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Your Character or Steam Name: WhiteLiquidz Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_1:1:102527132 Your Discord ID#: jimmys8175 Reason for ban: MVDM | NITRP Length of ban: 4 Days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology Why should you be unbanned? I was the passenger in my friend's truck, and we were goofing around, and he ended up killing a few people, I never drove the car nor ran anyone over i merely assisted my friend in putting an unconscious body in the back of his truck. I was under the impression this was a no harm no foul situation sense we were not killing people but taking them for a small joy ride. I understand the situations this can cause and how it can be problematic and will not partake in any "minge" like activities again. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A6 points
Character Name: Izumi YamaRyu SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198070696589/ Discord ID#: Ruppert2222 Reason for ban: Global rule 1 Length of ban: Permanent Reason for appeal: Dispute Why should you be unbanned? First off, I want to thank staff for giving me a chance to show how shit my mouse skills are. I don't have hacks, cheats, exploits, aimbot, etc. I've never had them, I don't even know where to get them, I recently only just got a crosshair that a friend had to show me how to get and use. I would have liked a chance to talk about things before I was banned, I heard through the grape vine the admins were calling each other schizoids over this in dms so I like to extend a thank you to staff involved in banning me for making me write a ban appeal instead of talking with me first whoever you are. I've been here for a while so thank you for giving me the benefit of a doubt. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I was AFK at the park ATM between the motel and casino. I heard someone tying me (fail mug in front of an atm) and I jumped quickly tabbing back into my game, I backed up and pulled out my weapon and hip fired, at this point I was startled because I'm wearing a lot of expensive items, and I had a hand spasm. I'm currently gaming on my TV so I'm sitting in an older leather chair that doesn't work well with my mouse sensitivity, so I had it set at 100% and the situation caused my hand to jump significantly From my understanding you need more than a skeptical video to ban someone over this and should have looked into the server logs and code for more info. I've spoken to someone who's said you look into the code on the server and see I'm not cheating, please correct me if I'm wrong. My mouse is sitting on the armrest of an older leather chair with no mousepad, this works for me when I have my sensitivity upped to 100% which is not ideal for pvp but I don't pvp I only RP. Here's a video proving I have 100% sensitivity (skip to end): I was never given a chance to explain myself further I was instantly banned. Here's the clip of me being banned: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jbBWZ7AcDVttZKzKG?invite=cr-MSxwVkIsMTQ1MDkzODgyLA Here's the clip of the alleged aimbot. Please take you time to slow it down, if you want to download it and go frame by frame, please feel free to do so: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jbzjnmhF4yqmArVo7?invite=cr-MSxjVDQsMTQ1MDkzODgyLA What aimbot locks onto a person's arm? Also if it was an aimbot it would have locked onto the person at the atm, not the person further to the right? I was given this in dms I sure hope this wasn't used in banning me it's clearly not a snap from one frame to the next if you slow the video down. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dWO6i1g6sQHmYmN-kFEEOuLlMRyE4ddRIYmXiOVyDt8/edit?usp=sharing3 points
3 points
While yes, you were mainly in the wrong, you have such a clean record and the whole Mass VDM was not intentional nor was it targeting a group or people etc... You were being a little silly and no one stopped you until then. There were mainly two clips provided, in which wasn't proving intentional ruining of others roleplay experiences. Wrong place, wrong time, and you got a little out of hand is all. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The ban will be reduced to 1 day.2 points
Your Character or Steam Name: fatstick445-jacob solivan Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): Your Discord ID#: yuioq. Reason for ban: no clue fn didn't even explain the shit too me pulled me out of nowhere saying i had extensive pos after I haven't did shit after I got unbanned. just been playing the game. bytes always had some against me dudes throwing permas out like its fucking candy cause I have pos shits crazy work and the dude that was with him that reported me ig said i hit him with a bat? i wasn't hitting anyone with a bat i was dealing with another stupid ass situation after i was arrested for no reason and after i was asking him why he pulled me he banned me... Length of ban:perm Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): n/a i didint do anything wrong ive just been playing the game i haven't rdmed nothing ive been actually doing shit on their Why should you be unbanned? cause i feel like perma banning me was unnecessary asf considering i haven't got warned or had any issues except today ive been chillin Additional Information (images, videos, etc):1 point
