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Everything posted by anzati1

  1. Banning admin here, Just to start because this is the line that everyone will read. I was wrong about stalling cars and I fully admit that, it is my fault. My brain was being a little slow and I was under the assumption when you said stalling, you meant "the car's engine turning off after trying to go into 1st" for example. I was unaware that your car was already heavily damaged, in which does cause the car to break down and spur out a little intentionally. While there was no clip given to me during the sit, you offered to show it yet never uploaded it and clicked off it very quickly after I made my decision. You said it was an accident, but when the car stalls out, you can just stop holding down your shift and S key. In the very buggy clip that I've got of the screen recording, you see you come in beside the group, not hitting them, then the car stalls, then you slam it into reverse? Whys that? If a cars stalled, and you're going in a direction (what looked like going towards hardware from little italy), but instead you stopped beside the group and reversed. Yes, it was only one kill, but you still, from my information gathered, intentionally reversed into the crowd of people, still making it mass VDM. Considering you just got off a permaban where the reason was for Mass RDM while racking up a whopping 9 notes and 10 bans. I felt that 3 days was wayyyy more than fair. Clip in question which pauses at multiple points and has slightly ruined quality. https://youtu.be/owwbiuZ3cd4 Also btw, I explained all of this in the sit and your excuses were "its because the car stalled". Cars stalling from being damaged too much, do not randomly slam into reverse. On the bottom right you can see the throttle guage near the end of the clip, where even after running everyone over, its still at full.
  2. Before I say my blurb, you wanna upload the clip of you actually doing it? Or should it come from my side.
  3. anzati1

    Char appeal

    PKing admin here, The message above mine basically sums it up, when joining a faction you get a prompt saying that you understand all of the risks of joining a faction. You were pked for "breaking family rules, ghosting the family, and failure to pay fees". You accepted the prompt by joining the family, and took the risk then ended up breaking the family rules etc.
  4. anzati1


    my dms are wide open and ready for any NOT LEAKING information you might offer me (aquila moment)
  5. anzati1


    the way that got yall a brand new map!!!! (its called gate keeping pal)
  6. anzati1


    decompiling the map was nearly impossible, wasnt done for multiple years by anyone else, pendred found a way....
  7. You were on someone's property, who doesn't have the proper paperwork for your little stage. The clip prior is to show context that you were seen harassing the members of the establishment. PET flags are meant to expand on your properties, not to minge by placing it on others properties, and etc... If you get your flags back, what will you do differently if provided the same situation?
  8. https://divergenet.works/topic/1234-will-the-devs-actually-try-to-fiximprove-the-in-game-pager-system-so-more-people-use-it-might-as-well-remove-it-entirely-if-little-to-no-people-are-even-interacting-with-it-the-majority-of-the-time/#comment-7463 fuck man, might aswell write the whole suggestion in the title
  9. anzati1


    when pendred gives you everything (a new map after multiple years) and you go to the forums to promote a map created 5 years ago..... (current map literally uses some of that maps assets too......)
  10. anzati1

