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Everything posted by Toast

  1. If it says "Make a ticket on discord.gg/diverge" or whatever it says, it doesn't mean you're banned. It means you need to make a ticket on our discord to be manually whitelisted.
  2. Toast

    Pet Perm

    Use the template I've linked otherwise your appeal will just be denied. Also, as the person who took your PET flags, you propblocked someone in a bunch of props and then proceeded to mug them. This is not the first time you've had your PET flags taken. You've been given multiple notes regarding prop abuse from multiple members of staff and the fact that this is your second time having your PET flags taken, it really shows that you never learned your lesson the first time. Maybe try again in a few months as you've just recently come back from a permanent ban.
  3. Fox listed everything that needs to be said. -1
  4. Toast

    staff app

    No IC names listed, AI written and I've got no clue who you are. -1
  5. Toast

    Ban Appeal

    You've just come off a ban for racket abuse and then a few days later you're banned again for the same thing. You got off lightly and I would highly recommend going about a different route of supplying weaponry etc that doesn't involve using other factions rackets for your own benefit. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  6. Friendly guy and would fit well as a member of staff. +1
  7. Toast

    Ban Appeal.

    Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.
  8. Chill and friendly guy, app could be a bit longer but overall with training he'd fit in well. +1
  9. Toast

    Ban Appeal

    After discussing this ban with other members of staff, we agree that the punishment seems very extreme for the situation that took place. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.
  10. Good guy, used to be a beast cop but now he's a smelly Chinaman. +1
  11. You were in Hylics Discord talking shit about Diverge and talking about your PK on Susan. You are one of the many little rats who thought Hylics would take off, and now you're trying to crawl your way back. You lied to a member of staff to get a faction whitelist to a faction you hadn't been hired into and used that to mug Susan, you also metagamed the fuck out of the mugging. You're chatting so much shit on your appeal it's kinda funny. You knew it was Susan and you were gloating about it until Pendred reversed it and banned you. Susan had the Elizabeth from BioShock Infinite model, everyone on the server knew it. Don't try and weasel your way out of it by making up absolute lies because your autism prevents you from remembering the circumstances that got you banned in the first place.
  12. Toast

    Ban Appeal

    Given what James has shared, I have no reason to believe that you just conveniently called the cops on a building after being given a lump sum of money. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  13. Toast

    i dont know

    I've told you this multiple times, you don't get told you're being set PK active. That would defeat the purpose of being set PK active.
  14. Toast

    i dont know

    What are you smoking? The guy made a ticket, sent me a clip of you picking up an item, I set you PK active, logged it and went AFK and told the guy to DM me when you're dead. I gave them no information at all, just accept that you died and move on, it's not that hard. You can write a staff report if you believe I'm bias and that I metagamed.
  15. Toast

    i dont know

    I didn't give them any information, that would be staff abuse and metagaming. Someone knew your name and gave it to him, your name is also on the doors of the townhouse you owned. Bro what are you on about. I'm an Admin, I can set you PK active given any valid reason. I don't have to tell you that I'm setting you PK active lol
  16. Toast

    i dont know

    I set you PK active like an hour ago mate and went AFK. Idk what you want from me lol
  17. Toast

    i dont know

    You were set active a couple of moments after I was sent the original clip of you stealing the gun. Just because you disconnected and reconnected doesn't void the situation.
  18. Toast

    i dont know

    Admins aren't gonna tell you that you're PK active, that defeats the whole point of being set PK active. Don't do things that will get you in a situation to be PKed and you won't get PKed, it's really not difficult.
  19. Toast

    i dont know

    You were set PK active after stealing an item with a value of over $7k and putting it into your ATM. The guy made a ticket, sent a clip of you taking the item after he was intending to give it to someone else and then you were set active, he searched for quite a while to find you and then you were found at the Townhouse you had rented and were killed.
  20. Contributes nothing to the server, annoying as fuck, mingey as fuck and you should be exiled from Diverge, it'd make the server a better place. -1
  21. Hi, I am the member of staff who banned you. I was shown a clip by someone that they were in a car chase with you on their cop character, they cornered you at City Hall, kicked you out of your car and then you vanished. I went and looked in the logs and you swapped characters to avoid being arrested and then you lost connection. I gave you plenty of time to attempt to reconnect and in the logs it said you were reconnecting, so I waited. After almost 10 minutes of waiting, you disconnected again and so I issued you a ban for LTARP. I would send the clip but the person has deleted it, however here is a screenshot of the logs showing you swapping characters the moment you get tazed.
  22. You're in the room with cocaine bricks on the ground. You and the other guy in the room both just coincidentally found some cocaine in your motel room and didn't report it to the police?
  23. Toast

    PK Appeal

    I'm the administrator who dealt with your PK. If you felt like the raid on your morel room was illegal, there's different legal routes you could've taken to resolve the situation. You could've made an IA report on the officers involved. You could've sued the nypd or something else. Instead, you chose to go gung-ho and ended up paying the price for opening fire on the cops. Detectives are usually always in plain clothes with police badges on them. The 3 of you who engaged in the gunfight with the cops didn't have to shoot at the cops, but you did. Even pulling a gun that's not on safety on the cops makes you an active threat and thus the cops would've had clear reason to shoot you.
  24. Toast

    PK Appeal

    I'm just going to copy paste my reply and tweak it a little. I'm the administrator who dealt with your PK. If you felt like the raid on your morel room was illegal, there's different legal routes you could've taken to resolve the situation. You could've made an IA report on the officers involved. You could've sued the nypd or something else. Instead, you chose to go gung-ho and ended up paying the price for opening fire on the cops. Detectives are usually always in plain clothes with police badges on them. The 3 of you who engaged in the gunfight with the cops didn't have to shoot at the cops, but you did. Even pulling a gun that's not on safety on the cops makes you an active threat and thus the cops would've had clear reason to shoot you.
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