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Everything posted by Greenghost_906

  1. +1 Dedicated and active player
  2. Explanation: I took an RDM ticket and it was explained to me that you shot someone while they were sitting down. The player that was shot said you had no reason to shoot them and provided a clip of the incident (albeit with shitty frames due to them being tabbed out). This clip is posted below. When I pulled you to the sit, you were afk and unresponsive, and you stayed this way for more than 5 minutes. I looked at your notes and you have extensive history with RDM, so you were banned for the incident. If you can provide an explanation to any reason you had to kill them (as you couldn’t in the sit) then this may be able to be resolved. Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/idWgZprRSojP2z8lR/d1337OVjbzGP?invite=cr-MSxsY3csMjIyMDYyOTE3LA
  3. +1 (He’s on the server so fucking much)
  4. I don’t want to have “You are overencumbered” status in Gmod Mafia Rp
  5. Might be apart of Pendred’s 2+ GB. It would be nice to have them back.
  6. +1, this guy was fun to be on Somespy's radio show with and is experienced.
  7. Oof, actually. Looking at the clip they sent me (https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i1wxm61GcNCPsCgm6/mG64RbczeqEM?invite=cr-MSxIQjUsMTcxMDE5MDQ1LA?mobilebypass=true), it's very out of context. They cut off crucial context beforehand, and I didn't see you post the clip in game until I just now scrolled up in my logs to see you did post it. However, when you shot them they were no longer an active threat. Not only did the car negate any guns in their hands, but they put the guns away before being run over.
  8. I will state, that you knowingly ran him over and the gun was pulled out automatically after he got up, and he automatically put it away. This is a very "grey area" ban though, and I will let this be submitted to a higher authority for decision.
  9. @LoganPretty sure he's alive, he just has a felony so droppedfry mains Rossi
  10. It's been a while and I wanna see where it goes
  11. If I ever as a judge have to sign a search warrant on a fucking clown I’m going to ask Bingus to make that KOS serious. +1
  12. Also, on and off for the past two years and you only have 4 days of playtime?
  13. +1 Will grind tickets for Don Pendretti
  14. -1 It’d be easily abused and doesn’t really matter when server is at peak hours and cars despawn almost instantly.
  15. Just write down their account numbers?
  16. I only agree with the more places to spawn cars. Keep the car dealer as the only place to buy them, but more spawnpads would be nice.
  17. +1 (He does a little bit of trolling)
  18. An in-game drug tester / breathalyser to see if the man in front of me just scarfed down 4 bags of Cocaine to avoid it being found on him
  19. Why did the guy not shoot back in that clip, goofiest shit ever
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