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Everything posted by Fox

  1. Fox


    Okay, I've reviewed the clips here and there's a few things that I've noted. There is no clear evidence at all that they 'threatened you with a gun', except for the part where he flashes it through the window... but the gun is on safety. This means that he isn't an active threat. This leads me to believe that the time BEFORE the clip, the gun was also on safety (although there is obviously no evidence of this). You also say to them that they can keep the money, then ask for it back, I get that you were trying to case the place. It's quite clear that you maybe need to learn the difference between an active and inactive threat. As you were banned literally yesterday for NLR and Minge behaviour, I'm going to deny this. Use this time to read the rules on killing.
  2. Kind of on the fence with the suggestion I think it could either be annoying or good interactable RP. If it's implemented as just 'press e to fill up' then I think it'll just become annoying, if there could be RP involved, i.e oil factions could work as gas pump attendee's and had some sort of influence over the price of gas, then I think it would be interesting.
  3. The bloods and crisps thing tend to be players on throwaway alt characters, rather than committing to making a faction app. I'd be happy to see more civilian 'criminal' activity but I don't think your suggestions are the way to go about it. When it comes down to the be all and end all it's Mafia RP. Making civs have their own demi faction would take away from the mafia element.
  4. Fox

    Pk Appeal

    Cut and paste dons order as far as I'm concerned. Your appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified. You may not re-appeal this PK.
  5. Fox

    The Callaghan Clan

    +1 on this. Good application and I enjoyed reading the backstory and proposed hierarchy.
  6. Would be pretty good but I think for the most part it will destroy FPS. Full capped server + rain = lag city baby
  7. That's actually a good suggestion IMO.
  8. You'd expect the members of the faction to be able to pronounce the name of it though. It's a bit of a mouthful lmao.
  9. What is the 1 thing you would love to see Diverge have, if there was no limitations on the engine / development time?
  10. Fox

    ATM Robbery

    I agree with this. I like the idea in theory but it kinda gives me a DarkRP vibe also.
  11. +1 Good application PRO - Great backstory content, love the brochure idea. - Great play time and an established player of the server. - There is a need for some oil competition atm, I'd love to see some more activity in oil CON - Don't really think there are any, just that I think oil factions need to start having a degree of RP in them so they're not just copy and paste of previous oil factions, which tend to be quite boring.
  12. -/+ I'd love to see something like this but I'm with Canadian in that, I think this could end up falling flat very quickly. You need to have something of value/a USP to show, (for example, have the heal items removed so only the hospital faction can heal fully). It's a lot of in-depth RP for not a lot of return on the players end.
  13. I originally put a -1 on this but i'd happily change to a +1 Cassano was my first faction all those years ago, on a diff server. I just hope the right people come back to push the faction forward.
  14. +1 Not a bad application at all. The name is a little long, but I get it - with it being greek. PRO - Seems you have a clear and well thought out RP style in mind - The RP seems to be rich and progressive CON - Play time is on the lower end but it's not too bad at all. - Backstory could've been longer.
  15. A vote for Fox is a vote for Thorn
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