    The Illuminati

    ̷̧͓̻̣̰̲̹̭͇̗͎͖̜̜͗͜ ̸̡̧̧̡̧̺̰̼̲̩̹̻̪̦͉̭̖̺̪̘͎͕̪̳̦̩̮͇̺͕̲̓̈͛͌̎̍̍̎̐͂̓̋̈͆͆͑͂̓̌́͘̚͝͝ͅ ̵̡̲̟̖͔͙̫̪̞̟̦͙̘̥̙͍͕̻̜̥͙̪̎̈́̿̀̾͑͑͐͒̔̑̄̋̎̓̋̿̄̊̄̾̚̚̕̕͝ͅ ̵̧̡̦͔̱͉̞͙̪͚͔͔̭̜͓̟͔̺̹̌͋̂̐͜͝ ̷̗̙̟̋͒̇̀̈́͗̓̒̂̿̾̈́͊́̐̇͂̇̋̃̎͛́̊͊͊͐̈́̆͛̈́͊̾́̌́̕͘͠͝͠͠͠͝
  11. With your PO's and the short cut clip, it all could've been solved by simply showing a longer clip, it seems intentionally cut. Even in both of the clips both of you are talking about how you've come back and punched them out before. It was a little unclear at first that punching windows could result in harm to a person, but when its done in a mingy way and consistently to annoy the shop owners, yes absolutely you can be punished for it by being shot/harmed/punched/killed. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  12. PKing admin here, As you stated, you yourself initiated a violent interaction with an NYPD officer. In this video, you are the second guy in the clip to die. 1st guy was not pked, 2nd guy was you, and 3rd guy was your friend as mentioned, Ricci. You stated exactly what rule you broke to get pked, and ontop of that, I did a little digging. You don't seem apologetic considering you left exactly 44 seconds after dying. 2024-09-18 20:22:10 - You died to the cop 2024-09-18 20:22:53 - Ticket created 2024-09-18 20:22:54 - You disconnected 2024-09-18 20:23:10 - Ticket Claimed 2024-09-18 20:33:53 - Clip posted
  13. As seen in the clip, you ask someone to take their gun off safety, then instantly escalate the situation when they refuse and walk away. You gave them their warnings to leave, and they followed those orders. Not under fearrp, but under killing rules. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  14. Do you have the clip of the actual situation you were warned for? It'll help the people who are reviewing the appeal.
  15. Banning admin here, Not only was the Fail Corruption breaking Rule 6 & 11 6. You may not mug people or commit any other obvious general crime as stated in the first line of this sub section. 11. You may not act corrupt for a faction you are apart of or are allied with on different characters. Using your rank to abuse or meta for a family you are apart of or are allied with on other characters is strictly forbidden and can result in severe consequences for anyone involved. 6, you were caught helping during a mug and knowingly helping that mug. If you argue "wasn't a mug", thats where the metagaming came in. You were waiting in the stairwell above prior to them saying it was a mugging around the corner If it wasn't a mugging, then why would you instantly assist BabyTron (Takashi), Bobo (Takashi), and Jorge (Leon, we'll continue on this one later!) Bobo, during the sit had said that you only shot to help your friends because someone un-safety a gun, that is not a reason to kill especially when you're uninvolved in the initial situation, only hear shooting around the corner, and instantly assume to shoot the opposing party? 11, As stated above, Jorge, Bucket Hat Barry, was on his Leon character when you were assisting him. This is a direct conflict and breaking the rules of corruption (as you are in that faction). Leon is allied with, Lucchese, Kosher, Pruz, and Laventine. Babytron was on their takashi, and has a Leon character. Bobo was on their takashi, and has a Lucchese, Laventine, Legacy, and Leon. Jorge was on their leon (direct conflict), and has a Lucchese. Now to address the metagame, as stated in Bobo's appeal, you were already waiting there. There were no queues other than a gun un-safetying. You turn the corner and instantly assume to start shooting the enemy. Along with the whole being in VC, now after banning you some people came forward with some more thoughts of your whole metagaming thing! In your faction discord btw, while being corrupt for your faction's alts, and even one on De Leon. (Won't let me post image) https://imgur.com/K9z3vFa https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iETPPzVHYYQvSJnBW/d1337KUlNffH?invite=cr-MSx2cTcsNDUwMjc5Niw Oh also, theres this funny clip of you prop-blocking and literally having felons in the PD, wonder how they knew that your cop in specific would've let them in. weird.... TLDR: The one week wasn't only for the metagame, but for the Fail Corruption x2. I've many bans for fail corruption, its not an in character issue. Regular corruption is an in character issue. The many many unknown moments where you, receiving information in discord, from you turning the corner and helping your friends, to you all already waiting at the mugging location. You as an ex-staff member should know the rules, and not rely on something that can or cannot be proven (Caboose saying it was allowed). I think 1 week is fair considering I didn't add any extra time for the extensive amount of metagaming happening in the two clips.
  16. anzati1

