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Everything posted by Toast

  1. Toast

    Tyler Crum

    They're detectives. They're always in plain clothes. They have badges on for a reason. Maybe in the future you could resolve it without opening fire.
  2. Toast

    Tyler Crum

    I'm the administrator who dealt with your PK. If you felt like the raid on your morel room was illegal, there's different legal routes you could've taken to resolve the situation. You could've made an IA report on the officers involved. You could've sued the nypd or something else. Instead, you chose to go gung-ho and ended up paying the price for opening fire on the cops.
  3. You were in police custody, and you died. That usually results in a PK. You can't exactly void a situation where cops saw you dealing drugs, and then you died. This just completely destroys the legal rp side of things. If you don't want situations like this to happen again, then you need to take better precautions.
  4. Toast


    You contribute nothing to the RP experience on Diverge. You're notorious for being a minge, vdming, cop baiting, and countless other scenarios you find yourself in. This isn't the first time you've exploited something on Diverge to your own benefit or to avoid a situation. Your last exploiting ban issued by me was using /fallover to avoid being arrested by police. How you can plead ignorance and believe you're innocent is beyond me. If it was genuinely an accident with you being knocked out and getting in the cops car, I probably would've let you off and told you to make a bug report about it. However, it's the fact that you were in the guys car invisible for a few minutes whilst he drove around and then proceeded to get into his car once he got out. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2c7QAiNgmR0R2T/d1337PUJV7so?invite=cr-MSw5UEUsMjY1NDc4OTcs https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2c7RGHV2JPDiLd/d1337txQasG1?invite=cr-MSxyRmcsMjY1NDc4OTcs
  5. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  6. Looking at the logs, the guy you gave money to is not the man in the clip provided by @Z O O M E R. You gave money to "Chew Kok Long" and the guy you killed was "Ming Ling". If you are going to seek out a kill on someone who scammed you, make sure you have concrete proof next time.
  7. So I was shown a clip from the cops POV, you came zooming round the corner into the PD, hitting the cop and basically instakilling him. Then a couple of moments later you had conveniently disconnected from the server. I noticed you were reconnecting so I started spectating you to watch and wait for you to load in fully. I gave you plenty of time to reconnect and load in fully so you could be brought to a sit and explain things from your POV. Seeing as you have just come back from a month ban, you've been involved in multiple cop tickets due to you fucking around with your vehicle. Personally, I do not think your ban should be lifted as you've been back on the server for like two days and are already doing stupid shit.
  8. Great guy, experienced RPer, great cop and overall a solid guy. Would be an amazing fit for staff. +1
  9. Toast


    Hi. I'm the member of staff who oversaw your PK. You were ordered to be killed by the Underboss in Colombos for being close to a guy they had recently killed or had planned to kill and you could've potentially looked to avenge his death. The person who ordered your death will always reply to the thread with a full explanation.
  10. Hi, I am the one who PKed you. I was not made aware by yourself or any of the police online that you were sentenced/force plea'ed. You simply made a ticket asking to be PKed, which I took as a suicide request as you were in the pen faction, which is usually when people make suicide PK requests. I believe the situation surrounding your arrest should've been handled properly and not just stuck into the pen faction and force plea'ed.
  11. Toast

    Pk Appeal

    Hi. I am the admin who oversaw your PK. The Russians had Dons Orders issued on you for spreading false statements about their faction and targeting members of the faction. The person who ordered your death will reply soon with more information.
  12. You left to avoid a roleplay situation. It's not like you crashed, lost connection or accidentally disconnected. You told @KingJewMonaclu that you were leaving and then proceeded to do so. Take this opportunity to learn from your mistakes. If you believe an arrest is not valid, then you can go down IC routes of dealing with it, such as getting a lawyer and contesting the charges, going to court or filing an Internal Affairs report. Intentionally disconnecting is not a valid reason. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  13. Toast

    Ban Appeal

    Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The ban will be reduced to 3 days. Whilst I do believe your intentions weren't to be a nuisance or mingey, the fact of the matter is you voluntarily drove your vehicle into the hospital. You need to start taking some accountability for your actions and make sure you avoid situations like this again.
  14. Toast

    Shards' Ban Appeal

    Hi. I was sent a couple of clips by some people who worked at Le Grande after a couple of reports were made on you. You were killed down by Le Grande, then a moment later you returned and were killed again by a different person working at Le Grande. Then when I claimed the tickets and went to bring you to discuss why you had shot at the Le Grande workers and returned to the same place you had just died in, you were no longer on the server. I do not believe you were intentionally causing problems, but you are a former member of staff, I don't thinks the wisest idea to do a bit of trolling especially around people who clearly do not know you.
  15. If you get the chance to become a member of staff, you will need to mature up quickly. You can have a laugh and a joke like everyone does, but cheating on the bar exam and having an alleged "server rape list" is mega cringe. I've had good experiences with you when I've played on my PD character and you've shown to be competent, so just don't fuck it up and don't make me regret giving you my support. +1
  16. I adjusted your ban, and dropped it to 2 weeks as a month was a bit extreme. If you believe you were RDMed, you make a staff ticket which you said you did, if no one took it then unfortunately you just have to wait. Taking matters into your own hands is not how things get resolved. The officers that were trying to stop you from shooting others were within their rights to stop you, thankfully I was there after just assisting Cam with a ticket. You got an MP5 out of the locker and gunned Cam down in the office and tried to gun the other cops down which would've been you killing them without a valid reason. When people in PD ask for a "reset" it basically means to kill them so they can get the correct loadout or whatever. Once you've taken something out of the locker, you can't drop it (exception of medical supplies and radio) which is why he killed you.
  17. Looks cool, people complaining about the name forget that abbreviations exist. +1
  18. I like the idea. +1
  19. Basel returns and brings oil with him. +1
  20. I like the idea. Right now lockpicks are just used to break into property and cars, there's no other use for them. Adding some little uses for them like this but with a cooldown would be cool. +1
  21. Somespy for events Canadian overall because he always answers my stupid questions
  22. -1. Incompetent. You were staff before, very briefly and that didn't last long.
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