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Everything posted by Chimney

  1. Chimney

    Char ban appeal

    Them hiding the rest of the clip is a little bit suspect and shows that they believe they were in the wrong. The entire day they were sort of trying to bait a little bit of a conflict and waiting for people to bite, they arrested them for walking in front of them. In my mind it's a bit like mugging someone knowing they'll retaliate to bait for a PK. Sure, they know that someone has the ability to not retaliate but often they will, it's the exact reason why mugging cops and PKing them has become virtually non existent whereas it used to be fair game.
  2. nevermind I am braindead
  3. Pretty simple: Add a way to identify how many guns come with a shipment. Without buying each one and documenting it it's hard to know and is prone to constant error. Would be nice if there were something as simple as a number included in the name to show how many come in a shipment.
  4. wdym? we got zergs, nakeds and roof campers.
  5. +1 Man may be my number 1 opp but honestly his faction app is pretty decent. Could probably fill the legal faction niche very nicely.
  6. +1 Before ever being accepted they've shown activity and interest in faction relations. Leader seems to be really decent at RP from my experience. So far everything I've seen from them has been really consistent with the theme of the faction.
  7. +/- Faction seems like it could have some potential if a lot of things were fixed but a lot of what's shown here seems very gimmicky. You seem to have put a lot of effort in but overall I see nothing that unique, the other Irish factions seem to be playing into their ethnicity far more but from the pictures you sent it really just makes you look like a Dark RP faction. Personally not what I like seeing on Mafia RP.
  8. +1 After seeing a crew run by the high command of the faction I know they're capable of far better RP than many existing factions on top of the fact that they were really decent at recruiting and activity. Would definitely be a huge positive to the server that would likely be around a long while.
  9. I think Luca Profaci could teach the Don a thing or two about being a successful 14 year old diverge millionaire
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