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Everything posted by ItsNebs
+1 cassandra cassano of the cassano crime family in the nypd
Okay, so as I have already explained you ran over 3 cops, 1 civi being arrested, got shot and killed by a 4th cop you missed. Retroactive PK's work in the sense that the person(in this case the officer) needs to have valid reason to kill you(running over other cops), then once they have completed the kill, yes you are sent to the hospital, it is then the officers responsibility to make a sit, and have an Admin take it, and proceed with finishing the PK. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jwdxThpw3iso5hXq3/c751zMTLIKmj?invite=cr-MSxsZmIsMjQ4NTAzMjQs https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jwdGnwDAZucOXggQ1/poyIg4riS3gv?invite=cr-MSxQNFIsMjE3OTcwNTE3LA Both clips provided.
That's not how cop PK's work, they are retroactive, you by RUNNING them over started the violent encounter, and got killed, the cop is then responsible to make a ticket, and have you PK'd. A person randomly dying on the street, or dying in a bs shootout in the ghetto with another civilian also doesn't constitute a PK. I suggest reading the PK Rules and Guidelines, those will explain everything that is a valid reason for Don's Order's, and retroactive PK's(mugging's, cop pk's, etc). And for the cop situation you mentioned at Governor's Mansion it is nearly impossible to actually PK a cop unless they commit Corruption, or Murder, or another serious felony.
Okay so, I will explain this again, by running cops over you started a violent encounter with them. That clip you provided and what you were PK'd for are completely different. The solution to that clip you provided is a simple staff sit of prop abuse. You ran 3 cops over, and a civilian being arrested/detained by them, you missed one, and proceeded to drive off, a cop you missed then shot and killed you, ending the violent encounter, and resulting in your permanent death.
Hey big man, PK'ing Administrator here, so as explained the in the sit you had ran over 3 cops, and a person they were attempting to arrest. In the initial phase of the sit the clip I was provided did appear a little skeptical, and was being question. After conferring with fellow staff, as well as receiving another clip, I deemed you liable for hitting the cops, and driving off, which then resulted in your death by being shot and killed by a cop that you did not hit in the process. In the second clip it appears clear that you made no attempt to try and steer clear of anyone in that group, while yes they were in the middle of the road you had plenty of time to stop, slow down, or move to the other side of the road. As well as once you hit the group of officer's you tried to speed off, and get away from plowing through them. While driving on the roads you need to be aware of your surroundings, and hitting even one cop, and driving off and getting killed is VCWP(Violent Confrontation With Police), I understand you said you made attempts to swerve from the group, but the clips provided do not show you making ANY attempt to miss them at all, and leniency was given with the fact that if you had actually killed any of them(ruining the RP situation of the arrest), that MVDM could've been argued, and a possible ban brought onto you.
Hello! Cop that PK'd you here, the reason we were following you is because you drove down the docks(which is against the law, Reckless Driving), we then followed you, saw you near the barge ladder, followed you back towards docks, you drove around, then stopped by docks where we approached you, my Officer then doorkicked you, attempted to detain you, and that is when you made the unwise decision to shoot and kill him, and then tried shooting me, and that utterly failed resulting in your death. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jia6yo0AIS2TE_rR8/oUvoWUe2Soyw?invite=cr-MSxDSnYsNDUwMjc5Niw
Citizens can break the law too, they do all the time, not just people in Criminal Factions, although yes people are afk, not enough to make a difference, and if you are afk for long enough you get kicked for it anyways(depending how full server is). Even if people are afk, thats still between ~75-90 people vs ~20-30 cops, with both have people afk on the server. As well as when server pop starts dying, the PD usually declines with it, or before because people play their criminal characters, after getting bored of playing PD. Which in turn would lessen the amount of PD, and increase the amount of illegal activity going in anyways.
So.. wait you mainly play PD, and are complaining that when the server has 128 people on it, ~30 cops vs ~90 criminals is unfair?
