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Corredores Do Road

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Name of Faction: Corredores Do Road

Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 6 (More interested if the faction is accepted)

Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Street Gang

Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): British / Portugese

Name of Character running the faction: Aaron Baker

Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): alaq

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:490693398

Your Server playtime: 1w 6d 1h

Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes

Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes

Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred):

 Following the backstory , the gang was created as a way to rejoin the two war torn families as Aaron and Lucca collaborate and create the gang to make money but also put the family's name in honour. As our name applies (Corredores Do - meaning Runners of the) then road , we will be a gang constantly active in rumour , we wont be doing afk simulator at our property (of course we will still run our property) but what i tend to see is high ranks just sit at the property while the associates do business but my street gang everyone will be out there hustling and the high ranks will sort out higher stuff like crew deals , gang deals and relationships with other factions.

We also will do alot of parties like I will explain underneath. We will party to interact with others and increase member activity. We will also set out to try do big deals with factions and interact with them.  Possibly host a boss poker night so we can bond and talk business and the situation on the streets. Basically we wont be a passive faction that sits back and does nothing , we will interact , make money and get our members rich and anyone who deals with us rich too. So the unique roleplay we bring is activity on rumour , pushing large amounts of our product.

Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above):  I have got ideas to make flag ups more interesting , we will frequently rent out townhouses and party at them to have fun instead of the usual standing afk simulator outside our property.

We will often buy large amounts of product from all types of factions , basically we are based on getting our name out there and filling the streets with our drugs and getting our name out there. Then after that hosting car meets to enjoy our money we have all made together.

Also thinking cerenomies of any big promotions and also in-gang competitions like hiring competitions , who can stock up on the most drugs (promotes activity and being active on the street) . I also got events planned like gun practise , gun competitions to help newer members get the ropes on pvp on mafia rp and also classes for newer associates on how to survive the streets like bringing extra company to any deals to prevent muggings and best trade rates to profit the most.

We will take in new members and turn them into seasoned money machines. Then the plan is any associates who we see have promise of becoming a big part of the gang will be tasked with stuff like hits , possibly running their own big deals between themselves and fellow new members to gain that experience and proving themself. We are basically a faction bringing more street / gang rp onto the server.

Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): https://docs.google.com/document/d/133n5rk1tkJEEY9sGbgDJ2oN1VzFPgkZCFbSa5w3O4UA/edit?usp=sharing

corredores flag.jpg

Edited by emopreserve
  • Like 3
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I think you need to edit your backstory a little bit. Kind of an eye sore. Shrink your text and add some format to it. This is not an English class but I think a better back story really shows and only benefits you. Spice up the application itself to make it look nicer. 

  • Agree 1
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Posted (edited)

check it out now , thanks for the advice both of you.

Edited by emopreserve
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So, I like the idea of ethnicity you have, but my main issue is that you're treating this entire faction as drug runners, which can be done in a crew of a much larger faction. I don't understand how this sets you apart from them and makes you unique by just using /rumour and grinding drugs. It's nothing different in my opinion. 

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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, Charles said:

So, I like the idea of ethnicity you have, but my main issue is that you're treating this entire faction as drug runners, which can be done in a crew of a much larger faction. I don't understand how this sets you apart from them and makes you unique by just using /rumour and grinding drugs. It's nothing different in my opinion. 

agreed. i like the idea of a mixed British faction but there isn't enough substance, immersion, cultural stuff ykyk. The backstory is interesting but nothing jumps out to me uniquely and has that bite to it.

Edited by KeoNasa
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On 4/30/2024 at 4:23 PM, Charles said:

So, I like the idea of ethnicity you have, but my main issue is that you're treating this entire faction as drug runners, which can be done in a crew of a much larger faction. I don't understand how this sets you apart from them and makes you unique by just using /rumour and grinding drugs. It's nothing different in my opinion. 

I have to agree with Charles as well. Whats the difference between what your want your faction to be and just a crew thats part of a current faction?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thats only for the first few weeks of our existence where we will be mainly focused on selling our product. This is so the early members and new associates learn how to make money and actually do make money. Then after a month or two we will switch to mainly focusing on getting our name out there. Basically diplomats with other factions seeing who wants to be our allies and partners in the crime life. This is also where I would host a few of the events i talked about in my application , I would gather 5 - 10 of our members , rent out a townhouse and either sort out a party the public can attend or even set up a drug shop / trap house. Basically where anyone interested in buying our product , we will take to a secret room (or the basement) of our townhouse and sell them our drugs , all while under the cover the party going on above. Also runners doesnt just mean drugs , we are people who work on the streets. We will be hustlers , not just illegally but we will set up unique businesses to hustle on the street and make cash legally aswell. We are commerce , we also want to bring in new players and show them this side of mafia rp. Lots of rp on the streets while also making money. So that is what sets us apart from other factions

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-1 I dont think you have enough experience to run a faction yet I apologize.

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Neutral +/- I think the concept is cool paper but I don't think you have the experience to run it yet

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-1 , 

Get some more experience on the server and polish the app up, not a bad idea. I dont get the culture fusion but you do you

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I feel like a lot of these things are just very normal things you can do with a crew / business.

The aspirations and the passion are really nice to see, but there's not much setting you apart from a normal crew in other families. All of these things could be done with you being a capo. Hell, most of them could be done with even less than that.

I don't really care much about playtime and the like, but I also can't say I've seen anyone from your end roleplaying unless I don't remember.

All in all, I think you've got the spirit, but you might need to bring more to the table to be accepted. Good luck!

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-1, not enough experience for a faction


not a ban idea, I suggest you join a faction, grind it out to a HC spot and then next time faction applications are open put ur shot in at it

  • Bad Spelling 1
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-1 not enough playtime just seems like a crew

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  • 2 weeks later...


Not enough player time although the concept of the idea is valid. 

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+1 good people and faction story

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Thank you for applying for a faction.
Unfortunately your application has been denied.

We do not believe your faction or application is sufficient enough to be accepted.

You may re-apply with the above issues rectified, when re-applying keep in mind that a well written application with good grammar, and a detailed backstory will help in getting accepted.

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