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+1 He returned, and I'm hoping you give this man another chance. He isn't a a malicious guy. I think pendred told him he can appeal in a couple of month. Hoping this this time frame was enough to wait. He does wanna come back. We are all mortal, and we don't have a long life span. He is a good guy. He has put more hours and was a staff member. Let's not deny this guy. There's been countless of good things that outweigh this once time offense. Let's be professional on this appeal.
+1 We definitely need more Italians
-1 Usually I would write a PRO/CON list for applications but there actually isn't anything redeeming in this application. - You used AI to write the entire application. This is a bit of a slap in the face to those who spend a great deal of time on their applications. - You claim to know the ins and outs of RP but you didn't provide a single original RP idea. - There are a bunch of Italian factions already, if you were looking to write up an Italian faction you need to make it stand out somehow, you don't do this here. - Your play time is very low, you need to play more to find out the ins and outs of what it takes to run a faction. I'd suggest reading this guide I wrote in November and work on a new application whilst you are actively playing and making amendments along the way.
+1 With the new laws, more gun variety would go far.
Your Character or Steam Name: Ayden/:) Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:73536917 Your Discord ID#: celestus.x Reason for ban: “Rule” - Cheating/Hacking Length of ban: Perm Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology. Why should you be unbanned? It has almost been 2 months since my original appeal. The issue is, not a ton has changed. For those who are reading this and are unaware, I was caught with ESP while playing the server. I have my own feelings about how detrimental to the RP experience my actions specifically were, but I won’t contest the idea that generally cheating in any capacity is a negative thing and shouldn’t be tolerated by server management. Either way, I am still the same person just 2 months older. As for why i’m deciding to re-appeal, I can’t say. I think some reasons are more obvious. This server is one of the more enjoyable experiences in the gmod roleplay world and I dedicated a lot of time to it and enjoyed taking part in the various systems. Other than that, I don’t have any profound reason for wanting to return. I enjoyed the experience, being banned sucks but I get it, I would like the chance to come back. Lastly, and maybe most importantly, I no longer have the cheats. I do use rudimentary trainers on games like NMS and MHW but anything which would resemble the stuff I was using is gone. No way to prove that, but it’s the truth. Laptop has been reset since the incident, never reinstalled the injector so it wouldn’t be a concern if I were allowed to return. All that to say, I admit I fucked up. I’m not expecting anything, but I’m generally not a malicious guy and would like the opportunity to hang out in the city again.
george flowberry changed their profile photo
Fritz changed their profile photo
I agree, would be nice to have a few more pistols !
Mr. Hashimoto changed their profile photo
MisterFrancis1 changed their profile photo
- Yesterday
So instead of adding more class ones, give the ones we have access to some more spice. AKA the Revolvers, modify the gun and allow us to fan the six-rounds. People out here straight BITCHING about class 1's, well let us use the least used guns a bit more frequently by allowing for the gun to be swapped to a fanning action, Highly inaccurate and disallow ADS while the option is opted. (Only six rounds, cant really do much harm if you miss ) Also, is the whole Revolvers dropping shell casings on PK's ever gonna be changed, I know it might rely on heavy scripting so it really isn't that deep, but it'd be neat for RP (I don't care which revolvers can do this, just one of them would suffice tbh)
When searching this guys inventory, I exited out and it was stuck on my screen. I couldn't move and had to rejoin copy and paste the link into a chat if you dont want to download it, it wouldn't let me submit an mp4
Understood but we need more pistols in general
There are like 4 I'm pretty sure, they just need to add them into more rackets.
My character was Butler ''Deebo Mary. He was PK I was selling a clothing to a guy he tried to scam me for item by trying to drop a gun for it, so I took the gun and got in his car and got away change my clos10 mins later he finds me does not say noting and kills me and i was PK pls help me bro this my 5th character I'm not trying to keep restarting.
StarJay3k joined the community
Give us more revolvers
Angelicaca changed their profile photo
+1 we need wayyyyy more guns
-1 we do not need another wop faction
+1 Getting players involved in something interesting would bring more life and roleplay into the server. It's easily a great suggestion and needs to be implemented. Adding something like this would encourage players to get out of grinding so much and enjoy time with friends while playing arcade games and trying to reach the highest score. An arcade competition can also be fun like giving rewards to people that compete in arcade game tournaments would be awesome!
If a gun is more OP or dangerous, it won't be a class 1. If a gun is bigger than a pistol, it won't be a class 1. Guns are classed based on size, difficulty of use, and the danger they pose.
Fair and vaalid points