knife was up, and the shotgun was up. 3rd guy was uninvolved, got a metagame warn, and sent on his way. OTHERWISE, if 3rd guy was involved at the start of the mugging, the muggee, would've been pked. (If you aren't aware, the admin who approved the PK must reply with a full explanation as to why and how it was approved so that a higher staff member can approve/deny your pk appeal.)
    0 points
  10. -1 points
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