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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/24 in all areas

  1. you actually just got done spamming my DMs on discord with a gif of the uh, hit movie Monster's Inc character "Sully" using the character "Mike Wazowski" as a fleshlight with his giant monster penis. So, we're good on this one.
    3 points
  2. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
    2 points
  3. Your Character or Steam Name:Martin Riggs Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:419429676 Your Discord ID#: Drunken#2484 Reason for ban: RDM Length of ban: 1 week Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): So the clip shows that the victim in question points a gun at two officers, the man being thrown and me (whilst i arrived one scene). When i arrived on scene i saw the man with a pistol and then a bang went off which then lead to an explosion. Due to me thinking it was a gun shot and due to him pointing the gun at me from my POV i shot and killed the victim. The sit itself was ended by me not getting told what punishment i was getting nor did i get told whether i did do anything wrong, i was returned and then immediately banned for one week. Why should you be unbanned? Unfair ban and it was a miss communication of events if that makes sense . Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/28yEOQad_rIW_z/wDlIwYWRRxI3?invite=cr-MSw4OGcsNjA4OTYyNDIs?mobilebypass=true
    1 point
  4. *Idk if car shop factions are on the table for the new map, but if they are this could be a racket, otherwise it would be at car dealer.* Add nitrous oxide for cars. It would essentially be identical to the effect of the turbo tune, but cost like 5k and be on a short clock. Obv it would be nice for players that can’t afford the turbo tune, but mainly it would be to test the effect of turbo on a car in case it destroys handling, or just isn’t that impressive. (yes I know real cars would require a substantial investment into modifications before you could run nitrous. It’s gmod.)
    0 points
  5. +1 PoliceRP is much different than civilian, you really do need to make in the moment decisions for the safety of yourself, other officers, and the general public. In the case of this situation, I fully believe that he was in the right here, although it is RDM this should have been dealt with in an IC manner. This was a situation where IA would have been much more suited for "Improper use of force" because an officers first reaction when seeing a cop car get blown up is to shoot, not to command someone to throw their hands up because they will (and I have had this happen) just shoot and kill you the second you say that.
    0 points
  6. Hello there, banning staff member here. You have 9 PO's and are clearly a repeat offender of RDM. This is a roleplay server, and you need to roleplay every once in a while. Shooting someone with zero interaction or commands to the player like saying at minimum "Put your hands up", which a police officer would do in real life. You instead decided to instantly shoot instead of investigate the situation. In the clip the guy was clearly trying to help the cop from getting killed by the Taxi Driver slamming them into the car. You gave zero commands to the person with the gun, and ontop of that, he specifically pointed the gun away from you, above into the sky then put the gun on safety. The person who clipped this and reported you posed zero threat. If you took at least 2 seconds to get the full situation out of the only person still alive in the area, you could've seen that he was simply trying to help your fellow NYPD officer. As a banning note I put this exactly. 9 PO's for RDM, ARDM, hes very trigger happy and refuses to do any roleplay in scenarios before shooting first.
    0 points
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