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lsxfern’s Ban Appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: lsxfern

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:766201309

Your Discord ID#: lsxfern2_52386

Reason for ban: RDM | Extensive POs

Length of ban: 12 hours

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): The "victim" in question threatened my fellow faction member and demanded that he takes off his clothing (he was unaware I was associated with him until I came to his defense). I did not have my Medal open at the time so we decided to just let it go. The "victim" and his goons then went on to try and place another person under FearRP on the corner of the SAME STREET not even a full minute after our interaction. The "victim" and his goons saw we were watching and decided to confront/surround us ONCE AGAIN and harass us. Mind you each one of them had already brandished their weapon at this point so I was well aware of the potential danger we were in (hence why I already had my AK out). After killing the "victim", one of his goons continued to follow us all the way to our property and kept bringing up OOC terms in character. It's very clear they are not interested in any sort of actual RP and are instead only interested in mugging/harassing people.

Why should you be unbanned? I feel as if the staff member involved (jaecob) did not do his due diligence (as a staff member should) to seek the appropriate context. I was banned based off my POs and a 15 second clip (most likely edited down to only show him getting killed) that doesn't provide the necessary context.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): This was the link to the 15 second clip which appears to now be deleted for some reason. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ibF8fNRuMarPymLii/d13374VbLT8X?invite=cr-MSx0dDIsMTk0MTcwNDk5LA

Edited by lsxfern
The “victim” deleted his clip.
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Hey man, as you know, I'm the banning admin in this situation.

First and foremost, not only did you say this, but so did @Darkfire. How the story was told was the victim told someone of your faction to "take off their shoes," and you identified it as a mugging. However, I asked for a clip for proof and you were unable to provide anything for me. How I explained to your friend, Darkfire, in your situation you are not allowed to escalate a verbal confrontation into murder without an active imposing threat or multiple warnings be handed out first, i.e the guy is threatening you while pointing a gun at you. In the clip, you were walking down Chinatown with your friend and your AK out, and the victim stated, "Do you own him or something" and that is when you decided to kill him without any type of warning. Nowhere in the clip was he imposing an active threat or warned. I issued a 12 hour ban due to your past offenses of RDM.


If you simply killed him during the alleged mugging, the possiblity of RDM would've been disregarded and the person would've been PK'd. But you had no proof to back any of your claims.

Edited by Jæcob ッ
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Thanks for your input jaecob, but of course I’m going to identify it as a mugging when his friend is right behind him holding out his firearm while he says that (once again, not shown in the clip for some odd reason). Not only that, but prior to the altercation they were going around in a group pointing their guns at multiple people including another friend of mine (I was unaware of this until recently). The clip (that no longer exists btw) only showed me killing him after the altercation that originally took place. Conveniently enough, his clip left out the part of which would have ultimately got him PK’d. Seems to me he edited the clip down to 15 seconds to force a narrative.

Photo of the “victim” attempting to mug another friend of mine:


Edited by lsxfern
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3 hours ago, Jæcob ッ said:

Hey man, as you know, I'm the banning admin in this situation.

First and foremost, not only did you say this, but so did @Darkfire. How the story was told was the victim told someone of your faction to "take off their shoes," and you identified it as a mugging. However, I asked for a clip for proof and you were unable to provide anything for me. How I explained to your friend, Darkfire, in your situation you are not allowed to escalate a verbal confrontation into murder without an active imposing threat or multiple warnings be handed out first, i.e the guy is threatening you while pointing a gun at you. In the clip, you were walking down Chinatown with your friend and your AK out, and the victim stated, "Do you own him or something" and that is when you decided to kill him without any type of warning. Nowhere in the clip was he imposing an active threat or warned. I issued a 12 hour ban due to your past offenses of RDM.


If you simply killed him during the alleged mugging, the possiblity of RDM would've been disregarded and the person would've been PK'd. But you had no proof to back any of your claims.

