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KingJewMonaclu last won the day on October 16

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About KingJewMonaclu

  • Birthday June 1

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  1. the cop running in front of you would have made sense, had you not turned to hit the other cop, and then reversed and tried to hit him AGAIN. Also the audio isn't a problem, as nothing he could have said would have changed anything.
  2. Bro remove the timer let me speed run delivery driver for the love of all things holy
  3. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jjmYqcEIoHCJZwEjQ/AGgZf9wek8AM?invite=cr-MSxjS3csMzMwODc5MDYs
  4. lockers ARE short term storage. Please dont store things in lockers for more than like a day, because they wipe randomly.
  5. dumbest shit i ever heard. yeah lets tell new players to git gud and give them no info
  6. Gets banned for NiTRP, can't even take the ban appeal seriously. You vdmed a guy and tried to drag him into the sewers because of cow worship. Prior to this you went into the trattoria yelling and got kicked out, refused to leave, kept yelling shit at them, got punched, shot someone to death and cried rdm when someone shot you for it, and tried to get them in trouble. Your PO list is so long I quit counting. You're lucky it was 10 days, as you were banned for 21 days for the same shit recently.
  7. NYPD gained access to a manufacturer and was able to mainline faulty revolvers that drop casings
  8. So, a couple of points. Obviously, the rules state that the orders have to be given within 2 weeks of the individual leaving the faction, which occurred and is verifiable. Good on the pking staff member for getting the logs, especially considering these pks can take a while and end in the logs being wiped. On consideration of this evidence, this pk appeal will be denied. The proper protocols were followed. In regards to your assertion that they should've couped you, its way easier to kill you after you leave instead of couping you. And a lot less risky. Fact of the matter is, that when you left, you did so with the knowledge that they could still kill you.
  9. Accepted for the same reasons as the Davis appeal
  10. Permanent appeals the community can comment freely
  11. If you'll just admit you were wrong and you broke the rules i'll give em back.
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