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Canadian-bacon last won the day on March 19

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  1. Thank you for applying to the Diverge Networks staff team! It is my pleasure to inform you that your application has been accepted. Submit a ticket on our Discord for training and to get setup.
  2. Chicago; Latency. It doesn't really mean much compared to other video games. Ping (location) isn't a factor that affects performance generally. ^ what anzati said
  3. The observations you make do not reflect reality, there is a limited pool of people joining the police force, the people that do are often not serious/quality, nor is the NYPD the largest faction in the server. There are countless times (especially during conflicts) where the server is 128/128 players online and only 2 police officers are on (Who are then meant to represent a vast police force.) The nature of roleplaying as a police officer is met with total opposition by any non police role-player because this is a Mafia RP server and the other people are criminals, not law abiding citizens. Even a simple traffic stop turns into an ordeal because 10+ uninvolved persons want to surround the stop to scream and yell and argue. The FBI/DEA have existed as factions before and do not work. The 'SWAT" equivalent is the ESU Squad who are called up to serve warrants. and yes, if they were vulnerable for simply playing the game and doing their job. 1. No one would be able to do anything as a cop 2. No one would then want to BE a cop 3. Yes, people would unfairly target them to PK them. It doesn't work. This is the intended game function. Pendred's direct quote from the last thread:
  4. The staff member who issued the powergame note has requested it to be removed as it was done in error. I will obviously give you benefit here since this is your first ban.
  5. To put it bluntly, after you kept claiming their was bias in this situation, I had a congregation of 5 different people look into it, including myself. We determined that this in-fact is baiting; which is against the server rules. In essence attempting to initiate a conflict in order to garner an escalation / reaction just for the excuse to then kill them, disguising the interaction as valid RP/within rules whereas the spirit of the rule and the intention is violated purposefully, this is usually done in a targeted matter against players or groups you do not like. It's no secret that there have been shifts in server dynamics recently a lot of people feel as if tensions are heightened, however, no escalation or conflict is currently active and as such there are no special permissions that grant people the ability to perform targeted harassment of properties or businesses, nor are things like shootouts cleared. This was a clear initiation of a bait as the individual who went to the opposing property went there without any real reason. They solely arrived there to cause problems and when rightfully asked to leave refused to do so in order to force escalation to fear RP / violence in which pre-placed members providing over watch on an adjacent rooftop, who would have had no other reason to be there, and who would not have known it was someone with their f3/someone was being attacked had they not been watching and been aware of what was transpiring, then opened fire seconds later causing a mass shootout and escalation of what could have simply been a fist fight or property ejection. "But it was rp i went there to cause problems it was valid rp" As stated No active conflict or special status that warrants you extra permission to cause problems / target unnecessarily. You went into their property with armed back up knowing full well the possible outcome if they rightfully removed you from their property by force. The baiting is pretty clear cut in this context. As for the claims of bias, pretty instantly when punishments were handed down claims of bias were made, claims that the ban was made longer due to bias, claims the ban reason was false and only done as a result of bias and claims that this appeal process would be tainted by bias. Ultimately, it's possible for staff members to make errors, they are at the end of the day volunteers on a server and do their best to get it right from sit to sit, which is why I am reviewing this along with other uninvolved parties. So for the ban. I find there is a rule-break and there is wrong doing, this was found by the banning moderator (Zeus) who is not part of the quote 'biased opposition' and he states as such on this appeal. As for the staff members who gave input, a lot of this is a he said she said and if you believe their is implicit bias or wrong doing you can file a staff report or have things like appeals reviewed by other staff, I see the logic and reasoning behind extending your ban, you have a massive ban record and honestly a permanent ban makes sense, it's your 6th ban this year and we are only 3 months in. It's ridiculous. I will be granting you some form of amnesty, on the condition you do the following: Read our rules -> https://divergenet.works/forum/8-rules/ Take a short rule quiz -> https://forms.gle/vPMoSA71uoD7k7d9A
  6. I had a congregation of 5 different people look into it, including myself. We determined that this in-fact is baiting; which is against the server rules. In essence attempting to initiate a conflict in order to garner an escalation / reaction just for the excuse to then kill them, disguising the interaction as valid RP/within rules whereas the spirit of the rule and the intention is violated purposefully, this is usually done in a targeted matter against players or groups you do not like. It's no secret that there have been shifts in server dynamics recently a lot of people feel as if tensions are heightened, however, no escalation or conflict is currently active and as such there are no special permissions that grant people the ability to perform targeted harassment of properties or businesses, nor are things like shootouts cleared. This was a clear initiation of a bait as the individual who went to the opposing property went there without any real reason. They solely arrived there to cause problems and when rightfully asked to leave refused to do so in order to force escalation to fear RP / violence in which pre-placed members providing over watch on an adjacent rooftop, who would have had no other reason to be there, and who would not have known it was someone with their f3/someone was being attacked had they not been watching and been aware of what was transpiring, then opened fire seconds later causing a mass shootout and escalation of what could have simply been a fist fight or property ejection. "But it was rp i went there to cause problems it was valid rp" As stated No active conflict or special status that warrants you extra permission to cause problems / target unnecessarily. You went into their property with armed back up knowing full well the possible outcome if they rightfully removed you from their property by force. The baiting is pretty clear cut in this context. As for the claims of bias, pretty instantly when punishments were handed down claims of bias were made, claims that the ban was made longer due to bias, claims the ban reason was false and only done as a result of bias and claims that this appeal process would be tainted by bias. Ultimately, it's possible for staff members to make errors, they are at the end of the day volunteers on a server and do their best to get it right from sit to sit, which is why I am reviewing this along with other uninvolved parties. So for the ban. I find there is a rule-break and there is wrong doing. This is your 5th ban, and I will be giving you some leeway, i think the ban for 7 days is a bit much and will be reducing it to 2 days, but I am warning you now that you need to abide by the rules better, i mean staff can't be 'biased' in your bans if you're a rule abiding player right? Surely that is logically sound.
  7. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.
  8. I don't think it would be that much different from current phones tbh.
  9. Sadly we will not be 'Killing all mods'
  10. I still intend to adjust the CDs but the basic principle/reason is balance, it also depends on how many cops are online since if zero cops are on it mitigates all risk to the function. The checks aren't meant to be crazy profit or anything to begin with, generally the concept was to allow some early intro to crime for new players. Say you hire a new guy into your criminal faction and don't want him instantly processing your racket drug or buying weapons you task him on Check's first to get a sense for crime, criminality and law enforcement evasion. That's the short and sweet of it.
  11. Do you mean the cooldown after getting caught or the wait on shipment timer
  12. Now this suggestion has awoken the IRS income tax bill bingus has been wishing for...
  13. You're so stereotypical
  14. For reference this is why the ban was extended: Notes CONSOLE Ban length changed to permanent due to ban evasion attempt on SteamID, STEAM_0:1:668214984 2022-06-08 23:36:55 CONSOLE Ban length changed to permanent due to ban evasion attempt on SteamID, STEAM_0:0:661017535 2022-06-09 00:08:03 CONSOLE Ban length changed to permanent due to ban evasion attempt on SteamID, STEAM_0:1:660739731 2022-06-09 18:34:29
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