    Ban Appeal

    Banning admin here, As stated in the sit, not only was it fail corruption breaking rule 6 & 11. But you all were conveniently in the VC at the time. You claim to be deafened the entire time, but in the clips, why does the cop know to turn the corner with a gun up and instantly start shooting into the enemy party? Why did you wait around the corner, without saying a single word, pull your gun out, and instantly start shooting, the only ingame queue was Darkfire whispering "ready", when you already were fail mugging with an NYPD officer. You claimed in the sit that Caboose told you that it wasnt fail corruption, but then Caboose tells me they never said that? Babytron was Takashi, I agree with that, sure if you're mugging. But in this clip here, by Babytron, you all seem to follow in a couple seconds after, and you were already waiting there in the stairwell. Ontop of that, how would you know what room you were going to if there wasn't a single word uttered from the people going to the room if you were already waiting there? More info, not super relevant but still enforces the ban a little bit. XX:15 was the screenshot, you made the ticket at XX:07, and tped at XX:13. Yes theres 2 minutes where you might be undeafining, but you were already in the VC ready to talk to everyone thats involved in the mug except for Caboose & "Ghost" ix_crazy - banned buckets - banned Susan - spectating and literally not at PC Bay B. Tron - banned ghost - (i think its darkfire?, was mostly banned for other reasons), banned Edit: Forgot to mention, you never linked your POV of the situation. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iETJKcFRgTjzI8neh/tQmfkwhh5sN9?invite=cr-MSx5Z2ssMjY4NTYzODg4LA
  17. before i write my reply, whyd you cut out rule 6 of corruption guidelines?
  18. What about Gol D. Roger then? That one is also vac banned.... Lying on your ban appeal wont get you unbanned, 2/3 accounts that you were alting on (regardless if it was hacked or not) still means you were hacking on those accounts, and got banned for it. Why the hell would someone hack an account, just to join this ONE specific Mafia RP server, and get it banned for cheating huh?
  19. .... the "alting" ban is automated, and based on your system, so if you're using the same system, you get banned. you're literally on a forum account, that is using one of your alt accounts steam profile.....
  20. the title of this forum is longer than the actual explanation.... the title gets cut off, edit your post to actually say what you're trying to say BTW, the steamid you put on this post, STEAM_0:0:603730930 was banned for alting on main account of STEAM_0:0:184640805, then that account was also banned for alt account of STEAM_0:0:567722486.... Are you going to talk about the actual reason your were banned for? And why you tried alting on multiple accounts? (Bans page is public to any user) Your "main" account, (not even linked to this forum account) was banned on 2022-11-01 05:14:37 for exploiting. Then you get perma banned on 2023-06-05 20:48:10 for Global Rule 1 (Cheating). Just for a small recap. Main account - STEAM_0:0:567722486 Banned 2022-11-01 05:14:37 - Exploiting Banned 2023-06-05 20:48:10 - Cheating 2nd account - STEAM_0:0:603730930 Banned 2023-06-06 03:25:36 - Alting 3rd account - STEAM_0:0:184640805 Banned 2024-03-27 03:28:02 - Alting
  21. Banning admin here, You are correct, there is no clip, but that doesn't stop me from being a good investigator! You have a ban from 8-24 for 7 days, that leads us to the 31st of August, you went a whole 3 days without breaking the same rule you got banned for. Based on your PO's and consistency of the notes and bans, thats why I decided on the 3 day ban because there was no solid clip, but as stated above, your general reaction to the entire sit determined it for me. 1. You kept running away from the sit 2. You kept screaming randomly "WHERES THE PROOF" 3. You consistently said "no proof, can't say intention" Because there was no clip, I looked into the positions of where the logs were saying, yes the guy you hit was on the wrong side of the road, but he was parked. You then turn a corner with plenty of time to react, (while on the opposite side of the road, the "correct" side), and drive directly into him. (This is the information I gather from the logs positions) When I gave you a last chance, when I was re-running through the entire situation with very descriptive props, you continued to run away. I physgunned you back, and gave you one last chance for REAL, then when I was explaining it you said "man im freaking out rn" then didn't answer any of my questions and barely responded to anything I said when I clearly directed my talking to you. Also not to mention, I told you that if you hit someone, it ragdolls them, then you need to continue driving over them or get stuck on the ragdoll. You mentioned multiple times "I must've not seen him", but with that loud of a crash or your car literally.... not moving.... there would be no way that you "didnt see him"
  22. PKing admin here, and the guy who pked you (Because no staff were on to take PKs) Clip is pretty self explanatory.... https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iAxxhmzl95x8hB8zD/d1337oIRc6WM?invite=cr-MSxFVlYsMTA3ODcwODM1LA
  23. anzati1

    ban appeal

    Banning admin here, As I told you in the sit, there was no active threat. Gun was on safety and there was zero escalation in the situation. You simply shot him the second you saw a gun, you could've punched him, or hit him with the bud of your gun, or shot him in the leg, but no. You decided to instantly blow his brains out for something as simple as words...
  24. Based on the low effort ban appeal, and the clips provided, this is very clear RDM baiting and no intent to roleplay, you come into the store with the only intention of causing havoc/getting someone to shoot/kill you. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
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