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Everything posted by Rommel

  1. Rommel

    Perma Ban Appeal

    Believe what you want but this is what happened I was banned then I communicated with my HC and Middle Commands on the factions I was in then they later they told me that I was banned Permanently if you like I can add the times from when I started communicating with them and then when I found out I was Permanently banned.
  2. Rommel

    Perma Ban Appeal

    Your Character or Steam Name: Rommel Ed Myers Sean "Oompa" Goldman Vlad Balan Henry Price Your SteamID :76561198980521712 Your Discord ID#: Romel666#4266 Reason for ban: Fail Mug-Mugging Char-Metagame Length of ban: at first it was placed at 3 weeks then, a hour later, it was switched to Permanent for the same exact reason Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I have been in this server about 2 to 3 years now. I have come to enjoy this server and most of the people, and I'd be sad to see it go over a simple mugging that should have been different. I originally was trying to get PKD because I had left a faction, and I was unsure if I was inactive or not, so I decided to mug to get that character killed and allow a person to earn their bones for whatever faction they were in. Initially, it was 4 am CST, and my friends and I mugged a guy. He refused the mug, but instead of him getting pkd for it because I felt bad, I tied him in a yellow zone and pulled him into a red zone to continue the mug and due to it being late there was not any witnesses. That's when we were pulled into the sit by the admin Byte. Byte refused to hear us out and said we were doing nothing correctly and told my friend that they would be written off with a warning, then soon after gave him a week's ban after telling him that hes going off with a warning. Then, I was told that I had a bunch of offenses in the past. I asked what the warnings or notes and if he can read them back to me which Byte did not answer. I could recall only one with the admin falcon which got me pkd but it was a fair pk and I did not appeal for it. Why should you be unbanned? I have grown to become friends with a lot of people on this server. I have participated in events, led events, and was active for my factions when they needed me like deals or simple meet ups. I feel like those people can vouch for me and say that I was a good RPer. I am not going to bring up their names because I would not like them to be bombarded with messages to vouch for me because they, too, have lives. If in the case I do not get accepted, I truly had fun with y'all. I wish you and your families good health, especially the ones with wives and kids. I am truly grateful to call you guys my friends, and you guys have my utmost respect. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
  3. Rommel

    Perma Ban Appeal

    Your Character or Steam Name: Rommel Ed Myers Sean "Oompa" Goldman Vlad Balan Henry Price Your SteamID :76561198980521712 Your Discord ID#: Romel666#4266 Reason for ban: Fail Mug-Mugging Char-Metagame Length of ban: at first it was placed at 3 weeks then, a hour later, it was switched to Permanent for the same exact reason Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I have been in this server about 2 to 3 years now. I have come to enjoy this server and most of the people, and I'd be sad to see it go over a simple mugging that should have been different. I originally was trying to get PKD because I had left a faction, and I was unsure if I was inactive or not, so I decided to mug to get that character killed and allow a person to earn their bones for whatever faction they were in. Initially, it was 4 am CST, and my friends and I mugged a guy. He refused the mug, but instead of him getting pkd for it because I felt bad, I tied him in a yellow zone and pulled him into a red zone to continue the mug and due to it being late there was not any witnesses. That's when we were pulled into the sit by the admin Byte. Byte refused to hear us out and said we were doing nothing correctly and told my friend that they would be written off with a warning, then soon after gave him a week's ban after telling him that hes going off with a warning. Then, I was told that I had a bunch of offenses in the past. I asked what the warnings or notes and if he can read them back to me which Byte did not answer. I could recall only one with the admin falcon which got me pkd but it was a fair pk and I did not appeal for it. Why should you be unbanned? I have grown to become friends with a lot of people on this server. I have participated in events, led events, and was active for my factions when they needed me like deals or simple meet ups. I feel like those people can vouch for me and say that I was a good RPer. I am not going to bring up their names because I would not like them to be bombarded with messages to vouch for me because they, too, have lives. If in the case I do not get accepted, I truly had fun with y'all. I wish you and your families good health, especially the ones with wives and kids. I am truly grateful to call you guys my friends, and you guys have my utmost respect. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
  4. Rommel

    Pet Appeal

    Your Name: Sean Oompa Goldman SteamID: 76561198980521712 Staff Member involved: Falcon I think What flags were blacklisted from you?: Props tool gun physics gun Reason for blacklist (if given): Well, I apparently been given notes and warnings in the past which I can only recall three of them which was a bridge to the barge, spawned lights in businesses, and hiding inside a prop during a mug, which i was joking around with the muggers and i deleted the props afterwards Well, not to long ago my processor phased through the wall so I put a prop over it so it wouldn't phase through the wall again and this has happen multiple times hence why I put a prop over it, and since I was afk i went head just hopped in as I went to go drop off my little brother at school and when i returned my props were taken away Why should they be returned?: I was unfamiliar with the rules and I have been doing this a couple of times and not once was given a warning or even a sit about it so I assumed it was okay I had asked other players and admins they said it was fine as long as during a mug i remove it which I have in the past so I just never looked into the rules as much about it i just know you can not prop block doors thats all Another reason is that I build a lot for my factions and I sell dupes to other factions or just give them out for free for discounts on items so i need my props to make a profit out of it and make builds for other players Ill look into the rules further
  5. I meant different factions on different servers he has the knowledge on how to do management of other players, he has hosted events to further rp in this server before he has promoted ideas from different servers he has done in the past if you had read the background he gave he obviously knows what he's doing. Hence my first comment on this application forum.
  6. Well yes less playtime in this server however he has manged different a factions before and with my 2 years of experience in this server I truly think he brings a lot to the table plus with new interesting ways of RP to help excite more people rather than grinding for custom outfits 24/7 with the same old stuff. I believe this faction can change a lot of ways to bring more RP into the server.
  7. +1 The faction has a solid backstory and is managed by individuals who have experience running various factions on different servers and have established a good reputation. There are engaging RP consistent events and a strict zero-tolerance policy for minging and trolling. I’ve seen screenshots and videos, and they clearly know what they are doing; this is not just a faction that comes and goes.
  8. Yes but it wasn't like I chose to neglect to pay my faction even being in contact with them and keeping up with my dues they chose to kill me after the fact that I paid them my dues I find this even more BS because after missing out on last weeks payment and promising to pay double (which I did) the capo even said "don't stress it". There was false hope and a huge waste of my time. I want you to look at it through my shoes because It was not like I was fucking around and refusing to pay I was compliant and told them I missed it and was honest with them and even offered to pay double which they gladly took I paid and I have been loyal to the faction and they a pull a 180 on me on one week of late payment (which I paid for) Whats the point of even being in a faction and trying to RP with them and trying get promoted if they are just going to off you for no reason
  9. I would like to add the Reason why i missed last weeks kickup which I paid for TODAY was because my bosses were never fuckin active during the times when I was active I was RPing correctly this is such bullshit
  10. Name: Eddie Goodman SteamID: 76561198980521712 Discord: Romel666 # 4266 Date of Pk: 10/27/2024 Reason for PK: Apparently I missed kickups and never payed Why Should unPK'd: Well after being in faction I payed up to 105k in kickups (a total of 3 weeks 35k per) I stayed in constant contact with my capos and lieutenants via DM I missed last weeks kickups BUT I got in contact with my boss and paid the missed kickup and this weeks kickup TODAY and I still got killed crazy part is I have a clip of every time I paid kickups because I knew this Bullshit would happen so I have proof of payment and DM logs of every time I have got in contact my higher up and paid
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