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Everything posted by bioswales

  1. +1 if this happens we need to keep track of how much a char spends on /rumour
  2. +1 but they tried this once before already, it did not go well iirc
  3. ham brained idea i had a few days ago. it would be neat if you could reload or have some type of alt fire with fists where you enter a mode that allows you to attempt to knock out the other player when enabled. theyd function identically to normal fists- except a player who is near or in critical condition could be knocked out. useful for boxing and non-lethal escalations but i def could see it being a minge issue too but no more than normal fists tbh if you want to spice it up, it could also have a chance of killing them instead of knocking them out if you want some more manslaughter/3rd degree murder charges. i know yall love your gambling after all
  4. Honest question- and there could very well be more that meets the eye on this one but I must beg the question; Why don't we open up the whitelist system and take a good chunk of the props out of the blacklist? I know the simple answer (as far as I know) is that they're easily abusable. A chunk of them are explosible, some outright massive, others just completely otherworldly and out of place in every way. I can't lie though if these are the only reasons to me these seem like excuses of sorts. Perhaps this is just my take but realistically when people are inclined to break the rules they're generally going to be doing it regardless of what props they have access to. You can get the same damage out of making soda cans invisible and putting them in the street at 3am as you can with an 8x8x8 cube, car, or FAFL. Players who have donated usually have a pretty solid mind about them, you're generally not throwing cash at a game if you don't intend to stay and to boot staff has never been known to shy away from putting the hammer down when necessary and removing PET perms when people do end up abusing their permissions. Now of course I'm not saying we should have players be able to spawn entire Citadels, skyboxes, and 32x32x32 cubes for the sakes of 'creative liberty'. Certain egregious props that can explode or have very clearly no practical use apart from being the size of a city block should most definitely remain blacklisted. Apart from that though props of all types can be used for unique and fine tuned decoration while even larger props/more oddball props could help draw back the amount which get used when building; enabling people to circumvent just using a mammoth amount of plastic cubes when 2-3 well placed models could suffice. I've taken notice that gradually more and more props have trickled into the whitelist over time anyway; so it stands to argue why not just open the flood gates? We have plenty of good addons that are already in the content pack after all and there is hardly a sense in not taking full advantage of them when we already have them at our disposal. I understand this could be a bit of a laborious process however and I'm also unsure of how/if the whitelist interacts with server performance which may be one of the few things gatekeeping the matter. I can speak for myself when I say that I'm happy to help and give any input for props that could be whitelisted if this is remotely considerable and I'm most certain a number of people who build regularly or just want to see that kind of change in the server would happily give input to props that would further quality of life if given the chance as well.
  5. +1 i wouldn't force it down people's throat. if people want to sit around and bum on their phone like a lazy ass while their shit processes i respect the hustle but a way to interact with it and maybe even make it a little shorter through interaction/skill would be an interesting thing to see and a nice change of pace!
  6. +1 i can't see any good reason to not have this.
  7. +1 Awesome ideas all around- white collar could go a long way for helping players starting out have a pipeline that gives them another form of income to consider, that way they don't feel strangled starting out. As for spitballing ideas, perhaps some benefits for officers as well to make sure it isn't wildly out of balance. I've never been opposed to police keeping factions on their toes after all. It would be interesting if undercovers/rats had more physical listening devices. Instead of just needing to do a '/me' to lazily plant or disclose a listening device, in certain circumstances you could have electronic devices that have a bug in them and must be inspected to notice. Activated bugs in an inventory could have the 'equipped' square icon on them to indicate whether they are on or off- however this could be too easy to see for some peoples taste. (Ex: A flashlight that would be in your inventory and, but once you hover over it to find its different from the normal description i.e 'Flashlight | Good thing you inspected this. After a closer look you notice this flashlight is attached to a listening device powered by the batteries of the flashlight. It appears to be operating/not operating right now.') I'd expect you could do the same with other standing devices like a Hi-fi, Cassette Player which can be placed and cycle through a dozen random songs or so to feign its utility- but when a player interacts with it the device has an observable and tunable radio frequency modulator or other means of transfer/recording that gives away the fact is a bugged item. It would be very interesting for these devices to not be exclusively limited to the police as well- perhaps purchasable at the barge or other shady NPCs for an exorbitant price. (Perhaps also a 'Jerry-rigged Radio' available at the barge as well? It would be available for $1,500-$3,000 and allow Citizens of New York/Delivery/Cabbies to read /rumour chat. Most rumors are probably either going to get you mugged or give you charges anyway; but it allows for the potential to let more renegade citizens make money illegally. (To keep factions more viable, it could have limited uses before it breaks much like the fishing pole.)) Tacking onto that point just a little, another interesting idea for a 'new' racket (im sure someones mentioned it before me) would be a 'Fencing Racket'. The idea centers around the concept that there is an nameless 'contact' within the PD and/or Department of Waste Management with access to a mix of low end firearms or drugs confiscated from the lowly and clumsy criminals of Southside. Perhaps not directly linked to items that have been confiscated to prevent accidentally getting too powerful from idiots getting pinned with an LMG/AR shipments, their fence racket would allow their members to get small amounts of random drugs (3-8 bags?) and random small arms (low end pistol, shotgun, and SMG?) from their shipments. Shipments would generally only have drugs OR firearms in them and not both. They would purchase shipments of 'Stolen Evidence' and would not know the contents of their shipment until it arrives in the city. Said faction with the fencing racket would likely be unable to sell drugs directly either, as they have direct access to any of them and it would prove to just be a money printer. However they would be inclined to sell their small amounts of processed good on the street to turn profit. Firearms would take a similar avenue and be treated as an underground market removed from the firearms database. (If people are caught with a firearm acquired in this way, possession of a stolen firearm would likely become an aggravating charge as well, bringing more use to the concept of filing serial numbers off of weapons.) (Factions could negotiate for the Fencing faction to not sell 'their goods' in order to keep their product scarce; but because of their ability to draw naturally from it in the random fashion they do , it may wise to not have it be directly cause for war. This is more of an IC matter however and I feel it may be wrong of me to weigh in- rather it should be established in game and dependent on the factions involved.) Pricing may very well be a bit of a pain in the ass however, but the expectation is that there can be losses in some shipments and gains in others. Some days are 3 baggies of weed, other days its a brand new Uzi. I imagine it would have to be test-bedded a little to make sure it isn't skewed, but I believe the idea gives enough variety to at least look into! I know it won't exactly be happening this week; but it'd be awesome to see some of the ideas in this thread considered and even introduced one day!
  8. bioswales