Not banning admin here or nothing like that, but I do know a lot about cheats because I've developed and used them a lot. Yep thats me, but with that knowledge I also learned some cheat analysis. A large majority of these comments are just simply wrong. Including 'I don't see any tracing'..... Yea..... ANYWAYS onto my turn I guess just cause I got called in? In the slowed down video, you can see Izumi has engine prediction on by the black arrow. This is basically just cheats ways of saying 'WHERE' are you going to be based on your current velocity (direction + movement speed). Notice how the cursor goes to the right of the player being shot? No coincidence. Next point, your firing pattern. To the naked eye it looks like just holding left click, flick, oops someone was standing there. BUT NO. If on average (yes I counted) from the original clip, there's almost 1 bullet per frame, more around 1.2 but whatever. So why'd that pattern stop between frame 1, 2, and 3? But in frame 3 the exact same frame and millisecond that your crosshair reaches the player, you shoot again. What I think happened? You stop shooting, accidentally panic and click aimbot key, flick to them, and you have auto fire on. (Bad cheats guhhh imagine not using trigger bot instead). ONTO THE NEXT, this one is aimed (haha see what I did there) at the 'whos aimbot even looks at spine'.... Well, a lot of aimbots do, and a lot of them have that option to seem more legit so that you're not hitting consistent 1 tap headshots. Cheats generally will add spine3 to their list. But if your cheats were a little better, they'd grab the 3 bones positions then find an average. You might say "OH BUT HES AIMING AT THE ARM" . Remember the whole point above about engine prediction? Going into the shot, takes a whole two frames, coming out of the shot, again, two frames. With your 'accidental flick' you almost flick back instantly to the same exact position you started from. So you either have really good precision with this 'leather mousepad', or like...... Keep following me now, we know where this is going. TLDR: 1. Stops shooting (inconsistent fire rate???), accidentally clicks aimbot key, locks on for a split second and lets go of key. 2. Engine prediction enabled (definitely a free cheat though....) 3. Auto fire enabled (when aimbot key is pressed, SHOOT says the cheat) 4. Target bones set to spine/pelvis For your other clips, yes I had looked into them too cause we don't wanna false ban here. You seem to just.... have them injected but not use them unless its an accident. So either 1. Its an emergency backup thing, or 2. You like using the ESP and don't know how to disable aimbot lol. NOW, my opinion as a staff whos been permad for cheating before too. Purely accidental, no one was harmed, no sort of advantage was gained out of this one altercation. Unban in a few weeks, you learned your lesson and move on from it. BUT if you're ever caught again on any sort of suspicion (like every other cheating ban appeal), then you get permad on the spot and that's wraps buddy. The whole leather mousepad isn1 point
as someone who’s HWID banned from Tarkov, this doesn’t look like cheating. free my mans1 point
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lenny_darkrpgod 1 = BROKEN just spams chat with /buyhealth unless your server has /buyhealth then this command is useless lenny_ents = Entity Finder, shows a list of what is detected but I don't think it works... lenny_friends 1 = Add friends so then lenny_aimsnap_target_friends 1 doesn't apply (not 100% sure) lenny_flashlightspam 1 = Spams flashlight and is annoying lenny_fov = Set your feild of view lenny_info = posts Lenny's steam id lenny_menu = broken menu lenny_namechange = changes name so you don't get caught (bind this to a key) lenny_norecoil 1 = no recoil for hl2 weapons (no effect on m9k) lenny_pkill = shoots prop out to kill other players (bind this to a key) lenny_printstaff = see all of the staff members on the server lenny_rapidfire 1 = rapid fires leftclick lenny_reload = reloads the scripts lenny_spam = spams message in chat lenny_triggerbot 1 = auto fires when looking at players / npcs / friends lenny_tttpkill = prop kills on ttt (I don't know how to use it) my aimbot of course cmon now i mean like tbh, just need some lady boys to help massage my neck flaps i volunteer as tribute, perm ban me instead, so i can pay another 250 to get unbanned1 point
im just curious if the server picked up if he was using aimbot or not, that video is funny how he moves but it proves nothing realistically cause ik he does has hand issues irl. Id like to assume staff hopefully looked into this before jumping to a perma ban, if not and then also not taking him to a sit and just banning him would be a shitty and lazy thing to do.1 point
What is this argument about locking onto body parts? Every good cheat allows you to toggle what to lock on to, not just head shots only1 point
Criticism isnt hating on just for sake of destroying competition for the faction you support lmfao Touch some grass fam my leadership isnt gonna get better by afk-shipment grabbing. I've been a LT in Takahashi-kai within this server which hasnt been the best experience for both parties due to differences. Rest of my leadership comes from other servers, better than having none thats why I have stated that. Hopefully this clears confusion as I have written same reasons in previous comments1 point
