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Faction creation

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Name of Faction:  Medellín Cartel

Number of Members (Minimum of 5): Tuco bosomanca, Mike dave, fredrik jackson, hanrick jacobson, ceek mack johson, 

Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Triad

Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): Mexican

Name of Character running the faction: Tuco bosomanca

Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): fernadoshotdog

Your SteamID: 76561199362888615

Your Server playtime: 90 hours

Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): yes

Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No):  yes

Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred):  The unique roleplay we bring to mafia RP is that we are a bold faction and will be very powerful in military arsenal. we will also be crushing our enemies and will be the top faction. We will also fight back against the police and not be afraid to pull the trigger. We hope to be pushing many drags like cocaine extremely fast since we are a cartel. we also may host public executions  as a event for crushing our enemies. you also can expect faction wars way more often to stir the pot. we would also like to open a casino but that will take a while.

Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): Events that we will do are random raffles to select people who will receive a bonus also we will send new comers on hits to see what there like. we also will provide them startup money and whoever brings the most money in as a kickup will receive a promotion or special opportunities exclusive to them. they will also be able to lead the public executions as a honor to the faction.

Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): 

The Medellín Cartel, led by the notorious drug lord Pablo Escobar, was one of the most powerful and feared criminal organizations in the world during the 1980s. Originating from Medellín, Colombia, the cartel dominated the illegal drug trade, particularly cocaine, and expanded its operations globally. In the pursuit of further expansion and profits, the Medellín Cartel made a strategic move to establish a presence in New York City, one of the largest and most influential cities in the United States. In the 1980s, New York City was facing a significant rise in drug-related violence and addiction. The demand for cocaine among the city's population was skyrocketing, creating an ideal environment for the Medellín Cartel to establish a lucrative market. The cartel recognized the potential for massive profits and sought to capitalize on the growing demand. To spread their operations in New York, the Medellín Cartel employed a variety of tactics. They established alliances with local criminal organizations and gangs, offering them a steady supply of cocaine in return for their distribution networks and protection. These alliances enabled the Medellín Cartel to penetrate the city's drug market rapidly and effectively. The cartel's operations in New York were not limited to drug trafficking alone. They also engaged in money laundering, using legitimate businesses such as restaurants, nightclubs, and real estate ventures as fronts for their illicit activities. By blending their illegal operations with legitimate businesses, the cartel was able to disguise their profits and avoid detection by law enforcement agencies. The influx of cocaine into New York City had profound societal consequences. The city experienced a surge in drug-related violence, as rival gangs and organizations fought for control of the lucrative drug market. The Medellín Cartel's presence intensified the already-existing gang violence and contributed to the destabilization of certain neighborhoods. Law enforcement agencies were faced with the daunting task of combating the Medellín Cartel's operations in New York. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and other law enforcement agencies launched extensive investigations and crackdowns to dismantle the cartel's network. This led to high-profile arrests, seizures of drugs and assets, and the extradition of key cartel members back to Colombia to face justice. Despite the efforts to combat the cartel's operations, the Medellín Cartel's presence in New York remained significant throughout the 1980s. The immense profits generated from the drug trade allowed the cartel to infiltrate various sectors of society, corrupting officials and influencing politics. In conclusion, the Medellín Cartel's decision to expand its operations to New York City in the 1980s was driven by the city's high demand for cocaine and the potential for massive profits. Through alliances with local criminal organizations and the use of legitimate businesses as fronts, the cartel established a strong presence in the city's drug market. However, this expansion also brought about increased violence and societal upheaval. Law enforcement agencies worked tirelessly to dismantle the cartel's network, but their presence remained significant throughout the decade.

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didnt know what pics to put


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A Mexican Triad. 

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Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Triad


I think this tells us all we need to know to decide 

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A cartel as a triad?? Nice -1

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“Medellin Cartel” , “Faction Type: Triad” yeah no -1 

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-1 Medellin died already, they aren’t allowed to come back and it’s gonna stay that way. Fucking Triad too…

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-1 this is so dumb 

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+1 I think that this new step as a Mexican triad will be very influential to the server, I hope to see notorious characters like Pablo Escobar and maybe the notorious lady boy racket implemented! 😭

Edited by Seansx
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-1 do NOT let this nigga be a faction leader LMAO


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-1 I love mexican triads, also cartels have the best history around here guys

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-1  Medellin Cartel is Colombian, which  was wiped out alongside other cartels by the commission.  Calling the Medellin Cartel a triad is like calling the Kosher Nostra a yakuza. 

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-1 90 hours playtime lol

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+1  first mexican cartel to be wiped off and then brought back as a Chinese  type triad whilst being mexican 

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1 hour ago, 6tens said:

+1  first mexican cartel to be wiped off and then brought back as a Chinese  type triad whilst being mexican 

Erm.. Medellin is Colombian.. ermmmmm

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7 hours ago, MxR said:

-1 we wiped them 2 years ago, not enough playtime, not enough detail in backstory, just a huge no.......

didnt ask monkey hop off the  dick


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Several Factors are contributing to a very distinctive -1.

