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Plixily Staff App


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In-Game Name(s): Joel Miller, Bruno "9 Toes" Genovese, Gilbert Gertrude, Ronald Phillips, Paul Goodman

Steam Name: Plixily

Steam Profile Link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199177607512/ 

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:608670892

Discord Username:Plixily


When did you first join the server: Sometime in 2022

Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): Your playtime is: 5mo 1w 4d 3h 22m

Time Zone:Est

How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 5-7Hs a day

Have you read the rules?: Many times

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes

Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA):Yes

Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?:Very

Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?:Yes


Long Answer

Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum.


What is your motivation/reason for applying?:  * There are many reasons why I want to come back but I will list a few main ones. My main reason is pretty much the same as all the other apps I have made in the past. I am a super-active and dedicated member of this community as I play this server just about every single day. I will be extremely devoted to ticket-taking and dealing with problems that occur daily. Another thing that motivates me to want to come back to the staff team is I haven't been on it for a long time and would love to help everyone out again. Also, I would be online during server off hours and would be able to take those tickets late at night when few are around. Also, I do miss being a staff member as that is another main reason for me re-applying and I hope to come back to help. One final thing that motivated me to re-apply is to just overall help moderate the community as that is the most important part of this position. 


Why should you be considered over other candidates?:  * My main reason to be considered over the other candidates is my experience. I have put in over 5+ months worth of playtime so I have a great understanding of the rules of the server. Also, I have been on the staff team two other times and I am still very familiar with all the commands and how things work. I also feel like I am pretty reputable among the community as I have spent hours of interaction on the server. Also, I am greatly confident in my understanding of the server rules and I know I could uphold them again. I also have a great relationship with the current staff team and I know I could work well together with them. Also, it is important to note I will note abuse this privilege of becoming staff as it is not acceptable to do so. Even if I don't make the cut I still wish all the other candidates good luck on their application.


Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position, and how long): Yes I have been staff twice on Diverge and I was able to be promoted to admin.


Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: Yes I have been banned before and I do take full responsibility for my actions. I have priors for multiple things but my most notable one was Cheating. I have bettered myself and I will no longer make stupid mistakes.


Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?:  * Yes I would say that I am quite a well-known member of this community due to the time that I have spent on the server, As for my reputation that would be up to those who know me to comment on. I don't wanna brag about myself but i do feel as though I am quite reputable for the most part. I have been in many command positions on the server and I still actively am. I do try my best to help newer players out on the daily as I try to hire people as frequently as I can. If I am not reputable in your eyes I hope that I can change that if I am accepted to staff. 


What is your favourite moment on Diverge so far?: Honestly I have had so many great moments on Diverge but if had to list one, It would be the time when Pendred gave everyone rocket launchers on New Year's. Definitely one of the best times on the server as I was lucky enough to receive one.


Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: N/A


Problem Solving

Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take.


Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: I would first take a clip of the rdm, Then I would use @ chat to speak with the other admins online and ask if they would be able to handle the rule breaker. If no one was able to handle it I would finish what I was currently doing and then switch to my staff char and deal with it myself.


You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: I would first take a clip of the abuse and would gather all of the evidence needed to make a staff report. I would then go to the forums and make said staff report. Also, I would alert UA online about the abuse I was witnessing if it became serious enough.


A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: There is no place for being biased on this server in my opinion. It is completely not ok as there are rules set for a reason to get the server fair and running properly. I would deal with it no differently than anyone else breaking the rules on the server.


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+1 Me and Plixily was both on the staff team at one point and he did a really good job. He interacts a lot within the community from what I've seen and he's cool overall.

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+1 dude put a lot of effort in and definetely has the time.

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+1 Bros got the time 



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+1 nigga is a dedicated diverge rper and can put in 12-hour days. 

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+1 very respectful man 

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+1 seen him around a couple of times and seems like a good dude 

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Decent bloke, just let him and Marzii hold hands. +1

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3 hours ago, Toast said:

Decent bloke, just let him and Marzii hold hands. +1

fr. Me and Plixily carried staff for a good bit

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+1. i fw plixily!

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Southern Pride.



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+1 he’s a pimp fr fr

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+1 Skinhead

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+1 He's Tha Goat.

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+1 Anyone who knows this jit can attest he's a well-rounded great guy with serious dedication and commitment. No brainer for staff.

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+1 Super great dude, very active and dedicated to the server. Will be your best staff by far. where is the question here?

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15 hours ago, Plixily said:


+1 i know he has changed for the better this guy is a good man

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+1 retrard

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I am writing to recommend Plixily as the new moderator for the staff team on Diverge Networks Mafia Roleplay. Having known him for over two years, I can confidently say that he embodies the qualities necessary for effective moderation. With nearly six months of dedicated playtime, Plixily has demonstrated a deep understanding of the game mechanics and rules, making him an invaluable asset to our community.

