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You just got off a ban for RDM and have 7 POs for RDM at this point you should have read the rules so you can understand that something like this isn't allowed.
That's not how cop PK's work, they are retroactive, you by RUNNING them over started the violent encounter, and got killed, the cop is then responsible to make a ticket, and have you PK'd. A person randomly dying on the street, or dying in a bs shootout in the ghetto with another civilian also doesn't constitute a PK. I suggest reading the PK Rules and Guidelines, those will explain everything that is a valid reason for Don's Order's, and retroactive PK's(mugging's, cop pk's, etc). And for the cop situation you mentioned at Governor's Mansion it is nearly impossible to actually PK a cop unless they commit Corruption, or Murder, or another serious felony.
Vizionz changed their profile photo
Just to point out - you DID RDM, whether it be a joke or not, it is still RDM. If they reported you, like in this case, you can get prosecuted with a ban/note/warn regardless and it was in the whiteshirt's rights to claim action against you after being made aware of his options as, like you said, hes fairly new. Plus you got multiple RDM POs lol - sure perhaps it may have been a petty reason, but its a valid reason non the less. Edit: got to learn who you can muck around with from those who you cant.
i am not reading it for the 5 time its the fact you told him all he can do is ban me like what the fuck he is a minge white shirt with like 5 hours in the server bro why
Let people in cuffs see advertisements
TroubledGhost replied to KingJewMonaclu's topic in Suggestions
+1 -
Davis changed their profile photo
Hello, the banning admin here As you stated in your ban appeal that you did rdm that guy, also in the clip he was not the first person to say he was getting his dick sucked it started off with the other guy saying that's when the whiteshirt had only said it twice, he had also asked what can do I said you can either let him go or you can get him banned due to the POs you have for rdm. I can understand that what he did didn't sound right but sadly what you did was against the rules. if you wish please read the rules to stop this from happening again,
Masterxplans changed their profile photo
and i am sorry to every one i killed and i love you bacon JEWS FOR LIFE
Your Character or Steam Name:Tate Langdon Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:0:813805511 Your Discord ID#:popefrancis0736 Reason for ban:RDM Length of ban:1 week i got banned for shoot a guy who started yelling over and over again that i was sucking his dick and when staff called me to the sit the guy said all he wanted was and apoligy i gave him one then the guy asked what can we do then and the staff said ban him so the new white shirt minge started shouting bann him bann him ban him i know i have 5 priers for rdm i am not asking for a complete urban i whole just like some time off because yes i did rdm the guy but i did what he asked and stiil got banned thank you all for your time bye
nuggett joined the community
yeah that not what you said in sit though you didn't mention anything like that and I've seen many people have violent encounters with cops and get killed but not pked and i didn't get pked when the cop killed me I've had a player killed and its told me on screen you died but in the sit you just said I'm just going to go Ahed and kill your character off if you're supposed to pk players from violent confrontations with cops then why have I witnessed someone die from a violent encounter and return as that same character multiple times i witnessed last night at the Governers mansion multiple cops dying from a violent encounter but no pk for them like I said though Ima just record everything that anyone does wrong and i hope they get pked like i did if that's how its based and im reading each and every rule as we speak thanks anyways
OhhDonkeyShrek changed their profile photo
Okay so, I will explain this again, by running cops over you started a violent encounter with them. That clip you provided and what you were PK'd for are completely different. The solution to that clip you provided is a simple staff sit of prop abuse. You ran 3 cops over, and a civilian being arrested/detained by them, you missed one, and proceeded to drive off, a cop you missed then shot and killed you, ending the violent encounter, and resulting in your permanent death.
name of character Niky Leroso Steam Id: 76561199006324846 date of pk 1-18-25 not sure on the reason for pk wasn't roleplayed I am writing to appeal a recent Permanent Kill (PK) that resulted from an incident involving Vehicle Deathmatch (VDM) on January 18th. I was involved in a situation where, despite my best efforts to avoid it, I ended up hitting multiple pedestrians who were unexpectedly in the middle of the road. I attempted to slow down and maneuver around them, but given the large number of people spread out across the street, there was little I could do to fully avoid the collision. When I explained this to the admin, I was told that it didn’t matter and that I should have tried to move out of the way or slow down more. I made it clear that I did indeed try to slow down, but with so many people in the road, moving around them wasn’t feasible without still risking hitting some of them. Despite this, I felt the admin was not fully understanding my position. What concerns me further is the inconsistency in how similar situations are handled. I regularly see players who engage in repeated VDM or ramming of other vehicles without facing PKs, which feels somewhat unfair. I also spoke with members of my Discord community, and many of them agreed that the PK in this situation seemed unreasonable. To make amends for the incident, I even offered to compensate the player I hit, but my efforts to resolve the situation were not considered. I genuinely enjoy playing as this character and my role within the game, and I’ve formed positive relationships with other players as well. Losing this character feels particularly disheartening because there was no roleplay context for my PK, making my character's death seem out of place. If possible, I would greatly appreciate the chance to return to the game with this character. If not, I plan to record any future incidents involving VDM or ramming and expect those players to be held to the same standard as I was, receiving PKs as well. Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope for a fair and reasonable resolution to this matter. Best regards,
Hey big man, PK'ing Administrator here, so as explained the in the sit you had ran over 3 cops, and a person they were attempting to arrest. In the initial phase of the sit the clip I was provided did appear a little skeptical, and was being question. After conferring with fellow staff, as well as receiving another clip, I deemed you liable for hitting the cops, and driving off, which then resulted in your death by being shot and killed by a cop that you did not hit in the process. In the second clip it appears clear that you made no attempt to try and steer clear of anyone in that group, while yes they were in the middle of the road you had plenty of time to stop, slow down, or move to the other side of the road. As well as once you hit the group of officer's you tried to speed off, and get away from plowing through them. While driving on the roads you need to be aware of your surroundings, and hitting even one cop, and driving off and getting killed is VCWP(Violent Confrontation With Police), I understand you said you made attempts to swerve from the group, but the clips provided do not show you making ANY attempt to miss them at all, and leniency was given with the fact that if you had actually killed any of them(ruining the RP situation of the arrest), that MVDM could've been argued, and a possible ban brought onto you.
