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Everything posted by anzati1

  1. https://medal.tv/games/valorant/clips/10i4JPr4qhIt9Y/d1337cfhTI7t?invite=cr-MSw0MkksMTA3ODcwODM1LA
  2. .... The tickets were done after I had already explained your situation to you btw....
  3. Banning admin here, Joshua Withers made a ticket about your body blocking a door, you exclaimed that only the gods could move you and that your roleplay was being broken. I moved you from the door multiple times and told you in a voice when it was only you in the room that if you continued to do that you'd be warned/noted. You continued to do it and I stayed for a couple of minutes because something seemed off. I then see that you're being extremely uncooperative with the police officers with consistent insults, and not just regular "you're stupid" insults apart of roleplay, but insults that would take up 99% of your sentence. You said you were trying to talk through the walls and when I told you that they're soundproof, you said "Hold on, let me speak out of character" then continued to barrade me with insults exclaiming that the server was broken and it was my fault that the cells were soundproof because of a shitty "bug". I had myself and another staff member, explain to you multiple times its on purpose. The officer had already given you options of a lawyer, court, or plea deal. After 30 minutes of no roleplay interaction, you are set free. You then spammed and made multiple tickets regarding "no one responding" once again. I then told you, again, that when a lawyer is in play, it is not the police's duty to set you free as they cannot control if someone wants to represent you or not. A lawyer shows up, then leaves after talking with you for 30 seconds. You were given multiple chances to cooperate and be respectful, and I left out the list of insults you called me because I understand you're frustrated. However, I came to you with a level head until I gagged you multiple times, yet you continued to hound me with insulting comments. TLDR: Multiple chances given, refused to roleplay with police, lawyers, and anyone who talked to you, the only time you responded to questions was to barrage everyone in the room with insults, you were intolerable to players and staff members, you were auto-plead guilty because of this and told the reason behind it, yet still, instead of attempting to dispute it, just screamed and kicked like a small child having a temper tantrum, you needed some time to cool down and that's what the 3 days will do.
  4. While yes, you did apologize and it may of not been fully intentional, it still broke server rules. Considering you have a note for RDM on August 18th, 21st, AND a ban on August 20th. You really should re-visit the rule page. You were deemed lucky to only get a one day ban considering your three PO's within 3 days. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  5. anzati1

    Ban Appeal

    "Banning" admin here, 4Lights covered basically all of it, all I need to say is that, You admitted multiple times in the sit you intentionally rammed them, then you continued to ram them into the props killing them, when I told you that you had other options you basically said no, impossible. I told you if you wanted to scare or just hit them, you could've, then turned right at the turn and that wouldn't of killed them, but you decided to continue pushing. Also stated before, you bear the consequences for your actions, unintentional or not, you blew up the vehicle and lied multiple times.
  6. As fox stated above, you cannot kill people based on rumour messages as they are unknown people and can be sent by literally anyone. Looking at your PO's I'm suprised the ban wasn't longer to be honest. The time between the end of your first ban and the start of the second ban is 1 hour, 44 minutes, 28 seconds. The time between the end of your second ban and the start of the third ban is 3 hour, 23 minutes, 46 seconds. You have a total playtime of 17 hours and have already gotten 3 bans by now. Keep on this track and you won't last long. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  7. Based on your excuse of "im speeding and its unintentional", that doesnt fly. You need to bear the consequences for your actions and thats what happened. After seeing one clip I thought "oh ya know, it can happen sometimes", but there are 4 clips of 4 different instances. 3 out of the 4 clips are you ramming the same person, then the 4th clip is you not even swerving, but driving straight at the crowd and hitting them. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  8. me when i tell you on three different characters how to get released and you still don't follow the singular step that I told you to do multiple times already. make a staff report on the forums, need me to link it 18 times and tell you how to copy paste a format too or what? you're acting like a child, so you got treated like one, i told you to go fuck yourself in character on my PD char, not on staff have a great day also if we want to play the whole "lets over exaggerate" game. Can we talk about how you said you were arrested for months but was BARELY scraping by 11 days since your last handcuffing? Maybe if you wanted to play the character soooooooo badly and it wasn't all just to annoy me, why didn't you make the ticket to get released oh.... idk, 11-3days=8 days ago.....
  9. anzati1

