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Legacy Enterprise


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Name of Faction: Legacy Enterprise

Number of Members (Minimum of 5): Currently there are 16 active members.

Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Organization 

Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): African American

Name of Character running the faction: Davey Micheal

Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): josephhorton

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:419342183

Your Server playtime: 2 Weeks 

Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes

Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes

Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): I wont be able to really provide any photos or videos with context as I've recently wiped my whole computer because I don't feel like purchasing more storage but anyone who knows me can vouch I create plenty of RP and I'm pretty solid at it to. A few examples of roleplay my faction would bring could be protecting Important members of other groups, Doing large RP events, and orchestrating high value deals with other groups. Those are just a few of the many examples of RP my faction would bring to the server.

Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): Examples of ways I will keep my faction active and promote activity will be constantly have deals to work towards, Jobs to complete on the legal or security side and awards such as employee of the week and other incentives with prizes.

Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): ORGINIZATION BACKSTORY



Edited by Davey
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-1 Two weeks in my opinion is not enough time. I think you should continue to grow as a player in the community time wise before making this app.

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Hey Charles I appreciate your feedback but to be quite frank my playtime isn't correct I've actually played far more than 2 weeks over the span of years but for some reason it got wiped a while back and I had to restart. I also am pretty well known in the mafiaRP community as a whole not even just diverge as I've played for over 6 years now.

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-1, faction is being made just to be under Olympus as another alt faction. The unique rp being provided is already provided by others. Are you trying to be a legal faction or an illegal one? You claim to be an organization, but that's extremely vague. 

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+1 this is indeed a unique faction being that currently there are no african american organizations. This unique rp has yet to reach the server in my time here. You see pop up groups, but never a full on organization. On another note, Davey is a good roleplayer and commits to his roles, I know this will be banger

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+1 Super unique and good RP backstory.

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16 minutes ago, Tsum_Mini1 said:

-1, faction is being made just to be under Olympus as another alt faction. The unique rp being provided is already provided by others. Are you trying to be a legal faction or an illegal one? You claim to be an organization, but that's extremely vague. 

Hey man I gotta start off by saying I completely respect your opinion but id like to bring something to your attention. To start off Legacy Enterprise was made over a year ago and was a functioning group before Olympus was even a thing, and to be quite honest I barely know what Olympus is as I've just recently returned to the city and I'm still getting up to date on events. Secondly its meant to be vague as we are both legal and illegal but for the sake of the application we are illegal because I'm almost positive any group seeking out a drug racket is considered illegal. Last thing ill say as well is I put alot of effort into this application and backstory and I believe it shows, so I think its pretty wrong for you to tell me that my faction is made just to be under Olympus witch simply isn't true. I hope this finds you well.

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2 minutes ago, Davey said:

Hey man I gotta start off by saying I completely respect your opinion but id like to bring something to your attention. To start off Legacy Enterprise was made over a year ago and was a functioning group before Olympus was even a thing, and to be quite honest I barely know what Olympus is as I've just recently returned to the city and I'm still getting up to date on events. Secondly its meant to be vague as we are both legal and illegal but for the sake of the application we are illegal because I'm almost positive any group seeking out a drug racket is considered illegal. Last thing ill say as well is I put alot of effort into this application and backstory and I believe it shows, so I think its pretty wrong for you to tell me that my faction is made just to be under Olympus witch simply isn't true. I hope this finds you well.

So you're just like any other faction then? you have a legal front that hides the illegal side which is the main part. The vagueness wasn't necessary then. 

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+1 He demonstrates a profound dedication to bringing this project to life, evident in every aspect of his work. The backstory he has crafted is not only unique but also meticulously detailed, showcasing his deep understanding of the world he is building. Given the level of effort and creativity he has invested, I can envision this becoming a credible and influential faction in the future of this community.

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+1 why not, not too many moolie crews runnin around that aren't complete minge groups

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-1 There’s a reason why there aren’t any African-American organizations which is because they always get abandoned or get fucked over. This isn’t a "banger" like a certain someone said.

Edited by Tables
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19 minutes ago, Tsum_Mini1 said:

So you're just like any other faction then? you have a legal front that hides the illegal side which is the main part. The vagueness wasn't necessary then. 