His previous experience as staff has equipped him with the skills needed to handle a range of challenges, and he has proven himself capable of maintaining a positive environment for all players. Plixily’s friendly demeanor has won him the respect and trust of his peers, fostering a sense of camaraderie that is essential for any successful team. Players often feel comfortable approaching him with questions or concerns, knowing that he will handle their inquiries with empathy and professionalism.

Moreover, Plixily is a solid roleplayer who excels both in law enforcement and criminal roles. This unique perspective allows him to understand the game from multiple angles, enhancing his ability to enforce rules fairly and effectively. His extensive knowledge of the game’s intricacies ensures that he can provide clear guidance and support to other players.

In conclusion, Plixily’s combination of experience, friendliness, and well-rounded roleplay skills make him the ideal candidate for the moderator position. I wholeheartedly believe he will contribute positively to the Diverge Networks Mafia Roleplay community as a moderator.

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2 minutes ago, Spongeboob said:



I am writing to recommend Plixily as the new moderator for the staff team on Diverge Networks Mafia Roleplay. Having known him for over two years, I can confidently say that he embodies the qualities necessary for effective moderation. With nearly six months of dedicated playtime, Plixily has demonstrated a deep understanding of the game mechanics and rules, making him an invaluable asset to our community.

His previous experience as staff has equipped him with the skills needed to handle a range of challenges, and he has proven himself capable of maintaining a positive environment for all players. Plixily’s friendly demeanor has won him the respect and trust of his peers, fostering a sense of camaraderie that is essential for any successful team. Players often feel comfortable approaching him with questions or concerns, knowing that he will handle their inquiries with empathy and professionalism.

Moreover, Plixily is a solid roleplayer who excels both in law enforcement and criminal roles. This unique perspective allows him to understand the game from multiple angles, enhancing his ability to enforce rules fairly and effectively. His extensive knowledge of the game’s intricacies ensures that he can provide clear guidance and support to other players.

In conclusion, Plixily’s combination of experience, friendliness, and well-rounded roleplay skills make him the ideal candidate for the moderator position. I wholeheartedly believe he will contribute positively to the Diverge Networks Mafia Roleplay community as a moderator.

holy glaze (definitely not chatgpt)

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4 minutes ago, Spongeboob said:



I am writing to recommend Plixily as the new moderator for the staff team on Diverge Networks Mafia Roleplay. Having known him for over two years, I can confidently say that he embodies the qualities necessary for effective moderation. With nearly six months of dedicated playtime, Plixily has demonstrated a deep understanding of the game mechanics and rules, making him an invaluable asset to our community.

His previous experience as staff has equipped him with the skills needed to handle a range of challenges, and he has proven himself capable of maintaining a positive environment for all players. Plixily’s friendly demeanor has won him the respect and trust of his peers, fostering a sense of camaraderie that is essential for any successful team. Players often feel comfortable approaching him with questions or concerns, knowing that he will handle their inquiries with empathy and professionalism.

Moreover, Plixily is a solid roleplayer who excels both in law enforcement and criminal roles. This unique perspective allows him to understand the game from multiple angles, enhancing his ability to enforce rules fairly and effectively. His extensive knowledge of the game’s intricacies ensures that he can provide clear guidance and support to other players.

In conclusion, Plixily’s combination of experience, friendliness, and well-rounded roleplay skills make him the ideal candidate for the moderator position. I wholeheartedly believe he will contribute positively to the Diverge Networks Mafia Roleplay community as a moderator.

More glaze than a doughnut.

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3 hours ago, Spongeboob said:



I am writing to recommend Plixily as the new moderator for the staff team on Diverge Networks Mafia Roleplay. Having known him for over two years, I can confidently say that he embodies the qualities necessary for effective moderation. With nearly six months of dedicated playtime, Plixily has demonstrated a deep understanding of the game mechanics and rules, making him an invaluable asset to our community.

His previous experience as staff has equipped him with the skills needed to handle a range of challenges, and he has proven himself capable of maintaining a positive environment for all players. Plixily’s friendly demeanor has won him the respect and trust of his peers, fostering a sense of camaraderie that is essential for any successful team. Players often feel comfortable approaching him with questions or concerns, knowing that he will handle their inquiries with empathy and professionalism.

Moreover, Plixily is a solid roleplayer who excels both in law enforcement and criminal roles. This unique perspective allows him to understand the game from multiple angles, enhancing his ability to enforce rules fairly and effectively. His extensive knowledge of the game’s intricacies ensures that he can provide clear guidance and support to other players.

In conclusion, Plixily’s combination of experience, friendliness, and well-rounded roleplay skills make him the ideal candidate for the moderator position. I wholeheartedly believe he will contribute positively to the Diverge Networks Mafia Roleplay community as a moderator.

back flips and tricks on it

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+1 Very active and knows the rules very well. Always hear about positive stuff abt you and has always been standing out incredibly.

Edited by xDutchCat
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+1 He is able to put in many hours a day.

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+1, i luh dat shit

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