Moses changed their profile photo
You must follow the provided template for the appeal, failure to do so will result in an instant denial. Name of Character: SteamID: Your Discord ID#: Date of PK: Reason for PK: Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:
I am writing to appeal a recent Permanent Kill (PK) that resulted from an incident involving Vehicle Deathmatch (VDM) on January 18th. I was involved in a situation where, despite my best efforts to avoid it, I ended up hitting multiple pedestrians who were unexpectedly in the middle of the road. I attempted to slow down and maneuver around them, but given the large number of people spread out across the street, there was little I could do to fully avoid the collision. When I explained this to the admin, I was told that it didn’t matter and that I should have tried to move out of the way or slow down more. I made it clear that I did indeed try to slow down, but with so many people in the road, moving around them wasn’t feasible without still risking hitting some of them. Despite this, I felt the admin was not fully understanding my position. What concerns me further is the inconsistency in how similar situations are handled. I regularly see players who engage in repeated VDM or ramming of other vehicles without facing PKs, which feels somewhat unfair. I also spoke with members of my Discord community, and many of them agreed that the PK in this situation seemed unreasonable. To make amends for the incident, I even offered to compensate the player I hit, but my efforts to resolve the situation were not considered. I genuinely enjoy playing as this character and my role within the game, and I’ve formed positive relationships with other players as well. Losing this character feels particularly disheartening because there was no roleplay context for my PK, making my character's death seem out of place. If possible, I would greatly appreciate the chance to return to the game with this character. If not, I plan to record any future incidents involving VDM or ramming and expect those players to be held to the same standard as I was, receiving PKs as well. Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope for a fair and reasonable resolution to this matter. Best regards, Niky Leroso
Svennebanan changed their profile photo
- Yesterday
Also to further state the point it isn't a case of us 'being wrong' having a banned player possibly access the server while restricted is still a possibility on a legitimate account of a shared user. As such the system issues automatic bans, it isn't 'wrong' as it can't read intent. Please avoid being banned so this isn't an issue in the future. Welcome back.
My dumbass brother and I used to use GeForce now to play together. I'm not sure, but for whatever reason, that flagged us as alt accounts. I tried to join the server and it perma-banned both of us.. We are genuinely two flesh-and-blood human beings who are related and just wanted to relax and play some 80's mafia rp together lol I will attach as much proof of my individuality as publicly possible, but I'm genuinely not sure what else to do.. I have over 100 steam games, and spend money on this account regularly. This is not an alt for my brother, KillThrottle. After nearly 4 years of marinating on this thought process, we decided to try to join again, only to find we're still banned. Why stand by a ban from so long ago, that was 100% baseless? Your Character or Steam Name: Ktenology (steam) Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:82451053 Your Discord ID#: .ktenology Reason for ban: false "alt account" flagging. Length of ban: Perma. Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): See above (dispute). Why should you be unbanned? It was wrongful on the server's part. Proof has been offered. Get into a call with us both, if you're not afraid to admit you're wrong. Thank you. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
There's no need, the ban was 4 years ago, even if you did alt I'd think you are overdue for a second chance. Simply don't have someone in the household join while the other is banned.
I in fact did not attempt to join on an alt account. As I previously stated, and still stand by, my brother, who is very much a real person attempted to join the server on his account using GeForce Now and it flagged and perma banned both of us. If you would like to speak to both of us directly in a Discord call to verify the validity of these claims that can be arranged.
Ok all ban appeals require you to fill out the following format: Your appeal was accepted originally (4 years ago) and the ban was reduced to 1 month, you then attempted to join on alt account and the ban was re-extended to permanent automatically.