Nope not at all we focus on mainly legal operations and do very little illegal operations. I originally had written Legacy's backstory to be completely legal but then soon realized it just isn't realistic in the current economy of the server. Making enough money to sustain a faction purely off legal business simply just isn't possible. That being said, that's why I incorporated the illegal side to Legacy so we are able to sustain ourselves. Like I mention several times in the backstory only long term trusted members will have knowledge of our illegal business. Thanks for your feedback!

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+1 everything ive seen from davey so far is great

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I think that this is a solid idea, but my concern is since this is heavily orientated towards being a legal faction for the benefit of the entire server, it will be harmed by its close association to a certain group. My suggestion is if you plan to go through with a faction like this, it needs to be separate from commission and high table and needs to be a very neutral legal business that everybody can get involved with that doesn't have a bias from birth.

I think your ideas are solid, and I think you are someone that has a chance at leading a faction, but I fear that you have connected a legal business too close to illegal groups. Its not too late to change this though and I wish you good luck on it.

Neutral +/-

Edited by Seansx
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It's cool to see African American RP that doesn't devolve into Blood v Crips RP. 
Massive +1

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-1, Not interested in a legal faction that won't benefit the entire server.

(and this ig...)

29 minutes ago, Pendred said:

Just an fyi playtime was never wiped


Edited by Jæcob ッ
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Just an fyi playtime was never wiped

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There is no way it’s only 2weeks for play time I swear it’s gotta be longer than that. Last summer till the end of fall it was a daily routine get in the city grind oil and buy drugs, flip suits and carry on the next day to do the same. Ain’t no way did you use another steam account or something? 


+1 let the guy cook 

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11 hours ago, Pendred said:

Just an fyi playtime was never wiped

If they had a fucked up steam name innit

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19 hours ago, Canadian-bacon said:

If they had a fucked up steam name innit

Thats probably why I used to change my name frequently and I think one of them had special characters. Is there anyway for yall to check and see if I have more playtime.

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Neutral +/- Not sure if you have the playtime to properly run a faction.

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-1 , get more experience before trying to take on the monumental task of running a brand new faction

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On 5/24/2024 at 12:36 AM, Byte said:

-1 , get more experience before trying to take on the monumental task of running a brand new faction

Yall really need to read and do some research, no disrespect. I said I have WAYYYY more than two weeks playtime and something happened to my counter and then you can see pendred respond saying nothing happened to playtime then after that canadian responded saying there was a way for playtime to be wiped. Thanks for your feedback.

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8 hours ago, Davey said:

Yall really need to read and do some research, no disrespect. I said I have WAYYYY more than two weeks playtime and something happened to my counter and then you can see pendred respond saying nothing happened to playtime then after that canadian responded saying there was a way for playtime to be wiped. Thanks for your feedback.

Everything was so familiar until it actually made sense. I remember you. You were a black guy with the shiny flamingo shirt and pants- buying/selling & trading drugs as a civilian because you hated illegal factions, their hierarchy and you didn’t want to pay kickups. Furthermore I do remember a lot of people being upset with you and even thinking you’re a snitch as you were a civilian ex cop walking up to everyone’s business asking if they want to do drug deals with you, All the while you were talking about and trying to bring attention towards Legacy Enterprises the first time around when you made an app last year for a legal faction. 

Lastly, while I believe you were a member of this server for a long time- I truly believe you only ever amounted to 2 weeks in game time. The reasoning behind that is

1) ever since I’ve known you, you’ve hated illegal factions which basically means being alone most of the time and not having fun/interacting with people unless it’s mingey

2) just because Canadian said player time may be corrupted due to steam name error but idk you’ve had the same steam account 

3) you didn’t include a server play time in the original faction application you made which means it was most likely “corrupted” a year ago and displayed a time equal to or less than 2 weeks 

Im neutral, don’t really have a +1 or -1 but you seem like the player type that joins every once in a while because of good old memories, you feel drawn and attached again and again(especially with the new map coming), but in the end you just get bored and leave till the cycle repeats. 

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