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Lucid Mangos

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Lucid Mangos last won the day on October 15

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  1. Of your supposed 700 hrs you were banned for 168 hrs, thats 24% of your playtime. Thats not even to mention the hours in between each perma that you added, which would probably lower the percent of ban to play time. My whole point that I was trying to get across, is that people do dumb shit and get in trouble for it, no problem, some people really just get themselves caught up in dumb shit and really just want a quick rush of euphoria I get it. But when your a repeat offender and continue to appeal and are given a chance time and time again, those words become less and less meaningful. My suggestion to you is to really actually sit and think about Canadian's question and be real about it. Your already perma banned so there isnt any point in trying to hide shit or sit behind a soft apology. Just full send it, you want back in right? if so just be real with yourself and be straight about it no dodging or saying what you think Canadian wants to hear. Just answer Canadians question sincerely:
  2. Agreed, I dont think that a quick swap needs to be instantaneous. It just needs to improve the quality of life, literally Rust is the best example I can think of sure you can quick move a lot of items but each one has their own delayed moved when you hit the bind. I think if we had something like that where we could double click an item it does a small delay for each item double clicked then it moves. So in practice itd be like I double click one item then another and then another and each one has their own respective time delay to be moved. That way it doesnt feel too quick and un-immersive. I think I saw another post about this same idea, I have a feeling that its not that they dont want to do it but rather requires a lot of coding and could be too much to implement. But hopefully this gets implemented.
  3. You're using words that are contrite, while given the chance not once but twice to be reintegrated into the community you defied the rules. Why should you be allowed to be reintegrated just because can cleverly come up with a few penitent sentences but show no real responsibility for your actions? Sure you say you've grown, but you said basically the same thing in both other appeals. Years dont change people the actions they take to become a better person do. I think whats interesting after reviewing your past appeals, they all sorta revolve around the same sort of thing, RDM and no interest in real RP. All of your bans in fact are either prop push or RDM, so how can claim "I truly miss the unique roleplay experience"? Especially considering from the looks of it all you cared about doing was hopping on and prop minging or RDMing.
  4. Can you elaborate more on this, I dont think the full story is here. If it makes you feel any better I have no idea who you are or why so many people have it out for you, but considering that, you must have some sort of memory of the situation that you got yourself into.
  5. I agree with Byte on this one, you have had plenty of time to reflect and learn. The many chances you were given and banned, show you never considered the rules and the implications of how they affect your reputation. As well, in response to Bytes civil response you showed no practice of Hanlon's Razor. Your reaction seems aggressive, and indicative of a re-occurring theme. If you really had done nothing wrong, why cant you discuss this civilly and elaborate more on how your actions affected those involved in the situation? Seems to me from the start of the clip, that you were minging around and started punching that guy. Why? no idea, but to come back to the situation and try to dig a whole for the person who shot you. - you punch him - he shoots you - cop comes and asks for ID of shooter - you come in and claim you were unarmed, while the shooter is claiming self defense You inserted yourself into a situation that you shouldnt have had any involvement in bc of NLR rules, which is what Byte was trying to explain.
  6. We all have our own obstacles in life, but the question is how can we be sure you wont do this again? I believe in 2nd chances, seems like theres a piece Im missing looking at your previous bans, and from my perspective it seems to show that you acknowledged your own short comings. +1 from my perspective and review of your history, this seems to be a sincere apology. If you are welcomed back, I hope you've learned to deal with your troubles from the outside world by using the game as a way to escape and create enjoyment for yourself and others around you. I understand lashing out and taking your anger out on others for short term enjoyment by ruining others days or nights, but this time I hope you can use the server as a way to create a more meaningful experience for yourself to escape present and future obstacles.
  7. wouldnt you be able to see the spasm? Like when I play tarkov, and I get jumpscared from getting shot at, my hand does 2 movements. the jolt and then readjustment. I think Anzati raises a lot of fair points but I also firmly believe that coincidences happen, but the clip is still suspicious.
  8. Agreed, Ive been thinking myself instant swap may be a little over the top, I think something like how rust has it set up would be great! each item can be quick moved on its own delay, at the same time. Or something of this sort would still bring some QoL to the players.
