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  • Birthday 10/20/1874

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  1. Banning admin here, In this clip, it's very obvious the guy you shot was not a part of the gun fight, you just saw someone in the area and shot them. You took no time to confirm your target was apart of the fight, which is why I banned you for the duration of the event.
  2. adam

    PK appeal

    Hello! The orders for your death were for shooting at "close business partners", and ignoring orders from your high command. While you, or the other faction leader may not have considered this person as a "close business partner", the person giving the order did. He witnessed you attempt to kill said business partner, as proven by this clip. There's no metagame, as proven by Jmoorsey's screenshots. I have no reason to believe there was any metagaming going on. Your appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified. You may not re-appeal this PK.
  3. I don't recall much of the situation either, just that you prop climbed. I have no problem with you getting your flags back, and believe they should be reinstated. However if you're caught abusing them again, you'll have a much harder time appealing.
  4. In most cases, this would be a pretty cut and clear case, as you were acting against the orders of the faction leader and deemed a liability due to your actions. If any of this information was received ICly (and proven to be IC), this would be instantly denied, and that's it. However, in this case, the only reason for your death, at least ICly, was due to Mike Fieri being killed, by who they assume to be you. Given the evidence provided, it looks like this information was provided to them over discord, which would be metagame. Had the don's order message had any other incident, this appeal would be denied due to there being feasible IC evidence to warrant your death. Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted. Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.
  5. adam

    Flag Appeal

    This is going to be your only chance at redemption. If you fuck up in even the slightest bit, your flags will be revoked, and you'll have an extremely hard chance at appealing. Remember that staff have final say, and if you're told to take it down, take it down and keep it down. Don't go asking other staff for their opinion. If you're told not to place a dupe down, just don't do it. Your flag appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The blacklist will be lifted from your account shortly.
  6. The script prevents you from leaving and rejoining, as if you were PKd.
  7. adam

    FanGirl Appeal

    It wasn't your first offense, your first offense was on the 5th of February, and I banned you on the 20th. From what I saw in your logs, you get on, kill people, and get off. Great job on writing your ban appeal by the way, it looks great!
  8. When you killed him, he was just driving in the street, there's no need to try and lie. I'll give you the same treatment I gave your friend, you'll be unbanned in 24 hours. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The ban will be reduced to 24 hours.
  9. The video you mentioned, found here, shows a proper escalation between factions, following the conflict rules designated for their level. You, as hired security, are not able to step in and involve yourself with said conflict, as it's between those two factions. The only person you killed in this incident, was a person not involved in the attacks with melee weapons. While you wait out the duration of your ban, go over both server rules, and conflict rules, to prevent this from happening again. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  10. Hello, administrator who banned you here. Regarding the failed mugging, you seemed understanding so I let you off easy on that end. Regarding the RDM, both you and your friend seem very apologetic here! You're only sorry because you forgot that your actions have consequences, and these are the consequences. In the RDM clip, your friend opened fire first, and then you joined in on it. You had time to hesitate and think it through, or not join in at all. Instead, you opened fire, hence why you were both banned. I wouldn't be opposed to reducing it myself, or another member of staff reducing it themself.
  11. adam

    PK appeal

    I'm the admin who approved your PK, your PK reason was for not paying kickups, and cutting contact with your faction. As stated above, you didn't pay kickups for over a year, which goes against their family rules. You can be PKd for this, which they exercised their right to do so. As it was over a year ago, I'll post the prompt that was shown to you when you first joined the faction.
  12. Learn to control your anger, and grow up. While yes, it's impossible to pull an IP through gmod, it's still incredibly cringe to threaten that. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.
  13. Not knowing the rules is not an excuse to get off scot-free. By playing our server, you agree to our rules. I suggest you read them while you wait out the duration of your ban. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  14. Player was permanently banned. In the future, if you do not already have their F3, getting it just to be able to kill a person can still be considered RDM / baiting. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.
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