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  1. +1 very cool guy and is pretty funny
  2. Hi i’m the person that banned you. The obvious reason on why I had banned you was because of RDM. He took your car and was just driving forward a little bit and then stopping so that you couldn’t get in. Your excuse for shooting him was that “he took my car, i wouldn’t be able to get in obviously and he was running people over” I saw his POV and I checked to see if he ran anybody over and he didn’t. Yes he might’ve taken your car but you’re not allowed to shoot no warning. You said you have been on the server for a few months and that you knew the rules but you have to at least give a warning before open firing. You did not give a warning and you open fired so that led me to tell you to re-read the rules and ban you for 6 hours. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jVhq6R0Qy_5feLXuw?invite=cr-MSxqblYsMTk2MzAwODIxLA
  3. +1 Made a cake and its been a while
  4. +1 funny little fella who sounds kinda like tony
  5. Pros : BROS ON 24/7, chill when need be, knows the rules, can be unbiased, and helps out the community a lot. Cons: He is British so his accent can get on peoples nerves, and hes a silly lil guy
  6. Pros: Is very kind and can be unbiased when absolutely needed. Looks out for people and is pretty chill Cons: I only see u on maggy finch now : ( Also is AFK when on crim char most of the time
  7. +1 I wanna play a game on a game +1 I wanna play a game on a game my pc is fucked
  8. yummekoo

    Staff App

    +1 Very wonderful guy and is very nice
  10. Hi! I was the person that banned you. You did pull out your gun and the officer did ask you for your ID like all cops do but you aren't allowed to do that. As I said in the sit, you have to wait till he states that hes going to arrest/detain you, but you just automatically pulled your gun out and shot him in the head. You have to wait till they fully say that they're going to detain/arrest you before assuming they're going to arrest you right away. (I think you could've just gave him your ID and then ran away but you just shot him, no words said.) Your last ban was from Jmoorsey (Jmz) for about 3 days and you also had 3 notes for RDM, I banned you for 3 days to give you the same amount of time to re-read the rules and to give you a little break.
  11. Hi! I'm the staff member that banned you. So in this clip that was provided to me by the person you and your friend RDMed, it shows that you two were punching this person to death for no apparent reason. When I brought you into the sit you told me that he punched you and you were defending yourself but based on these logs he never hit you once. Your excuse was that he called you bad names and hit you but the logs state that he never hit you. Overall, your behavior in the server as well as multiple people had reported your behavior as "mingy". Just based off of what I had seen on the clips and the multiple reports from other staff it was quite obvious that you had no intention to roleplay (NITRP). I feel like the time that I had given to you was more then generous due to your previous ban which was 3 days long and and less than a week ago for the exact same reason.
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