i dont use a mouse pad either and I do NOT use sensitivity like that anyways, le exdee, youve been slammed. Not surprised. Points to you HAVING an aimbot 1. The whole "bro aimbots always lock onto heads" argument has been irrelevant for years upon years, you can set an aimbot to hit anywhere on the player, a lot of cheaters in fact set their aimbot to hit limbs/center mass to avoid being instantly clocked for hitting nothing but 3 point headshots. 2. Human aim, even on SUPER high sens, has micro-corrections. Over and under-corrections can be shown frame by frame in human aim showing that it is in fact a human aiming, rather than aimlock. 3. There was literally no reason for your aim to be like that, you say you had a hand spasm, I have had muscle spasms and crazy shit while playing FPS games, I have not once had an immediate flick that ended precisely on someone and had no micro-movements. Ever. I have never even seen that. 4. It looks a lot like your typical toggling situation, where you pressed your aimlock as the guy was walking away and bang. Points to you NOT having an aimbot 1. The mouse movement is significantly less instant than your typical aim lock, though some bots, admittedly, are like that. They are rare to see, though. 2. Realistically, your typical aimbot would PROBABLY lock onto the closest individual to your crosshair. The black dude is not that, as he would be behind a wall in this moment, which makes it so that any aimbot would avoid locking on to him. So, that begs the question, why did it not lock onto the american flag suit dude? 3. Someone with aim as fucking awful as yours would TYPICALLY have an aimbot on at all times. This doesn't look like that. This looks like a toggle, and a shit tier one at that. 4. Looking through your old clips, I see other instances of weird ass mouse behavior, but not in situations where it would be an aimbot, such as in one clip you going from looking at a dude next to you to instantly staring at the floor for no reason.1 point
No mouse pad. I did have one of those nice ones that go over the whole desk but I hooked my PC up to my TV and I don't have a smaller one rn.1 point
Whenever your FPS becomes dog doodoo and stays that way with you knowing it's due to the server, particularly when walking towards hardware/park where it's most notorious for awful fps drop, type this command into console which may help as it helped me 80% of the time to fix the fps drop. " record 1 ; stop" Shoutout to the guy who told me this whilst delivering oil to rockerdeller1 point
If you'll just admit you were wrong and you broke the rules i'll give em back.1 point
What is your faction command experience? How are those factions you had leadership roles in holding up today? So far from what I have seen it does not look like you really have the experience to run a faction that would last longer than a month -11 point
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In-Game Name(s): Leonardo Colombo, Lieutenant Alexander Price, Doriano Carcano Steam Name: Kewl Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199082231349/ Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:560982810 Discord Username: kxwl Age: 16 When did you first join the server: April 10th, 2023 Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 3mo 3w 6d 23h 5m Time Zone: EST How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 2-3 hours on weekdays, more on the weekends. Weekdays could vary. (More, not less) Have you read the rules?: Yes Do you have a working microphone?: Yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: No Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer What is your motivation/reason for applying?: I’ve spent a pretty good amount of time on the server and applying for staff has been something I’ve considered for a good amount of that time. I’ve had lots of fun in my time on the server, and I’ve got a lot more ahead of me. I want to join the staff team to help moderate the server and ensure that the rules are properly followed. I know how frustrating it can be to have your fun ruined by some guy who just bought the game 10 minutes ago and managed to get a gun, or your local crashout who just got demoted from Senior Officer to Officer and decides to start mass rdming, and I want to help ensure that there’s less bad actors on the server. I haven’t been staff before, so I figure that helping out is the best way I can give back to all the people who have made this possible, and try something new at the same time. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: I’ve been playing the server for well over a year now, and ensuring that I abide by the rules is something that I’ve been meticulous about; it’s one of the reasons I still to this day have no notes/warnings or bans. Violating the rules can be the difference between a fun RP scenario and complete chaos. That’s the main reason I’ve made sure that I understand and follow them very well. My solid and very thorough understanding of the rules is a quality that is very useful to have before becoming staff, as the main thing I’d need to learn is how to enforce them instead of thoroughly understanding them on top of that. As I stated above in the yes or no questions, I sadly don’t have experience with SAM or Nutscript commands, but I’m a rather quick learner and I could easily pick up on how to use them efficiently to carry out staff duties. I would also say that I’m a rather level-headed person and I rarely, if ever at all, get frustrated or annoyed to an extent that would interfere with my judgement. I believe that’s a necessary quality when dealing with staff sits that can possibly get hostile really quickly. A calm and collected mind is something required to make a proper and appropriate judgement on staff matters. