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Everything posted by Seansx

  1. thanks to you guys, I am 3 away, and after this post I will become the underboss of the diverge family
  2. I am doing this for the Don, 14 points away from underboss
  3. +1, Tobins has shown to me and others multiple times to me that he has moved on from the days of Detachment Zero and wants to do more and bring meaning to the city, not minginess or rule breaking. The dedication, time, and effort spent in this application alone is a good sign of this. I really do believe he has matured more and wants to bring proper russian rp to the city. With dedicated members, and a strong high command precense I believe that Kirov Bratva can bring back the feeling of real russian gangsters.
  4. At first I was hesitant about a black gang as it normally turns mingy, but after an actual well done meeting type interaction with my Italian character I changed my mind on these folks. Since then I've made a character to hangout and get a feel for their RP and it has been fun and not mingy ( theres the occasional retard as with all factions but for the most part its good ). Julius has prior experience leading a faction and so do many of the people involved. +1
  5. Perfectly said. Jmoorsey came to me really wanting to try Italian LARP so I took a chance on him and he has been doing great. Completely a different dude from the guy a couple months back, if he puts this level of effort in staff I’m sure he will do good.
  6. normally I would put a dumb reaction and leave, maybe call the person stupid but it’s string making the post and it is pretty messed up to not explain shit to the disabled this would be too OP, and I understand you are trying to make more funds for gambling but this is not a dark rp server
  7. wanna hear feedback on - new map - new vendor system - new door system - 5 max factions per allaince - anything else I forgot
  8. I am the numba 1 supporter of more racket opportunities so this gets a +1
  9. Altoviti is sorta underrated, went from not a very high pop faction to consistently pulling in highest numbers alongside getting that top 3 spot common Italian W
  10. Seansx

    The Marchiano Gang

    -1 Just banned the Don and one of the other high ranking members of this faction for item transfer. These people should not be running a faction.
  11. Yeah correct I like the idea though, I +1 it
  12. Acting as if we are GTA larpers is funny. We have been on gmod for over 4 years at this point. We started on gmod, and are still on gmod. You consistently say that you remember MP and all of this shit but your lying. The money statement is just dumb, I’ve seen plenty of factions be accepted in recent times with members that don’t spend money on the server. And if a faction does spend money on the server then great, that’s how we get things like the new map. I know it doesn’t matter to you though since your permabanned.
  13. Hello there! 1st most viewed faction application below Cassanos have 38 +1s and 3 -1s Your application has 31 +1s and 21 -1s There is a MAJOR difference between the response of the two applications. Cassanos has practically no -1s and the ones that are there are from minges, rejects, etc. All of its +1s are from a wide variety of people but for the most part all respected and valued members of the community from both the Commission and Olympus. Majority of your +1s are from new forums account or +1s being posted multiple times by the SAME people that clearly have an IC benefit from you being accepted ( ehm.. takahsai-Kai ) Meanwhile most of your -1s are from people with actual experience on the server lol. Your application is the 2nd most viewed not because of its quality, but because of its controversy, it’s stupid to make the claim that you are getting attention for being great and amazing. Since the application was put up there been a number of issues you have made - Had the mingiest name I’ve seen in some time - Poached members of multiple other factions, ruining roleplay. I myself first hand witnessed one of your members whitelisting a girl to Takashai, then seconds later the girl made a ticket asking to be un white listed because she didn’t realize that’s what you were doing. - Have shown time and time again that your faction is primarily led by minges - Wanted a legal racket while being an illegal faction, demonstrates that you don’t understand server concepts and systems while wanting to start a faction, none of your members have been above capo and it shows. - You have a guy wearing a fucking backwards pot on his head in that meeting room, great roleplay! I suggest you stay as a crew since that seems to fit your needs best, from there you can work your way up and get more experience, then put this application up in the future.
  14. +1 this is good, my one thing is maybe go and make a new backstory that’s a bit longer in a google doc, good way to show that you can put effort into something as you would with your faction.
  15. I hate to be that guy but your application is basically, we are a district of 14K and offer nothing unique and are clearly just being made to support them. The server won’t benefit from a faction like this, in fact it’ll probably suffer since 14K population will split between the two factions causing an active faction to be split into two mediocre activity factions, just dumb and not necessary.
  16. What does sebas need to do for it… need unbanned
  17. Are you sure you’re not a real cocaine addict??? This is very accurate to the real life effects of cocaine…
  18. Seansx

    staff app

    you can even see the font and background change from him copy and pasting and the format values being pasted lmfao
  19. Just hit 5 followers!!!! Let's go guys!!! Shoutout to everybody that helped me get here @agitator @Mushy Peas@Youbear@Demigod@MxR



    1. MxR


      kill yourself retard

    2. Seansx


      fuck you, you reek of shit

    3. Demigod


      I love you Sean 

  20. This would deadass be unique and if run properly with strong RP could genuinely be something funny for the server. It should be short lived though ( like a month ) not for a long time, could be a good home for the many retards on the server.
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