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Kostas Crime syndicate Application


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I dont see the potential for the "great RP" everyone here is speaking of, seems like a generic faction app aside from the thought-out backstory "we uhh sell drugs but appear uhh legal". The example for RP you posted with the youtube link is you and your friends cracking jokes in a Townhouse, what happens when that gets boring? Im assuming all of these people have low playtimes as well. I really dont care about poaching or whatever but longevity wise I see an OOC friendgroup that would go inactive within a month or two if given a faction on the server. You also dont have a clear idea on where youre heading with the rackets, are you getting oil? are you getting drugs? you dont know.  Also if youre inching into the criminal underworld, how would a "legal appearing" faction retaliate/react when inevitably an actual criminal faction comes to district/tax you once youre off cooldown? A lot of plot holes people are looking past because they think youre funny with your townhouse improv. 

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  On 5/26/2024 at 12:34 AM, Drainer said:


I dont see the potential for the "great RP" everyone here is speaking of, seems like a generic faction app aside from the thought-out backstory "we uhh sell drugs but appear uhh legal". The example for RP you posted with the youtube link is you and your friends cracking jokes in a Townhouse, what happens when that gets boring? Im assuming all of these people have low playtimes as well. I really dont care about poaching or whatever but longevity wise I see an OOC friendgroup that would go inactive within a month or two if given a faction on the server. You also dont have a clear idea on where youre heading with the rackets, are you getting oil? are you getting drugs? you dont know.  Also if youre inching into the criminal underworld, how would a "legal appearing" faction retaliate/react when inevitably an actual criminal faction comes to district/tax you once youre off cooldown? A lot of plot holes people are looking past because they think youre funny with your townhouse improv. 


I don’t like being a Debby Downer, but Drainer does bring up fairly good points. 

If you’re dealing with drugs, you’re an illegal faction. You may attempt to appear as legal as possible, though at the end of the day you are a Crime Organization. There is no such thing as no violence, no illegal attention, and the biggest point that Drainer brought up is being involved in faction politics. Whether you are attempting to district under a certain side, or going an even more dangerous neutral unallied route; all it takes is a small insignificant issue to really fuck up your faction entirely.

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+1 real ass nigga, i love the guy he has amazing leadership qualities i think it would be an amazing addition to the server

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We've received some good criticism especially when it comes to the racket. We'll talk tonight and probably make some revisions to the application. If we're being entirely honest an admin gave us an idea for a specific playstyle and we went with it without thinking to much more about it. From the small chats we've already had it's likely that we'll just get a drug racket. We already know who the faction will district under as well, I don't think I should mention more on that just yet though. Regardless thank you for your criticism on that issue.

When it comes to the low playtime and friend group criticism, almost none of us have a low playtime. Most of us at least have a month of playtime, and our planned Don recently lost his char with a CharID in the 7000's. We all met on the server, we weren't friends before this server other than a pair or two. We plan on staying on this server for the foreseeable future. I personally have 1 month+ playtime on this server but have 7500+ hours in total on Gmod, and I'm not alone in those types of numbers in our faction.

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well now that someone pointed out the "Kostas Crime Syndicate" is "aiming for a legal racket" I guess it's time to make edit #472

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  On 5/28/2024 at 9:37 PM, Unsatisfied said:

We've received some good criticism especially when it comes to the racket. We'll talk tonight and probably make some revisions to the application. If we're being entirely honest an admin gave us an idea for a specific playstyle and we went with it without thinking to much more about it. From the small chats we've already had it's likely that we'll just get a drug racket. We already know who the faction will district under as well, I don't think I should mention more on that just yet though. Regardless thank you for your criticism on that issue.

When it comes to the low playtime and friend group criticism, almost none of us have a low playtime. Most of us at least have a month of playtime, and our planned Don recently lost his char with a CharID in the 7000's. We all met on the server, we weren't friends before this server other than a pair or two. We plan on staying on this server for the foreseeable future. I personally have 1 month+ playtime on this server but have 7500+ hours in total on Gmod, and I'm not alone in those types of numbers in our faction.


I’m really not trying to be an asshole, actually attempting to assist; but in my humble opinion this entire group needs to get together and figure out what’s the plan. 