  • One. stating you have 90 hours on the server instead of using !time to show us the proper prompt dictates to myself that you are unsure of the exact amount of time you have and instead are just assuming the amount of time.
  • Two. Follow up to previous; Shows on your Steam Profile you have a total of 182.6 hours total in Gmod and claiming 90 on the server. I personally am sketched out as to the understanding on the verification of such a feat so please upon joining the server next, use !time to get a proper estimation as it states you have played in the last 2 weeks a total of 75.5 hours in gmod and you have had the game since January (at the least). 
  • "Now we come to the moronic stuff."
  • When it clearly asks, "NUMBER OF MEMBERS" you are supposed to put the number of members, not each individual person's name. You do realize that due to this being a game people will use that information to meta players in game and have them killed. You basically granted each person seeing your post here an open season ticket out on those members.
  • Under. "Type of Faction" there is an option that CLEARLY states "etc" meaning any other type of faction not listed but is recognized. You are wanting a Cartel even within the name you chose indicating such and yet your brain went sideways and chose, "Triad".

On top of that, you basically plagiarized the whole entire organization backstory being unable to think of something yourself to bring to the table.

This is a HEAVY -1 and with everything stated. You need to learn how to how to be creative in starting a faction as attempting something like this without the "Proper Knowledge, Grammar and Understanding" just shows how poor of a Leader you would have been.


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1 hour ago, Fernadoshotdog said:

didnt ask monkey hop off the  dick


You gotta do better than this monkey. Mexican Triad for a Colombian Cartel is the dumbest shit ever you fucking loose cunt

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So rather than just add to the negatives I thought I'd offer a bit of constructive criticism, because it's clear that this application is lacking. 


- Don't use AI generated text, or lazy writing

People work incredibly hard to create their backstories and how their roleplay fits in with it, using AI to do this for you comes off as cheap and a bit of a slap in the face to those who have put the effort in to create something interesting.


- Work on your story, and how you fit into it

We know the story of the Medellin cartel. We know who Don Pablo is... how do YOU and your friends fit into the story, how did you land in New York? what drives you, what is different about you that stands out from every other faction that is in the server?


- Define your niche

What makes your faction good? why should I join your faction?. You need to create something that people are going to read and be like 'Oh shit, this is fire - i'll keep an eye out for these guys. Right now your backstory just reads as 'we iz colombian. Pablo lika da cocaine'. It needs to be more dynamic than that, what is your roleplay niche? 


- Play the server

Finally, play the server some more. 90 hours of playtime is not enough to learn how to run a faction, it actually takes a pretty big responsibility and time commitment. 90 hours isn't enough to understand how it all works, play - rise up the ranks of another faction and learn.


Hope this helps,



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15 hours ago, Fox said:

So rather than just add to the negatives I thought I'd offer a bit of constructive criticism, because it's clear that this application is lacking. 


- Don't use AI generated text, or lazy writing

People work incredibly hard to create their backstories and how their roleplay fits in with it, using AI to do this for you comes off as cheap and a bit of a slap in the face to those who have put the effort in to create something interesting.


- Work on your story, and how you fit into it

We know the story of the Medellin cartel. We know who Don Pablo is... how do YOU and your friends fit into the story, how did you land in New York? what drives you, what is different about you that stands out from every other faction that is in the server?


- Define your niche

What makes your faction good? why should I join your faction?. You need to create something that people are going to read and be like 'Oh shit, this is fire - i'll keep an eye out for these guys. Right now your backstory just reads as 'we iz colombian. Pablo lika da cocaine'. It needs to be more dynamic than that, what is your roleplay niche? 


- Play the server

Finally, play the server some more. 90 hours of playtime is not enough to learn how to run a faction, it actually takes a pretty big responsibility and time commitment. 90 hours isn't enough to understand how it all works, play - rise up the ranks of another faction and learn.


Hope this helps,



Their story is they got shot down in NYC by the commission. Smokin that federation pack

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I dont think you know the difference between faction types. 90 hours is also not enough playtime to run a faction well. Named the people that will be involved instead of the number that it asks for?? 

"Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): we will also be crushing our enemies and will be the top faction. We will also fight back against the police and not be afraid to pull the trigger."

-100 this application was written by a child that looked up "cool gangs from before 1980s"  and made this app

Edited by Marzii
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Bluds name is ''Medellin Cartel'' then said it was a triad type.

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Cartel De Leon does not support this fake Cartel Triad -1 

Screenshot 2023-11-10 070813.png

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On 4/28/2024 at 12:01 AM, Fernadoshotdog said:

didnt ask monkey hop off the  dick


This application is far below the standard that is needed. Playtime is very low to run a faction. Also, your attitude towards others seems to me that you don't understand the gravity of your application. Unless you pull a miracle out of your ass and somehow make this application look 10x better, and convince us that you are capable of running a faction. Then you might have a shot with UA but I find that very unlikely. 



I wish you the best of luck hopefully you can do better the next cycle if you don't get accepted

Edited by Thomas
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