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Everything posted by Candles

  1. + 1 Mr.India would Love this.
  2. Could you please remove all the props on the ground floor of Apartment #4? Such as the mailboxes, radiator, fire extinguisher on the wall, plant in the corner, bench, and any electrical wires or pipes.
  3. +1 Really Based Guy with a level head on his shoulders. Would make a great addition to the staff team.
  4. +1 Mr.V is a great RPer has brought me and the community lots of joy and good RP! He would make a excellent member of the staff team.
  5. +1 more ways of making money would be great!
  6. Candles

    Calabria Crew

    +1 I know some of the member they are really chill and have provided me lots of fun RP.
  7. Candles

    A timer on F3s

    +1 This idea actually makes a lot of sense. When you meet someone for the first time and have a quick chat, you’d probably forget their name, but you’d remember their look or voice. Adding this feature would be cool and would help stop cops from just fishing for IDs. I mean, they check a bunch of IDs every day... they wouldn’t realistically remember everyone they’ve stopped. Back in the day showing your ID didn't give your f3.
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