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Everything posted by H4xx3z

  1. +1 good level headed guy with friends in all places, would make a great staff member
  2. H4xx3z

    Boom's Staff App

    +1 would definitely be an asset to the administration team
  3. +1 this is something that is for sure needed on the server. a way to play something or have some side fun while staying online. plus who doesn't love pac man and galaga!? leaderboards on this would also go hard!
  4. Hello, I was the admin that banned you. I would first like to correct something you stated. You say I bounced between saying it prop abuse and prop minge, I did not. I only ever stated you were prop abusing. Initially, you setup some big teepees in front of a restaurant in city hall. I proceeded to go over and delete them and as I deleted them you mocked situation and proceeded to put another tee pee next to the old teepees' location. I then froze you so you wouldn't keep spawning and so I may delete and bring to you a sit. In the sit, I made you aware of your extensive POs and recent long bans. Your most recent po was for prop abuse issued by monaclu himself. Given that the other po's were not related to prop abuse, however recent, I was going to initially ban for just a day. Both locations where you setup your teepees were right in front of a restaurant and most certainly blocking the way. there was no roleplay you were engaging in and given by your past record, indicating you have had more than 1 sit and have been warned about rule breaking in past to include prop abuse and most recent 30 day ban for lying to staff, I did not believe you when you said you did not know better. While deciding your punishment you vanished on me and there I increased it from 1 to 2 days ban. As well as, inform you that based on your record you don't have much wiggle room for more errors.
  5. why so defensive mr. dateline? seems like you're bothered by a simple, vague forums comment lol
  6. I know another video that was fire and revealing... oh wait
  7. +1 I have known morty for as long as i've been playing. he's a great roleplayer, person and friend. I can see him being fair minded as staff and he already has a good work ethic. He'd be a great addition to the team
  8. H4xx3z

    Ban Appeal

    Hello, I was the staff member that banned you. You seem to leave out some very important details about your encounter. For one, your friend was just fighting someone. You came over with a group of people to someone else's property to start problems and as your friend said in the interview he wanted to kill him to show his loyalty to a different group he was trying to be apart of. When your friend initiated the fight with an axe, the other person defended themselves on their property. You decided to join in on the ongoing RDM and finish the job. The ban length was due to you having over 20x POs, with your last note from the 22nd saying you'd be banned on the next offense to include your last ban being 21 days amongst the several bans you have already received. You clearly were looking for problems and didn't show any true RP in your actions. Now, as for the bias, you are in almost every allied faction within that group, if anything the bias should be me letting you off the hook, but I try to be fair to everyone. I would have given you a shorter ban, but considering the amount of times you have been banned and your POs, I couldn't. In the attached clip, you can see you joining in masked up with a bandana at the end. Your friend initiated the fight and joined in. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2eXo9l-CrWq_I7/Dc632MJHh8qy?invite=cr-MSxiclksMTQzNzY2MTgs?mobilebypass=true
  9. +1 this is indeed a unique faction being that currently there are no african american organizations. This unique rp has yet to reach the server in my time here. You see pop up groups, but never a full on organization. On another note, Davey is a good roleplayer and commits to his roles, I know this will be banger
  10. +1 He's been away for a while and still has a desire to partake in the community. Shows for one he does care about diverge and given the time he's been away, it can be said he has learned from his mistakes. He's a good person, roleplayer and friend. I hope he returns
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