  9. Thanks for your input pal. Yeah, .....I was actually kinda just thinking about it pal and uh.... yeah, I mean I would love a little QoL improvements. But by god your right! I mean why would I shave off a couple of seconds of diverge so I can just play diverge more. Come on quick swap, your crazy! Im crazy! The worlds gonna end tomorrow night at 9pm EST at exactly the 32nd second. First you will hear a car alarm, once you hear that take a breath walk to the bathroom and eat all your toothpaste, and you may just survive.
  10. -1 from me as well. I dont know you in game, the whole microphone thing could be an issue, tho Ive seen Fox take many tickets and not use his mic. Anyways on to my critiques that if this is denied will help you in the future. - As staff were not working all together on projects, that would be mostly upper management. Ideas are welcomed through the suggestion page here on the forums. There are times where we work together to help each come to an evaluation on tickets, and sometimes, rarely, Game masters will tell other staff about their ideas and welcome feedback. But as a whole we as staff are here to help serve the community and stop people from bringing harm to it. - I think you should really think more about the questions you are being asked. The last couple of questions just seem lack luster. I think you could elaborate more on the last question, you reversed the roles. If say Maggy Finch were to have an RDM ticket up against her, she being the suspect of RDM. How do you proceed to handle the ticket. Of course its about remaining unbiased and thats good but the question is really meant to get a better idea how you proceed with the ticket. -I read someone said something about Anzati didnt recommend you, just dont do that if thats true. -lastly, dont listen to those who are telling you your play time is too low I believe there is a bit more too it then that. I was accepted with 1w 2d 16h 50m. No cap. Wish you the best with this application as you never know.
  11. This has probably already been suggested, but I dont recall. But it would be a nice feature that would help save the tedious seconds whether Im cooking, moving stuff in or out of my bank, or in my case taking oil shipments out of the crate. Hopefully this is something that could be implemented. Thanks for the read.
  12. Im not here to antagonize you, I guess in some way I did. I simply wanted to voice my -1. I've read this thread, and all I can say is that you did something you shouldn't have. Instead of approaching the situation and exercising of Hanlon's Razor. You did the opposite, Ive provided my criticism and you claimed I didnt read any of what you wrote, you dismissed a lot of what I had to say. No one is making you beg or grovel for approval of an unban, thats just bizarre. You've breached the rules of the server and for a 2nd chance you have to show some humility that shows some form of remorse for the things you did. When I get caught in shitty situations made by my own hand I dont just say "Oh I'm sorry I did do that but it wont happen again". Ill ask questions, read rules, listen to the other persons boundaries that I've crossed, and show that I'm willing to change for the better. In your case maybe read the rules, and take more responsibility other than "I did do that". Why did you do it? How can you help us believe that this 2nd chance will be an honest reflection and change in your behavior? Just be real, no fake shit, just give us the real you. Not the grovel and beg you, the you that reflected and is now a changed person because you've realized what you did wrong.
  13. I personally don't feel like you've addressed anything you've discussed. All you have basically said is yeah this happened, and I reflected I'm good now so you can let me back in. My advice to you as someone who's been through a good amount of sits, and seen a lot of ban appeals. Is to just be honest with yourself, and to us. You didn't just ltap, jailbreak and not intend to RP. You were clearly doing it for the satisfaction of making someone else's day harder. I find your apology to be insincere and a very lack luster of the problems at hand. You responded to the one part of my original post with "based". That doesn't feel like your sorry just feels like you still stand by what you said, and shows no change in behavior. I hope you the best of luck finding a new server, if you can't fully take responsibility for everything. That is if the appeal doesn't get accepted. Otherwise if it is accepted, I really hope you don't blow it.
  14. Wish I could send the screenshots but I blocked and deleted his discord messages. He joined us in Pruszkowska when that was a thing, spam pinged one of our members, then proceeded to tell me in DMs that, that specific member was gonna rape him and yada yada. Eventually he had the audacity to message me again later calling me a "chronically online nigger". -1 his time with us was mingey and not worth anyones time.
  15. Lucid Mangos

    no shot

    You have it backwards chief, the officer arrived to attempt detainment. The detainment was not successful bc you blew his brains out. Go and google the definition of detainment and tell me what it says. I guarantee you the definition states that you are in custody of a law enforcement officer, not at any point was anyone detained appropriately, they were still just driving around or running around all willy nilly. Again, the charges are the most important part, even if the detainment/arrest was made.
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