    PK Appeal

    you're not only the pking admin, you're the one who shot as well it seems judging by the medal clip e: just reread your comment too. the gun wasn't aimed at him, it was aimed at the other man on the other side of him who started orbiting me, using who i assumed was his friend as a human shield. (whence is when you very conveniently came out)
  9. bioswales

    PK Appeal

    never had the intent to mug or kidnap though, nor even the tools to do so. the gun was initially aimed at a car and because he was laughing at me getting carjacked earlier i did ask him to put his hands up so that he did not take out a gun. (he had told me that the person taking my car was on their 'minge char' and he wasnt talking to them seriously). clearly he seemed to know not only him but the two people pk fishing as they all have each others f3's in the video. this is a situation taken five seconds out of context and never meant to put anyone in fear rp.
  10. bioswales

    PK Appeal

    Name of Character: Alessio C. Ciminelli SteamID:STEAM_0:0:47578262 Your Discord ID#: 199666061229031424 Date of PK: 1/17/25 Reason for PK: 'Fail mug' Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I wasn't mugging them; their friend had just stolen my vehicle and was driving it around the square. I took my gun out to fire at the car and proceeded to tell their friend (I assumed them to be an accomplice) to put their hands up in order to prevent them from pulling out a weapon and firing at me. In the clip provided it shows me elaborating 'I am not mugging you; you know him.' while waiting for the vehicle to return. (Black Challenger at the tail end of the video) If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: (Same as PK Evidence) https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jvBzU7ABuIJOgib3N?invite=cr-MSxSUWUsMTYyODM1MzY0LA
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