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Bullets last won the day on March 25

Bullets had the most liked content!


About Bullets

  • Birthday September 24

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Underboss (7/14)

  • Idiot
  • Too many Italians
  • Very Popular Rare
  • Tail Him... Rare
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  1. Clothing is through Donating, not 100% sure how to get gun rackets, oil trade is if you make a legal oil faction application and restaurant is buying a property and then a business license with the food and beverage license
  2. “Yo guys I just applied for staff go +1 it”
  3. Bullets

    Inventory Screen Bug

    How did you even do this
  4. There are like 4 I'm pretty sure, they just need to add them into more rackets.
  5. Bullets

    Dynamic Weather

    Lets have a flash flood that takes out the entirety of China Town
  6. -1 low effort and close to no playtime Adding onto the -1, this guy has 0 clue how the server and its mechanics work I highly doubt he could run a faction for longer than a week.
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