It’s either you guys are an illegal faction dealing with a drug racket; in which you will be targeted by the law and other criminal factions (I promise you even the allied factions you’ll district with [Doesn’t matter which side] will either not give a shit about you because they have their own problems or you’re just “friendly competition”- and theres still a chance something could go down and you can get principato’d. No alliance is permanent.) 


It’s either you guys are starting a legal faction, and you’ll be dealing with Oil sales. Your primary stream of revenue will be your legal factions activity, because if no one is online advertising, no one is there to buy oil, no money is to be made. Also, when picking a legal faction, please understand your choice. You won’t be targeted by illegal factions and the law, but, You’re basically saying “me and my members don’t want to do anything remotely criminal, intentionally”. Why? Because you can just easily make a criminal char and commit any crime you want, while also attempting the appearance of staying legal and able to create/operate any legal company you’d like. 

Hope this helps. 



Edited by Baselsamarah
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  On 5/28/2024 at 9:37 PM, Unsatisfied said:

We've received some good criticism especially when it comes to the racket. We'll talk tonight and probably make some revisions to the application. If we're being entirely honest an admin gave us an idea for a specific playstyle and we went with it without thinking to much more about it. From the small chats we've already had it's likely that we'll just get a drug racket. We already know who the faction will district under as well, I don't think I should mention more on that just yet though. Regardless thank you for your criticism on that issue.

When it comes to the low playtime and friend group criticism, almost none of us have a low playtime. Most of us at least have a month of playtime, and our planned Don recently lost his char with a CharID in the 7000's. We all met on the server, we weren't friends before this server other than a pair or two. We plan on staying on this server for the foreseeable future. I personally have 1 month+ playtime on this server but have 7500+ hours in total on Gmod, and I'm not alone in those types of numbers in our faction.


And you also poach members from other factions...

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Edited by Gent
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+1 they seem to have a good base of players already

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These guys are constantly running around just grinding ive seen 0 RP from them and any interaction ive had is absolutely fucking terrible these guys are just stuck up ass holes tbh. 




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  On 6/2/2024 at 5:50 PM, Davey said:

These guys are constantly running around just grinding ive seen 0 RP from them and any interaction ive had is absolutely fucking terrible these guys are just stuck up ass holes tbh. 





Hate to be that guy but aren't you both districted under Takashai-Kai?

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  On 6/3/2024 at 12:30 AM, Seansx said:

Hate to be that guy but aren't you both districted under Takashai-Kai?


Nah I bought outta that.


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  On 5/17/2024 at 7:09 AM, MxR said:

this faction is leeching members from other factions, definitely doesn't deserve to be added


real facts -1 commands got no experience as well 

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  On 6/3/2024 at 2:06 AM, tj21003 said:

real facts -1 commands got no experience as well 


They deny it, but I got the files for it..

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-1 I see no real benefit from this being a faction

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-1 can’t see this faction making it past month 2

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-1 a bunch of minge losers; you don't even want to RP in the faction you're in now. Ur, all just a bunch of dickheads. You also would rather RP as literal clowns, minging than on ur main chars, like I'll solo ur entire faction. Should replace your consig iris Kostas/transitioned is not a good one

Edited by Gent
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a greek family sounds lit and we need more legal crime!!


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+1 Seems like they'd make a decent faction and the application is well done

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+1. This has potential, I know they will make a good faction.

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Dont know em as they’re never anywhere to be found IC

Distasteful interaction EVERY time (the boss seems cool tho) 

irate screaming in VC

Openly disrespect our family ( then wonders WHY we dog shit on them verbally) 

Never able to attend scheduled meetings (WEEK/S in advance, inactive??)

claims they are NOT part of family (though when you press “tab” you can see them CLEARLY listed under the family, so thats kinda… delusional)

looks for ANY reason to start or be part of an argument IC and OOC about the DUMBEST most IRRELEVANT shit one could even conjure. 

id love to see em out of our hair.


Edited by Togna Bologna
Changed my mind they minge af.
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2nd most viewed faction application posted so far, obviously there’s interest in it and I would love to see the kind of interactions it will lead to between all of the other factions. +1

Edited by Diverge101
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