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Everything posted by anzati1

  1. Flag taking admin here, The officer in the clip reported you for abusing your PET flags, you admitted multiple times in the sit that you intentionally did it. Blamed it on your mouse's DPI settings but still admitted it was intentional. In the clip you can see the first flip sends the car to the sky, sure understandable, but then you send it to the sky a second time, that is why I revoked your PET flags because not once, but twice, you did the same thing to the car. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/hZ5rOnIEIOpuESHXI/A1I2G9uqZ4SD?invite=cr-MSxKTzksMjM0MDk4MDk0LA
  2. anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1anzati1

  3. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1TAFRg-M9zBhdg/d1337Van3VDK?invite=cr-MSxJdVgsMTA3ODcwODM1LA
  4. I do think that this one will be better though.
  5. +1 adds a lot more roleplay
  6. i cant find it anymore, but theres a screenshot of him asking how to hack on nutscript
  7. Joined in 2022, with "4 dyas" playtime, yet you have 9 days playtime it says... -1 Minimal effort and whos to say this inconsistent activity won't continue when you get staff?
  8. anzati1

    Ban appeal

    Banning admin here, based on the clip that was provided, someone was afk with no firearms out for a couple of minutes, he then tabs back in and you're shooting him dead. I checked your logs and listened to your story and nothing was lining up. You had stated that these people threatened you with guns while driving your car, yet you killed the only afk guy without a gun out. You were warned the 3rd of May for RDM, banned the 26th of April for Mass Mugging. I do agree the ban shouldn't be permanent (I wasn't the one who extended it), but you have had not one but two bans for things related to "Mass", Mass Mugging, and Mass RDM. In the ban notes this is word for word what I had mentioned. Which is the takeaway I got from the entire sit and situation.
  9. anzati1

    Gang Beef

    Banning admin here, You said you "warned people to stop following you", yet the guy who reported you didn't have a single clue who you were, you ran into an alleyway and gunned down everyone in sight. I do understand you're not the brightest bulb, but one of those "#009" people was a public defender, a person who physically cannot join a faction. You are not in a faction, or in a gang, you are apart of the Citizens faction, yes you can say you're apart of one sure, but you have zero ability to actually cause anything to happen to other groups. You died a multitude of times within the last hour and in the sit you had said "they've been fucking with the 007 for a while now so i shot them", that is NLR, new life rule, and when I asked you about it, you avoided the question meaning you don't know what NLR is. Here is the clip https://streamable.com/1b9znx You have recent notes and bans along with no intent to actually roleplay or follow the server rules.
  10. Banning Admin here, I'll be honest, I forgot to put NITRP and Lying to Staff on the ban reason. Your name is "earl smithfart", and in the sit you were generally just being a minge. In the clip you said that it was your friend and it was crossfire, YET, it wasn't a 1 shot to the head or anything like that, you had to of been actively aiming at the guy in the car and continued shooting him. This proved that it was fully your intention to kill this guy in the car at random. If it was crossfire and you only hit the driver once or twice sure I would've accepted that, but then again in the clip, there isnt anyone standing behind the car or even around the car BUT you. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2do6bKUikKOmOP/H3BCS3BuFs2g?invite=cr-MSxsVGUsMjM0MDk4MDk0LA I then checked the logs, and it said you killed 3 people within 1 hour, I then tped to those 2 other people and they were afk so with your recent lying to staff in the sit, I went ahead and just assumed you were rdming AFK people too. You don't have any PO's, but you are a brand new player with only 2 hours on the server, now I understand getting money isn't that hard as a new player, but someone willingly gave you a gun and you use it just to kill 3 people? That right there is why you got a 1 week ban instead of just a note or a shorter ban in my opinion. I will admit, the first one in your logs (Chief Sosa) did seem like a justified killing just by the logs, because he was punching you, you then killed him, but the 2nd one "Xodiyak" says there was no combat between you two, and you just killed him while he was AFK. TLDR: It wasn't crossfire, it was with full intention, you have No Intent To Roleplay and were directly lying to me, the staff member in the sit.
  11. anzati1

    ban appeal

    This right here proves it all. "higher ups there i used to work with and I used my mic around him and knew i was dead" You wouldn't of been pked if we didnt find a reason in character, but you instantly assumed that the second someone heard your voice, you'd be pked? That is not a valid pk reason. "i honestly wanted to keep my char alive" If you wanted to keep your character alive, don't metagame and I wanna say you're overthinking, but you're not, its just blatant metagame by using OOC information in character. If you genuinely wanted to keep the character alive, then you wouldn't of snitched, but you and I both know that you guarenteed your own death by snitching.
  12. anzati1

