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Everything posted by Greenghost_906

  1. @LoganPretty sure he's alive, he just has a felony so droppedfry mains Rossi
  2. It's been a while and I wanna see where it goes
  3. If I ever as a judge have to sign a search warrant on a fucking clown I’m going to ask Bingus to make that KOS serious. +1
  4. Also, on and off for the past two years and you only have 4 days of playtime?
  5. +1 Will grind tickets for Don Pendretti
  6. -1 It’d be easily abused and doesn’t really matter when server is at peak hours and cars despawn almost instantly.
  7. Just write down their account numbers?
  8. I only agree with the more places to spawn cars. Keep the car dealer as the only place to buy them, but more spawnpads would be nice.
  9. An in-game drug tester / breathalyser to see if the man in front of me just scarfed down 4 bags of Cocaine to avoid it being found on him
  10. Why did the guy not shoot back in that clip, goofiest shit ever
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