Just don't do anything illegal, and you won't need to worry about anything. Wise words for NYPD Lieutenant Giovanni Armani.
Cop that he originally ran over btw, I never remember saying I was pressing charges btw................. So I don't really understand why he was being chased in the first place...
Hello PK'ing Administrator here! While yes you technically broke NLR by making those Underground Advertisements that was not the main reasoning behind the PK, breaking NLR is not a reason for PK, while you could've been warned for it, the gentleman was not reporting you for NLR so I did not see any reason to warn you for NLR. The reason you were PK'd was because you had broke FearRP, once you handed the money over you were ordered to put your hands up, instead you made an attempt to flee to the door, which was when the FearRP was broken, and you continued to not comply with the mans orders, resulting in your untimely death. Clip provided.
Hello! Admin who oversaw the PK here, for starters your orders were accepted around 3 AM EST, and the PK was completed around 10 minutes after, so very little chance that DM was at all related to the PK. Besides the point, you were making attempts to leave the faction, and the High Command did not like that, as well as you are prompted with the above image, accepting any and all risks associated with being related to the criminal underworld.
Hello!! Banning Moderator here, part of the reason you were banned was being while talking with Byte about the situation, and the clip being reviewed it showed him talking to you, him punching the window, then you gunning him down, while like I said in the sit the second guy was technically not rdm because he retaliated against you, also as I said in the sit I have warned, and banned some people for doing this already, no questions asked gunning people down for shooting/supposedly shooting windows out at Trattoria. As well even if this guy did return your clip does not show this, nor did you try to show me anything longer than what was originally sent by the reporter. He also was not an Active Threat as he did not punch you or anyone that you had the name of. As well as if in the clip you had told him to leave while having your gun out, and he returned would've given you more than enough reason to kill him, but instead no questions asked you gunned him down. Clip Provided: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iIIuT8SerZZFMIbOg/d1337a09EYek?invite=cr-MSw1REosMTk3MTkzNTEwLA
-1 er... 20 hours, sorry brodie, but you have a edge on everyone else.. cat
Hello!! Banning Moderator here, after the sit was made, and clip was sent to me I had brought you, and you openly admitted to killing the person reporting you for having his gun out on safety, after I looked at the Killing Rules I determined that you had blatantly RDM'd him, at which point you both were gagged for arguing with each other. I then proceeded to explain that what you did was RDM, and then when you were ungagged you then started fighting with me over the rules, and which point I had sent the rule in chat multiple times. And to add onto this situation, maybe next time if your going to be in Discord don't have the audio coming through you microphone while your in the staff sit, to then have your friend's make sits to try to argue with me that I am in the wrong, and that you supposedly get "3 notes, and po's" before you receive a ban(still don't know where he heard this). You have MULTIPLE warns for RDM, albeit they are from within the span of 4 years, you have an active RDM note, and RDM Ban from September 10th, 2024, which is where your PO's have come from, not from what your friends describe as "from 4 years ago", and talking shit about me calling me a retard, and a bad staff member. https://medal.tv/?contentId=iGDwoHGqDdAFIcJN6&invite=cr-MSxVbFAsMTk3NzIzNjkxLA&spok=d1337zPM5Cgt This man did not have a gun pointed at you, it was on safety, and even beyond that saying "I'm going to kill you" under server rules makes it an Idle Threat, not an Active one.(Shown below)
Hello banning Moderator here, like I said in the sit I understand why you killed him, but also at the same time you did not check to make sure that he was in fact the one who broke the windows, you just let the guy in the pink suit tell you that it was him, and you gunned him down. With the PO's I'm unsure of why you have the PO from yesterday, but as it currently stands you technically did RDM the guy which has resulted in your 3rd PO.
unfortunately we might just need to get this man an award for telling THE biggest truth ever!
Quite literally took the words out of my mouth as I was about to type it, yelling range just gives more opportunity for minges to abuse it, whispering with mic would be an actual cool idea though.
definitely not british...
