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Bullets last won the day on February 11

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About Bullets

  • Birthday September 24

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  1. Good ideas Jmoorsey
  2. Hello, Alma "Moon" Gambino I am here to agree on you to be staff for the betterment of this thing of ours (Staff on duty) I believe you can be a great addition to the team. +1 Toenail says hi
  3. +1 FiveM does the same thing and there is no issues with it.
  4. +1 he was a good moderator for the short time he was around.
  5. Hello Night. I am here to clear a few things, for starters yes I did take my own ticket for the PK because I was the only staff member online at the time, as shown in your clip around 1:24. I couldn't simply wait for another staff member to take the ticket because it was late at night and everyone had logged off, so I got an opinion from @Jmoorsey over Discord and he said it was a valid PK. Now with the whole point of acting in self-defense, the clip I have shows only YOU shooting your shotgun at a person, I couldn't have possibly heard the stabbing from where I was. As I approached you I ordered you to put your hands up, for everyone's safety as you had a shotgun and could have simply pulled it out as I attempted to detain you. I then chased you around for 30 seconds, as we arrived at the City Hall where you decided to enter one of the offices when you then set yourself up in a corner with your shotgun pointed at the door as I scanned the room through the window I saw you crouching with your weapon out ready to fire, I then open the door and a clown runs and you don't shoot, so I expect your gun to be down and away so I proceed to swing the corner to see you aiming the shotgun directly at me resulting in your death—my POV. There was a little bit of desync between us so you didn't see me on your screen for the same amount of time I saw you, resulting in very few of my demands to come through properly over the mic. Regardless this could have all been avoided if you had complied with the demands I was giving you as an Officer.
  6. If you aren't involved with the situation or have nothing to add please don't reply.
  7. Hello I was the Admin that PKed you. The action that initiated the mug was his attempt to tie you, he then had you at gunpoint and you failed to comply with the mugger's demands and attempted to kill him breaking FearRP, resulting in your death and PK shown in this clip. "Breaking Fear RP during a mugging or raid. If you are being mugged and break fear rp and die you may subject to a pk. (See fear RP rules on server rule page to understand when fear rp begins and ends)".
  8. Hello Money Blue, I was the admin that PKed you. As shown in this clip (log) you were caught stealing 4 W bricks, counting up to 10 grand or 20k street price, from how I see it just because you "gave" back 2 bricks to avoid the PK it wouldn't make sense unless you returned all 4 bricks. You know why you were PKed, so in the future don't go into people's drug deals and steal just enough to get PKed. I might be wrong about the returning 2 to avoid the PK but it doesn't seem right to me.
  9. Hello Lessrecoil, I was the admin that oversaw the PK. You were PKed for "breaking several faction rules and causing issues with allies" In this situation the causing issues with allies could be a ton of things, but from what I've seen it was you running over fellow commission members, the faction rules that you broke are bringing heat the family and insubordination. I can not speak on the "metagaming" claim as I have close to no affiliation with either faction besides the alliance. When joining a faction you get a prompt: By accepting these risks you sign your life away. If your claims are true, I hope your character gets unPKed and sorry for the inconvenience
  10. Hello, I'm the admin who banned you. As you said in your appeal message you claim he was "ear raping" which I can sort of tell in the clip I was provided but when someone is micspamming you make a ticket by doing "@ Micspam" and someone will assist you by gaging them, but what you did was shoot him without the proper warnings. In the sit when I asked you why you killed him, your response was "I wanted to" making me think you just did it for the sake of it, then created an excuse in the sit to try and get out of it. You proceeded to go find and attempt to compensate him, so you knew what you did was wrong. You also have ONLY been punished for RDM so you have a decent understanding of what it is. And I understand you were trying to rectify the issue by giving him money but it's not a requirement for the person to forgive you and not report you after you try bribing him. Unfortunately what you did was against the rules, please read over the rules to prevent this from happening again https://divergenet.works/forum/8-rules/.
  11. Bullets

    Permanent Ban

    Real shit Anzati!! you a version and you get no vangia hahahaahaha
  12. Bullets

    perma unban

    -1 De Leon is a minge fest, well-deserved ban
  13. +1 cool dude and good application.
  14. Bullets

    Cyanide Pill

    I think the Cyanide Pill should be a way of a staff pking you instead of its own thing, basically a /me when you make a suicide ticket
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