As an administrator you should already know medal has a 10min , 5min and 2min option for recording the fact the person only had 15seconds and you didn’t ask them to extend the clip to see what happened prior is wild to say the least. Furthermore thank you for tagging me to show that you had the ability to remember that but not the way the program works. Love to see that you didn’t think of asking for the clip to be reverted to original and just going to a support vc like any other staff member would do. From my understanding the group of guys baiting the whole time only one was caught with a 2day meta gaming ban and wow look at that rdm as well. Regardless to ban someone solely because their PO is never a good look. Even tho this is a short ban it should 100% be taken off his record. 


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7 minutes ago, Darkfire said:

Regardless to ban someone solely because their PO is never a good look

"Solely on POs" He had 2 RDM warns with a note saying "ban on next offense" from a Senior Administrator. I'm sorry that he couldn't provide any backing for the alleged "mugging" that he was defending him/his friend from. As a former Administrator, regarding the "baiting," you should know they have full right to physically confront the gentlemen following them or give them warnings, they did neither and straight up shot them. Since you have such knowledge about Medal, you could teach him a thing or two on how to work/use it. Thank you for your concern! @Darkfire


2 hours ago, lsxfern said:

Not only that, but prior to the altercation they were going around in a group pointing their guns at multiple people including another friend of mine (I was unaware of this until recently). The clip (that no longer exists btw) only showed me killing him after the altercation that originally took place.

Why not kill them in a prior altercation when the alleged mugging(s) occurred? Why wait? And he allegedly mugged 2 guys with you watching one of them, how come the other 2 people couldn't possibly grab a clip of the mugging happening? Like I said, you bring forth little proof that any mugging occurec to warrant him getting shot. The photo provided is showing a mugging occur in the ghetto, you shot the person in Chinatown, these two locations are across the map. There is no possible way an altercation was continued from the ghetto all the way into Chinatown. Do you have ANY proof that a mugging occured on the corner of Chinatown?

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1 hour ago, Jæcob ッ said:

"Solely on POs" He had 2 RDM warns with a note saying "ban on next offense" from a Senior Administrator. I'm sorry that he couldn't provide any backing for the alleged "mugging" that he was defending him/his friend from. As a former Administrator, regarding the "baiting," you should know they have full right to physically confront the gentlemen following them or give them warnings, they did neither and straight up shot them. Since you have such knowledge about Medal, you could teach him a thing or two on how to work/use it. Thank you for your concern! @Darkfire


Why not kill them in a prior altercation when the alleged mugging(s) occurred? Why wait? And he allegedly mugged 2 guys with you watching one of them, how come the other 2 people couldn't possibly grab a clip of the mugging happening? Like I said, you bring forth little proof that any mugging occurec to warrant him getting shot. The photo provided is showing a mugging occur in the ghetto, you shot the person in Chinatown, these two locations are across the map. There is no possible way an altercation was continued from the ghetto all the way into Chinatown. Do you have ANY proof that a mugging occured on the corner of Chinatown?

The clip provided for the ban was invalid and the person even clipped it to 15seconds because he knew he was in the wrong for an hour baiting others to just get banned a short time after you banned this player. The fact of the matter is it wasn’t rdm and he played you by having a really short clip when he could have shown what started the altercation something you should have asked for. As for this player not having metal active at the time that is his fault I admit but regardless the person who called the sit had more than enough video to show and chose not to. Just assuming it was rdm because of previous notes that had no relevance in this case. That is prejudice at its finest tbh. 

For the next pk or bans I’d recommend a longer clip provided and if not accessible then void the sit like any staff member is supposed to do. 


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It is difficult to completely understand the context of what happened here, the clip being deleted is suspicious but doesn't prove any mal-intent. It would appear from what you said and what jacob said that this wouldn't be RDM under killing rule #5, as if an attempted mugging took place, and they walked back a few minutes later and got shot, it is quite reasonable that someone would be shot.

  1. You may kill in self defence or in defence of your partners/faction/property. When you've been attacked by an aggressor and survive (you did not aggravate or bait them to hit you) you may return with a weapon to kill them
  2.   -If someone has committed an offense against you (Act of violence, mugging, etc) you may recognize them based on their voice, character descriptions and clothing for up to 30 minutes afterwards (Without having their F3). Players may change clothes or lay low during this time to avoid recognition.
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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.

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