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Everything posted by bingus

  1. Enterprises with gambling licenses can already do horse races or sports betting. Nothing stopping them from doing it as long as it isn't rigged or fraudulent.
  2. Just put more thought and time into creating your character
  3. "serious roleplay environment" ?????????
  4. Old traffic suggestion a while ago -- https://divergenetworks.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=2698
  5. What you trying to throw away hmm?
  6. Marketplace (or Mall) area where people can setup stalls idk, maybe in or near the park? Also this:
  7. The "tools" cops have at their disposal is just shooting the guy that's running away from them, which is not what they're supposed to do lol
  8. +1 Always wanted to see the other stuff around the city like billboards, phone booths, and the static properties being used somehow and in some way.
  9. thanks tables for adding an image of the short sleeves to your post!
  10. what if instead of making boxing gloves forcing a /fallover, it forced the player to act laugh like the holiday punch from tf2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=2CBzMDyN_7c
  11. +1 Maybe if you kept /event as a non-discord command and then made /eventdis as the discord command (works the same in game just one adverts to discord & the other doesn't), that would be good.
  12. Could we re-add or re-whitelist the meeting table props from the old map back? Checked last night and they weren't spawning. models/props/cs_office/table_meeting.mdl models/fra/furniture/par_conference_table_01/par_conference_table_01.mdl
  13. bingus

    Add more crime

    More white collar business crimes coming soon!
  14. If you want new public cassettes added, donate for them!
  15. I would rather see this faction running around than a cassano remake
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