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Baselsamarah last won the day on May 26 2024

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About Baselsamarah

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  1. Although the poll was in favour for an all white crime family, the type of faction I’m trying to set up only really works for a black faction.
  2. it’s an RP server, making it a 1:1 match of real life is not the goal. Also I used Dixie Mafia as an example because most other white gangs are white supremacists in prison or biker gangs. I don’t mind a white supremacy gang but I feel like that would be too mingy. Also I’m fully capable of just making something up, I don’t need to have it based of a real life gang. Leave ppl alone dawg idk why you’re hating… why do people have to roleplay their irl race lmao doesn’t that defeat half the point? Most players already do this. Plenty of people just run around saying the N word. Not anything new. As for shooting places up too quickly,,, speak for yourself. If I’m making a black faction it will be a mugging faction and we will invite escalation instead of being boring like some niggas here. I plan on running this faction very differently than others so it’s more for the experience (Custom suits and money are not the goal; but keeping your char alive during constant power struggles and change of leadership) I don’t really care for the other factions politics/alliances.
  3. I don’t think NOI had an application, and the KKK can be too mingy.
  4. Lol, I heard from someone that he won’t accept a Neo-Nazi faction or the KKK. Never heard it from himself but if I am making a white faction it will probably be Dixie Mafia. A Southern white street gang. @Pendred would you accept a Neo-Nazi faction or the KKK?
  5. For reference… A White Crime Family would be something similar to Dixie Mafia An African American Gang is more like BMF
  6. +1 now he can join in on my metagaming
  7. +1 he metagames with me all the time
  8. I heard all the Calabrese are feminine
  9. I’m gonna go on my cop char and find you via metagame and get your f3.
  10. To everyone that thinks the name is stupid; ….you’re stupid.
  11. Major +1 Very creative and detailed as well. You seem to have a solid plan and to have it as part of the underworld will also be interesting. Your time on the server is pretty good, having dupes built are pretty dope too. It’s nice to see a faction not completely centred on being a crime faction but have other aspects of revenue/attention.
  12. Jæcob swallows! I change my -1 to a -1
  13. Hammer is a super solid dude, never seen having problems with anyone and genuinely liked by the entire community. He’s never taken sides or been biased in any way- and he only metagames with certain people so he’s smart enough not to get caught. He’s also a faction leader so he ain’t here to fuck around but make the server a better one in whatever way he can. -1 (:this is actually a +1:)
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