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): Unfortunately, I have no previous experience. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: No, I have not. Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: I would say that most people would have heard of me from either my police character or criminal character if they haven’t met me. I’ve spent the majority of my time in both the police and the criminal aspects of the server, and I have occasionally done some legal rp, usually as a private lawyer. Due to the positions I hold/have held, there’s a good chance even those who haven’t met me or heard too much about me have heard of me by one of the nicknames of my characters. I have had my police character, Alexander Price, for a long time and I reached the rank of Sergeant in ESU around the time when I had made my criminal character that I still have today, originally named Leonardo Russo. If you have read my character list already, it’s pretty blatant what faction I joined on that character, and if you know who I am, what I’ve achieved since then. I’ve been a supervisor in every currently existing bureau of the police and currently reside in the Internal Affairs bureau as a Lieutenant. In regards to those who really know me or have interacted with me before, I would say that it’s probably easier to name the people who would think ill of me than those who don’t. In short, I would say that the majority of people have heard of one of my characters before if they haven’t met me, and I would think that I am generally liked by the majority of those who know me outside of my characters. What is your favorite moment on Diverge so far?: 6/14…. Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Adam, Morty ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: Assuming that the victim already made a ticket, I would first ensure that I’m not in any RP scenarios before dealing with the RDM. After I’m done with any ongoing RP, I would swap to my staff character, properly go on-duty, and take the ticket/deal with the RDM. Of course, if there are any other tickets or issues that need to be addressed by staff, I would do it now before I go back on my other character as to have them dealt with so that people don’t need to wait for an unnecessarily long time and because I wouldn’t be busy with anything else at that moment. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: If I truly believed that this staff member’s actions were undoubtedly intentional abuse, I would immediately notify a higher ranking staff member/UA/management of what I believed was occurring. I would specifically say that while I strongly believe the staff member is abusing consistently, I might not currently have substantial proof that is enough for action to be taken against them. Most people would just silently gather evidence and then forward everything as one big report, however I believe that if the proper people are notified right away, evidence might be able to be spotted that wouldn’t have been found otherwise, and an investigation into said staff member’s conduct can be launched easier and sooner, overall giving the abuser less time to do damage. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: An important factor to remember in situations like this is that people are inherently biased, even if they aren’t trying to be. Your mind might sway your thinking and make you lean towards a certain decision due to bias without you even realizing it. If a ticket was made against someone within my faction or a friend of mine, I would refrain from taking it, unless absolutely necessary. If I took a ticket and found out that it was against someone who I think I might even possibly have bias towards, I would notify other staff members in the staff chat that I think I shouldn’t handle the issue and arrange for someone else to handle it, or at minimum get a second opinion before handing out any punishments. I would refrain from getting involved in the actual sit if necessary to completely remove any possible bias. If there was a situation where a ticket was made and I believe that I might have a biased opinion, but it’s at a time where I would be the only staff member on for a long time, like 5am or some weird time, I would handle the matter as unbiased as I can. However, just to ensure that the decision I made wasn’t biased, I would send all relevant information and evidence to another staff member higher than or equal in ranking to me, so I can get a second opinion.1 point
1 point
NGL I think adding a small prison would be dope, Separate from the regular PD. Would bring some more jailrp into the server and having a char sentenced to life wouldn't end the char you could just live your days out doing that good ol prisonrp. Having like proper visitations, Trying your best not to get a buck fifty with a shiv ect. Would also add prison guards and a warden.1 point