    ban appeal

    You make a character with the full purpose of snitching. You've done this before, and did it again. You lied to UA by saying you joined a "week and a half ago" yet we have logs for recruitment. You joined 5 days ago. You lied to UA by saying you snitched "yesterday" yet not only Canadian-Bacon, but myself, when I was taking pictures of you, were snitching 2 days ago. These are both important times that you should remember. The whole problem stems from you snitching to cops with zero reason. You snitched on Altoviti before anyone knew who you were and told them "they were going to kill me", yet not a single person knew who you were, so you knew, 100%, you were going to die randomly? Yet no one had a reason to do anything. You died because you were caught, snitching on something that didn't even exist yet and probably wouldn't of ever existed if you weren't so stupid. TLDR: You made this character with full intent JUST to screw over a faction that you were blacklisted from, had zero reason to snitch and had zero reason to suspect that you were going to die, because no one knew about you nor did we care until you brought it upon yourself using OOC information, in character. I agree with Monaclu, blacklists are stupid, but when you do stuff like this? Yes, absolutely you should never be allowed in a faction again.
  13. hes talking about how u cant buy 2 of the same car anymore, because people would just buy 50 of the same car to store shit lol
  14. anzati1

    rules command

    !rules you idiot
  15. Hello there, pking admin here, the reason you were pked was because you died during mugging someone. The person you mugged retaliated the mug and managed to kill you both. In the sit, and in the appeal, you talk about power gaming yet talked about your friend being a rule junkie. (Don't mean it offensively, just that he should know the rules too) This rule here, clearly states that you as the muggers need to bring your own equipment to continue a mugging to retrieve the belongings. I explained to your during the sit that the reason it is not power gaming, is because of game mechanics. Mugging is a serious thing in the server and has many consequences. You and your friend, not only did not have any restraints, but did not figure out game mechanics before trying it. This is where mugging rule 6 b) is in play (shown above). https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2bRhH2qvhgwdQB/mjQ6HIhoEflC?invite=cr-MSxYV0UsMjA1Njc4NDg3LA Here is the clip if you're curious or want to re-watch. 3rd guy was uninvolved because the second the muggee killed both of you, the fearrp dropped because the knife was up, and the shotgun was up. 3rd guy was uninvolved, got a metagame warn, and sent on his way. OTHERWISE, if 3rd guy was involved at the start of the mugging, the muggee, would've been pked. (If you aren't aware, the admin who approved the PK must reply with a full explanation as to why and how it was approved so that a higher staff member can approve/deny your pk appeal.)
  16. Hello there, pking admin here, the reason you were pked was because you died during mugging someone. The person you mugged retaliated the mug and managed to kill you both. In the sit, and in the appeal, you talk about power gaming yet talked about your friend being a rule junkie. (Don't mean it offensively, just that he should know the rules too) This rule here, clearly states that you as the muggers need to bring your own equipment to continue a mugging to retrieve the belongings. I explained to your during the sit that the reason it is not power gaming, is because of game mechanics. Mugging is a serious thing in the server and has many consequences. You and your friend, not only did not have any restraints, but did not figure out game mechanics before trying it. This is where mugging rule 6 b) is in play (shown above). https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2bRhH2qvhgwdQB/mjQ6HIhoEflC?invite=cr-MSxYV0UsMjA1Njc4NDg3LA Here is the clip if you're curious or want to re-watch. 3rd guy was uninvolved because the second the muggee killed both of you, the fearrp dropped because the knife was up, and the shotgun was up. 3rd guy was uninvolved, got a metagame warn, and sent on his way. OTHERWISE, if 3rd guy was involved at the start of the mugging, the muggee, would've been pked. (If you aren't aware, the admin who approved the PK must reply with a full explanation as to why and how it was approved so that a higher staff member can approve/deny your pk appeal.)
  17. Banning staff here, you were pked after some all-day long mingery of cop baiting on a character called "Ling Long Richard" You then make a character called "Jing Jong Richard", I give you a name change prompt, and you change it to "Ping Pong Richard", you were playing stupid and you know better with your extensive amounts of PO's.
  18. They were punching you to death, and you spawned a prop, killing both of you. You escaped the scenario, I'm not assuming anything, simply reading the words you put down.
  19. Staff member here who took your flags. In your appeal you directly admit why you shouldn't have them in the first place. Using props to kill yourself is prop abuse. Just unlucky that you killed someone else with it too. Not only do you say you wanted to kill yourself, but you do it because you were "already dying" directly proving that you were using your PET flags as an escape to a scenario.
  20. anzati1

    Ban Appeal

    orrrrrr.... just call a staff and get the guy warned/banned/dealt with for NITRP?
  21. anzati1

    Ban Appeal

    Banning staff member here, I said one day very quickly in conversation without looking at your recent PO's, I then asked some higher staff members on their opinion considering you had full ignorance of breaking the rules based on giving people sufficient time before killing them. Infact, you gave zero warnings, pulled a gun and shot a guy for blocking a door. I'm not really sure why you're making the appeal if you admit you're in the wrong, and should know the rules by now because you joined in May 1st, 2022.
  22. 2 roblox avatars thats crazy
  23. if i almost get a search and arrest warrant on a character giving away away a free suit design all paid for, all i can say is if its player ran good luck brother.
  24. add an 8 lane highway through the entire map
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