    Ban Appeal

    After further investigation, you were released by a Corrupt Cop who was already dealt with in character. You had zero power over actually being released therefore you cannot know when you're allowed to leave or not. Originally, you were banned for LTARP because the PD was under assumption that you disconnected and were not released by said Cop. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.
  10. Banning admin here, from my understanding, you were rdming someone who wasn't active. I checked the pk logs and whatnot, and she was never set active. "J" had told me that he was SUGGESTING that two people should be pked who were new hires and very stupid acting. When doing pks, and when killing people, it is fully in your hands to figure out if that person is the right one. "J" had also told me that it was 100% your fault, as he told you clearly who to kill. In the end, you killed someone based on facts given through discord, and it was your fault. When killing people, you need to be certain it is for the right reasons and following the rules. As I also stated in the sit, you are lucky for only getting a week ban with 4 PO's. A majority of your recent PO's for RDM, said to ban on next offence, your last ban was from a couple months ago, I agree you've been doing better, but you still somehow continue to gain notes without bans.
  11. +1, its a faction car for a reason, losing 1k isnt a big deal, easiest fix will be literally the garage spawner check if the player is STILL that faction
  12. Not AI generated backstory for a change this is good. It does say 200+ minimum, but you only have 341, you should try to go for more. Otherwise, +1
  13. Me when I go around using /copyid, adding them to my bank, removing them, then pking them because I “identified” them. this was also suggested before, and denied for obvious reasons.
  14. been suggested a thousand times, this isnt minecraft, things are meant to be time consuming, its how video games work. why arent shipment cooldowns 5 seconds? theres a reason behind it all ya dig
  15. You only looked at a singular clip, I said multiple times that this entire appeal is about him having hacks or third party software, not specifically aimbot, psilent or silent none of that but generally ESPing and gaining an advantage. It seems that everyone who has seen hacks before have said he’s also cheating, but all the people like you who just assume cheats are always spinning people and blatant are the only cheaters in the world. I’m not saying this as a flex but I have seen cheaters a lot and seen behaviours that Hans seemed to have ingame. I have not only seen blatant but also subtle cheaters who try to look legit, along with that, literally developed my own for Garry’s mod multiple times and I simply understand how they all boil down to working and how to detect them.
  16. Still havnt replied to the clip of you walling. Ah yes, the distance of 500 units (max is 100), and where he isnt at the right angle to even look through the wall...
  17. anzati1

    Franz Ban

    You rushing somewhere is no reason to run over multiple people, your excuse of "I was rushing" will not hold up simply put. You need to be aware of the damages that a vehicle can do to ragdolls and peoples bodies, especially that you state "yall should fix that", when its been this way for months if not years.... Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  18. read the room grimace
  19. i really think this application can go f
  20. Because you chose to ignore almost every other point I brought up other than "nah didn't happen", can you answer this one? https://medal.tv/games/hackers-m/clips/ioBlYBTiPprP9run-/d1337ugeejEt?invite=cr-MSxteWgsMTA3ODcwODM1LA
  21. "Probably show in my medal" least obvious trying to hide cheats cheater....
  22. I spent so long trying to compile the clips and I just gave up, banning admin here, Your story starts when I begin to noclip around you instead of using the spectate command. (I was watching for almost an hour before! wow!!!) Literally just going to copy paste all of the text I had explained to others if you could reply with each one of the situations and why you think you're not cheating that'd be great. I had ---- shoot him from the roof tops in the leg, he then later said to the cops “why are cops shooting me from the roof”, when there was no indication it was a cop (He said flashbang, but from the spectating POV, I didn't see anything, and neither did his clip) He then goes into the sewers and he’s constantly turning around to see through the walls where the cops are and how close they are, out of render distance he finds a dark corner and sits in it waiting for them to pass right when they're about to catch up to him. Then I get ---- to shoot him in the leg again from a rooftop, and he makes a ticket asking why civis are shooting him in the legs from rooftop (---- was on a civi this time) THEN the final straw No lock picking or anything, ---- was standing outside of the guys ghetto room, and he’s running around and preparing for a gun fight (esping), ---- starts to lock pick and he instantly readies his gun He wasn’t silent aiming in the last one, but he def knew he was there without making any noise He also says the appeal starts when the cop shoots him, and that’s when I started noclipping around him on purpose. oh another super interesting one i forgot to say, when i was spectating him (before i started noclipping around him on purpose), he was bragging how he was the best shooter ever in diverge history and that if any cops tried to arrest him or his friends, he'd win the gunfight, then when they're in a townhouse, not even like 5 seconds after starting another conversation, he goes "oh shit, i think theres cops outside", no sirens on or anything, and a cop is sitting in a bush outside of the window (not visible from garage, where he was standing.... duhhh) In the end, I was not trying to bait your PSilent aim (from the original PK clip), but I was trying to bait out ESP behaviour, in which I saw you follow multiple times. "Randomly" doing a 360 to look around you, or looking in the general direction of where someone is shooting you from, but never directly at the person. You act as a csgo player trying to seem legit, but I can tell you're not by all these little hints and movements you do, the biggest and most obvious case of the ESP was in the sewers, when out of render distance, cops don't even turn the corner yet, and you instantly know to hide in a dark area of the sewers? But the second they DO peak you, you're staring directly at them (still out of render distance btw). Yes, I did read most of the appeal, but it does genuinely start where you talk about being shot from the rooftops, there is a whole one sentence about the townhouse situation when that was almost a quarter of the spectating time.
  23. bring back macleod war. fuck jj hes short
  24. The problem here is that you have EIGHT PO's within 3 months. If your ban gets reduced or removed, whats stopping you from just doing it again? You seem to never learn and constantly put yourself into situations where you're in the wrong and get punished for it.
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