The map looks and sometimes feels dry when casually driving around other than little italy and near imperial/BL. Players that are apart of factions that may not have access to any buildings, or those who are not even apart of any factions lack the possibility to own a building. Re-add basements into houses - It made it feel lively. Add some more houses that vary in size and shape like the other map, these were used oftenly for drug deals and rp. Replace one of the buildings in chinatown and make it an accessible apartment with purchasable doors, a small building like the one near the nightclub so the non-round-eyed dont have to go to the ghetto or motel Note* - I understand the ghetto is open to purchase, but personally, everytime I go to do shit in there I dont want to have to worry about someone breaking in bc of the secludedness of the spot. Houses placed in the open with like a back door or a openable window would be cool for people robbing. The giant warehouse across jewland? That should be replaced with mini-containers like the old map used to have, this opens up the possibility of people doing drug-deals or some sort of rp. As of now, that building is one of the most unused buildings on the server and its in a good spot too. Just replace it with anything like a parking lot wtvtf. A tall building is for sure what needs to happen next. Something like La-Grande - bright, noticable, activity near, etc. The theatre should be kept bc of what people do with it. I think just one of the problems with the map is building accessibility, I feel the motel is nice but not to those who cant use it. The motel should be treated as convienience, not an actual ownable building. A building for those who cant go anywhere else. Do this and replace the warehouse with a faction building and voila.1 point
more trash on the streets pigeons extension to docks because docks is boring more funny map easter eggs like pill bottle !!!1 point
Replace the movie theatre and warehouse. Fundamentally useless properties that hardly are used that can be replaced by more functional ones that people visit more often. Warehouses dupes are always unappealing and just look off all the time. You can probably find better properties to put there.1 point
I miss the Town houses!!! or if we could've have more apartment houses. But have them as only temporary use. Like the ghetto. Meaning no company can own them.1 point
it does not matter as both do the same thing however thank you for the clarity1 point
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It should be made that if someone buys a FACTION WHITELISTED car and then leaves the faction it should be unable to be spawned as IMO we aint paid irl money for people to use our FACTION WHITELISTED CARS outside of our faction.0 points
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I have said this from day one: Remove the governor's mansion. I understand it's a cool idea, but it benefits no one. The idea that factions would rent it out was a good idea, but I guess I don't know this for sure. I'm sure that aspect was rarely used. Instead, I think an open park like the one on the New York map would be a good fit. I don't know if townhouses would work, but there are few reasons for people to come to the north besides my faction properties and De Leons. I'm not sure how everyone would feel about adding something of important in the north. There should be something interesting in each section of the map. I don't hate the World Corp idea as much but In my eyes would be another useless property no one goes to besides to PK their characters. Now, going forward my suggestions are just things that I think in the future more factions leaders would like and even current factions. Remove gun store #2 serves no purpose whatsoever. If it's a property whose only purpose is to buy ammo from it, make it non-ownable, or here's an idea make someone with a gun racket buy it. I understand this is not favorable, especially to the factions that have gun rackets but if no one buys it (Besides Brown and Sons who sold it soon after and no one else has tried to buy it) then it should be replaced by a building that can serve better RP. Change the Laundromat into the liquor store from Union City the one that has an upstairs. It's no secret that these types of properties like the 7/12 and the Restaurant by hardware are prime buildings to want to have. I think there would be more attention to want this type of property than the current laundromat. I think maybe taking a look at the cafe from Union City. Whenever the union city had a server I'm sure this was one of the best buildings to own as far as RP goes. It brings something unique into the server. I know we already have a "Coffee Shop" but, this one feels more grand and could bring some nice RP to whichever faction owns it. as far as anything dotted around the city like trees, newspaper dispensers and things like that looks fine I guess you would have to be the judge of that cause I honestly cant think of an area that would need more or less of this. I know everyone reading this and most likely Pendred as well. These are suggestions that I feel as a faction leader can bring RP to the server. As a new faction leader, It's hard to want to spend tons of money for a property that will not only not benefit you financially but will most likely not give you any RP benefits. There are no properties right now that I want to go for because either #1 I would spend double or even triple the amount of money I already spend and #2 It would not increase my faction's RP ability. I do all of this in a townhouse just fine. With that being said I know this is most likely not something you will take into mind as I'm sure you just want to make little changes here and there but I still want to voice my opinion on the things that could be improved thus far. Otherwise, Good map.0 points
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World corp reconstruction Adds more RP for up incoming factions/companies to run out of the rooms and is overall a cool building. The map no longer has usable tall buildings besides the apartments, which nobody can really use, unless they pay the owners of the buildings for keys.0 points