In-Game Name(s): Matteo Velardi, Corporal Giovanni Armani, Emma Fritz, Kiyoshi Sato, Valentino Accardi Steam Name: ItsNebNebs Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/ItsMeNebNebs/ Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:157132656 Discord Username: itsnebs Age: 18 When did you first join the server: Sep 30th 2022 Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 1mo 1w 1d 22h 45m Time Zone: EST How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 3-5 hours daily. Have you read the rules?: Yes, I have. Do you have a working microphone?: Yes, I do. Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes, I do. Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: Yes, I am. Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes, I do. ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: * Part of my motivation for applying is because I have played on Diverge for a little less than 2 years at this point. In that time I have noticed at early hours in the morning with school starting back up there isn't always staff on, this is something that could help to be mitigated if I am deemed a good fit for staff. A couple other reasons I would like to be staff is because I personally have seen people abuse their prop permissions, RDM, and other issues and I would like to help prevent those things from happening. As well as during peak hours of the server I would be able to help with taking tickets to help other staff members be able to RP, and get ticket times lower. I also would just like to be able to help the server stay safe, and help for RP to continue in a smooth and safe manner. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: * Some of the reasons you should consider me over other candidates is because I have multiple server experience, as well as I've been a member of Diverge for just under 2 years at this point. As well as I have not had many run ins with staff except a couple times for fairly minor issues. I would also do my absolute best to prevent any bias from happening including making sure to review all evidence, and facts provided during a sit, and making sure that everything is handled fairly. Another reason I should be considered is sometimes during the late hours(est) when some staff may not be online, or in the early hours(est), I will be online, and able to provide help to those who need it. On top of my past experience, I have had generally good reactions on my staffing abilities on other servers, and I hope that this position on this server will also allow me to prove I am as good as others have told me. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): Yes, Zephyr Imperial Semi-Serious RP(Star Wars) Moderator ~3.5 months, Elitelupus(DarkRP) Operator (Moderator Equivalent) ~4 Months. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: No, but I have 2 notes, 1st for RDM, and a 2nd for Metagaming. It's been roughly a year since my last note. Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: * Although I may not be as well known as some other people in the community, I would still say I have had my fair share of interactions with people. I would say that my interactions, and reputation have been fairly positive with everyone. I would like to think that people like me as a person, and do not have issues with me, or anything like that. I am aware that my one note may raise some worries, but other than that all interactions have been positive, and good rp for everyone involved. Like I said before I would like to think other members of the server like me as a person, others may not, but I am hoping that with this position I can try to help change their outlook on myself, and other past interactions I have had that may not have been that favorable. What is your favourite moment on Diverge so far?: When someone crashed into my Monaco and it proceeded to blow up and killed me. Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Byte, Duetts, jaecob, jj. ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: If they opened a report on the person I would go on-duty, ask for the proof, and inform them that I also witnessed the situation, if it is seen as RDM they could receive a note for RDM, or possible ban depending on PO's, or have another staff member take the ticket if they are already on duty. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: I would tell them that what they are doing is against the rules of staff, and being respectful, if they continued I would get proof, and if it came to it I would make a report against them to UA. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: I would do my best to allow another staff member to take the ticket, or have another higher up watch me to make sure no bias is happening, I would make sure I have sufficent evidence, and checking logs, and if neither shows that they did anything wrong I would let the reporter know, and if they believed to be any bias, or a rule broke I would ask another staff to handle it.
<-- you btw if you didnt realize anyways maybe dont call people pedos, and threaten to grab ips next time
It has to do with the Tec-9 Automatic attachment, unequip, and re-equip it, I've found that it fixes it for me.
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Dawg you had been doing nothing but minging the entire night, honestly the fact that it took as long as it did for you to get banned was beyond me, Gun was pulled, never came off safety, I would've been an Idle Threat, and I put it away, literally had it out for 10 seconds, if even? You got into a random taxi, and ran me over, you chose to run me over, and kill/get me killed, now you deal with the consequences.
Understandable, I didn't really expect any of those to be possible/smart but it was worth a shot lol.