The 6 townhouses that existed before were never used, there is now 3 similar properties and 1 of them is still unowned. Vacant properties can be squatted in. No point in having an excess of properties that aren't going to be used whatsoever. Replace them with what, theater was mainly added because its in an area nobody goes that would be a waste of an actual faction property. It's also cool to have when people do want to use it. Addressed somewhat for next map update, however feel free to go through and make a list of what needs changing and fixing as we may have missed some things.0 points
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I like the Imperial, they are very accommodating and I always come out with a bunch of free custom clothing. Owners are very nice aswell and they often have self tours and open houses.0 points
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In-Game Name(s): Aoi Lee, Senior Officer Cornelius Petterson, Vincenzo “Knuckles” Corallo Steam Name: Aiden Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199122032686/ Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:580883479 Discord Username: 9aiden. Age: 17 When did you first join the server: A little over 2 years ago Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 2mo 3w 6d 19h 7 Time Zone: Eastern How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 2-4 Hours Weekdays, more weekends Have you read the rules?: Yes Do you have a working microphone?: Yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: Yes Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: * Most people know that I have been staff a couple of times before and each time I've truly enjoyed it. I want to play the server a bit more and I see myself on during the afternoons / mornings when nothing is really going on and not many staff are online so that would give me the opportunity to help out. I want to be further involved within the community and I feel like staff would help me towards that goal since it has before. Depending on the night, tickets could either be answered fast or slow and no one likes to wait a while for their ticket to be taken and the more available staff the better. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: * I believe I should be considered over other candidates due to my experience with staff and overall on the server. I've dealt with every type of player on this server from the angriest to the mingiest so I know how to handle certain sits properly depending on the individuals attitude. Diverge has continuously been growing since I last remember and with that many new players tend to join and try to figure out the ropes which include staff tickets being made and it may take a while to help that person out. Accepting me to staff with my experience to staff on Diverge already, it would help tickets clear out. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): I’ve been an Administrator for Diverge like 2-3 time before over a couple of months Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: I was perma banned for Cheating a couple months back that I take full responsibility for and I have bettered myself Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: * I would say that I am pretty well known in the community for multiple different reasons such as previous staff experience, PD, Factions, and even government. My reputation and others opinion about me vary between everyone. What is your favorite moment on Diverge so far?: Too many good ones to compare Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: N/A ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: If someone makes an RDM ticket while I am off-duty I would ask if any other staff member could take it if available, if not then I would quickly wrap up whatever rp scenario I am in and switch to my staff character to take care of it. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: I would make sure I get whatever I could clipped and would then make a staff report including all of the evidence I have gathered and my reasoning behind it. If I cannot get nothing recorded due to the sneakiness of the staff then I would notify higher administrators about the situation and let them handle it from there. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: I would treat said friend/faction member as any other regular person, no bias included. I would give the appropriate course of action depending on the situation and past offenses. --------------------------------------------------------- I know my previous staff record is a little messy but I have matured and will not follow down the same steps as I previously have.0 points
Wait until this guy plays CoD Realism is always a good thing, but never when its over the top. I think scaling the damage based on calibers would be too much.0 points
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How about instead of alcohol pendred revamps the whole drug system, and makes it so we have to manufacture our own Cocaine, heroin, and other drugs!!!-1 points
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100% Deserved To Be Unbanned. Kosher CERTIFIED _-----------------------------------_ As an Aim Bot User i can confirm that is not aimbot. As the owner of this femboy, he is too dumb to download aim bot. he cant even play HOI4. lenny_aimsnap 1 lenny_aimsnap_target_players 1 lenny_aimsnap_target_npcs 1 lenny_aimsnap_target_friends 1 bind mouse3 lenny_aimsnap_snap -Charlie Budweiser--1 points